By Kevin Sullivan. University of Virginia Department of Computer Science. Building with gratitude on work by many others, esp LL.
- A TLA+ development environment through VSCode, Docker, and Dev Containers
- Good enough for this Gentle Introduction to TLA+ (not mine): [].
- TLA+ environment based on this installer (not mine): []
- Installed and running in a generic, official Ubuntu 22.04 container
- Tested on Windows and Intel Mac host machines.
- Install and run Docker Desktop if you haven't already got it running
- Install VSCode if necessary, then open a new VSCode editor process
- Get yourself a GitHub account if you don't already have one and log in
- At GitHub, fork this repository into your GitHub account (do not skip)
- In VSCode, install the remote development extension if it's not already installed
- Use the remote-containers "Clone into container" command to clone your fork into our container
- Click in the lower right if you want to see the container build, which takes maybe 5-10 minutes.
- Open the test/test.tla file in VSCode.
- The files you have to start are as at the end of the video tutorial.
- Change the name of the color variable to colour. Save the file. There should be an error.
- Fix the error by undoing the change in spelling. Save. All should be well again.
- Now start the video and follow along, emptying test.tla to synch it with the start of the video.
- If you want to flag issues or suggest or contribute improvements, please use GitHub issues and send PRs.
Thank you to Ben for producing this video:
- format and preview specifications in LaTeX
- generate and preview dot/graphviz state machine visualizations
- automatically reparse .tla files whenever they're saved
- See the .devcontainer/Dockerfile for what's being set up
- change setting from true to false in .vscode/settings.json for tlaplus
- Report issues using the issues tab in this GitHub-hosted repo
- I welcome pull requests
Kevin Sullivan Department of Comp. Sci. University of Virginia