This is a repository of my final project for the Languages and tools for programming II (pol. Języki i Narzędzia Programowania II / JNP2) course offered by the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw in the 2021/2022 summer semester.
The Rust group had its first edition at the time of writing this project. It was a successful experiment carried out by experienced rustaceans:
Myself and my friend Jan Zembowicz.
The project I decided to write was a simple command-line multi-room chat application. It uses both HTTP and WebSocket protocols.
You can find a more in-depth description here.
You can run a single instance of the server like this:
cargo run --bin server <address>
where the <address>
(ex. is optional and replaced by a default value if not provided.
Multiple clients can be run like so:
cargo run --bin server