The project aims to deploy and configure IoT devices (Rak PiHat) within a LoRaWAN network environment, facilitating seamless connectivity and data transmission for environmental monitoring. Leveraging ChirpStack as the central server, this setup enables real-time monitoring of temperature, air quality, and other environmental parameters across various locations.
Download Firmware:
- Obtain the Rak PiHat firmware from this link.
Connect to Rakwireless_FF13:
- Ensure your PC network is connected to the Rakwireless_FF13 network.
Use SSH to connect to the gateway:
ssh pi@
#Default IP :
# Default Username: pi
# Default Password: raspberry
Gateway Configuration:
- Once connected, access the Rak Gateway shell:
sudo gateway-config
Configure WiFi:
- Enable Client Mode/Disable AP Mode.
- Add your WiFi SSID using "Add New SSID for Client."
- Restart the gateway.
- Navigate to "Setup RAK Gateway Channel Plan".
- Select ChirpStack as the preferred server.
- Choose the desired Server Channel-plan frequency (e.g., Europe).
- Find the connected IP of the gateway.
- Access ChirpStack via the browser:
Browser Address: "Gateway IP Address:8080" (e.g., #Default Username: admin #Default Password: admin
- Your gateway will automatically connect. Check the status in the ChirpStack Options (Gateways).
The Things Network (TTN)
- Navigate to "Setup RAK Gateway Channel Plan".
- Select TTN as the preferred server.
- Choose the desired Server Channel-plan frequency (e.g., Europe).
- Open TTN, sign in or sign up, and choose "Console."
#Click Profile -> Console to get inside the gateway and application.
- Choose the Network Cluster matching your gateway settings.
- Click on the Gateway, select "Register Gateway," and enter the Gateway EUI obtained from the Gateway Shell.
- Download the Global Configuration from TTN.
- Paste the configuration code into the "Edit packet-forwarder config" in the Gateway Shell, updating the Gateway Server address.
- Save and close the configuration.
- Reload the TTN page to check the connection status.
#Feel free to customize the formatting or add any additional information you find relevant.