Provides the Event Bus for Hydra-based Micro-service.
$ npm install --save hydra-event-bus-plugin
Setup .use(new EventBusPlugin())
in your service to register the plugin, then you can use hydra.eventBus
to access the plugin
'use strict';
const version = require('./package.json').version;
const hydra = require('hydra');
let config = require('fwsp-config');
const HydraLogger = require('fwsp-logger').HydraLogger;
const EventBusPlugin = require('hydra-event-bus-plugin');
hydra.use(new HydraLogger());
hydra.use(new EventBusPlugin());
const Promise = require('bluebird');
.then(() => {
config.version = version;
config.hydra.serviceVersion = version;
* Initialize hydra
return hydra.init(config);
.then(() => hydra.registerService())
.then(serviceInfo => {
let logEntry = `Starting ${config.hydra.serviceName} (v.${config.version})`;
hydra.sendToHealthLog('info', logEntry);
// Register to event bus
hydra.eventBus.on('profile:.*', (eventName, payload, umf) => {
console.log(`Receive message for ${eventName} with payload: ${JSON.stringify(payload)}`)
// Emit to event bus
hydra.eventBus.emit('profile:register', {author: 'Khoi Nguyen', repos: ['hydra-event-bus-service', 'hydra-event-bus-plugin']});
.catch(err => {
console.log('Error initializing hydra', err);
Open your terminal, clone and start hydra-event-bus-service
$ git clone
$ cd hydra-event-bus-service
$ cp config/sample-config.json config/config.json
$ npm install
$ npm start
In another terminal, start your service.
.on(pattern: string, callback: function)
to register the callback to the pattern. The callback receiveeventName
andUMF message
.off(pattern: string, callback: function)
to un-register the pattern. Please note, the pattern must be exactly as the pattern registered..emit(eventName: string, payload: object)
to emit the event to Event Bus.