The project's goal was to create a software able to animate a 3D mesh with live recorded facial expressions.
This project uses a number of tools to work properly :
- OpenCV - Image processing library.
- gKit2light - OpenGL code base
- Dlib - Multi-purpose library, used in this project for its facial recognition algorithms.
- SDL - Window management.
- ImGui - Great library to integrate interfaces into real-time applications.
You'll need to install the following tools on a linux machine for it to work properly :
To build the project :
$ cd src/build
$ cmake ..
$ make
Then run it :
$ ./lifprojet_am4
Folder structure :
├── dependencies
│ ├── dlib-19.19
│ └── imgui
├── doc #Contains the documentation generated by Doxygen
│ └── html
└── src
├── build
├── data #Contains the 3D models, textures and shaders
├── gKitCore
├── gKitView #Rendering functions and animation
└── videoCapture
main.cpp #Calls the render loop