This is an app for displaying and recording accelerometer data with the raspberry pi sense hat
Button | Action | Detail |
Up | zoom out | display is less sensitive to accelerometer values |
Down | zoom in | display is more sensitive to accelerometer values |
Right | start recording | write accelerometer data to a file |
Left | stop recording | data will stop being writen to the file |
Center | zero the display values | reset display so the current value is the zero value on the display |
import numpy as np
from time import sleep
from sense_hat import SenseHat
import psutil as ps
import time
def clamp(value, min_value, max_value):
Returns *value* clamped to the range *min_value* to *max_value* inclusive.
return min(max_value, max(min_value, value))
def scale(value, from_min, from_max, to_min=0, to_max=8):
Returns *value*, which is expected to be in the range *from_min* to
*from_max* inclusive, scaled to the range *to_min* to *to_max* inclusive.
If *value* is not within the expected range, the result is not guaranteed
to be in the scaled range.
from_range = from_max - from_min
to_range = to_max - to_min
return (((value - from_min) / from_range) * to_range) + to_min
def render_bar(screen, origin, width, height, color):
Fills a rectangle within *screen* based at *origin* (an ``(x, y)`` tuple),
*width* pixels wide and *height* pixels high. The rectangle will be filled
in *color*.
# Calculate the coordinates of the boundaries
x1, y1 = origin
x2 = x1 + width
y2 = y1 + height
# Invert the Y-coords so we're drawing bottom up
max_y, max_x = screen.shape[:2]
y1, y2 = max_y - y2, max_y - y1
# Draw the bar
screen[y1:y2, x1:x2, :] = color
def display_readings(hat, x_range, y_range, z_range):
Display the temperature, pressure, and humidity readings of the HAT as red,
green, and blue bars on the screen respectively.
# Calculate the environment values in screen coordinates
x_r, y_r, z_r = hat.get_accelerometer_raw().values()
x = scale(clamp(x_r, *x_range), *x_range)
y = scale(clamp(y_r, *y_range), *y_range)
z = scale(clamp(z_r, *z_range), *z_range)
# Render the bars
screen = np.zeros((8, 8, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
render_bar(screen, (0, 0), 2, round(x), color=(110, 0, 0))
render_bar(screen, (3, 0), 2, round(y), color=(0, 110, 0))
render_bar(screen, (6, 0), 2, round(z), color=(0, 0, 110))
hat.set_pixels([pixel for row in screen for pixel in row])
return x,y,z
def zero_cal():
return hat.get_accelerometer_raw().values()
def zero_range(zoom, x, y, z):
xr = (x - zoom, x + zoom)
yr = (y - zoom, y + zoom)
zr = (z - zoom, z + zoom)
return xr, yr, zr
def zoom(scale, x_range, y_range, z_range):
nx_range = (x_range[0] - scale, x_range[1] + scale)
ny_range = (y_range[0] - scale, y_range[1] + scale)
nz_range = (z_range[0] - scale, z_range[1] + scale)
return nx_range, ny_range, nz_range
def flash(hat, c, sec):
screen = np.zeros((8, 8, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
render_bar(screen, (0, 0), 8, 8, color=c)
hat.set_pixels([pixel for row in screen for pixel in row])
f = {}
hat = SenseHat()
recording = False
x_zero, y_zero, z_zero = zero_cal()
x_range, y_range, z_range = zero_range(1, x_zero, y_zero, z_zero)
x_range, y_range, z_range = zoom(-0.5, x_range, y_range, z_range)
while True:
x, y, z = display_readings(hat, x_range, y_range, z_range)
if recording:
f.write("{},{},{},{}\n".format(time.time(), x,y,z))
for event in hat.stick.get_events():
if event.action == 'pressed' and event.direction == 'up':
x_range, y_range, z_range = zoom(0.5*(z_range[1]-z_range[0])/2, x_range, y_range, z_range)
if event.action == 'pressed' and event.direction == 'down':
x_range, y_range, z_range = zoom(-0.5*(z_range[1]-z_range[0])/2, x_range, y_range, z_range)
if event.action == 'pressed' and event.direction == 'right':
if not recording:
recording = True
f = open("/home/pi/dat/accel.{}.dat".format(time.time()),"w+")
f.write("{},{},{},{}\n".format("time", "x","y","z"))
flash(hat, (155, 0, 0), 0.04)
flash(hat, (155, 0, 0), 0.04)
flash(hat, (155, 0, 0), 0.04)
if event.action == 'pressed' and event.direction == 'left':
if recording:
recording = False
flash(hat, (0, 155, 0), 0.10)
flash(hat, (0, 155, 0), 0.10)
if event.action == 'pressed' and event.direction == 'middle':
old_zoom = (z_range[1]-z_range[0])/2
x_zero, y_zero, z_zero = zero_cal()
x_range, y_range, z_range = zero_range(old_zoom, x_zero, y_zero, z_zero)