Color palettes inspired by National Parks.
is comprised of 30 color palettes, including 12 colorblind-friendly palettes, based on photos of national parks from around the world. Compatible with {ggplot2} in R and QGIS.
For more National Parks inspired palettes, see the nationalparkcolors
package. Palettes converted to .xml
with Convert R palette to QGIS Style XML
NatParksPalettes is on CRAN and able to be downloaded in R. It can still be installed through GitHub.
# Install through CRAN
# Install through GitHub
From QGIS, open Settings
Style Manager...
expand the Import/Export
drop-down menu and select Import Item(s)...
. Expand the Import from
drop-down menu, select URL
, and paste this URL:
Then select Fetch Items
. Choose individual palettes or select Select All
then select Import
[1] "Acadia" "Arches" "Arches2" "Banff" "BryceCanyon" "CapitolReef" "Charmonix" "CraterLake" "Cuyahoga" "DeathValley" "Denali"
[12] "Everglades" "Glacier" "GrandCanyon" "Halekala" "IguazuFalls" "KingsCanyon" "LakeNakuru" "Olympic" "Redwood" "RockyMtn" "Saguaro"
[23] "SmokyMtns" "SouthDowns" "Torres" "Triglav" "WindCave" "Volcanoes" "Yellowstone" "Yosemite"
- Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse on Mount Desert Island, Jon Bilous, Dreamstime, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Delicate Arch with the La Sal Mountains in the background, Depositphotos, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Delicate Arch evening, Lavish Singal LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Moraine Lake, Andy Holmes, LINK
- Sunrise Point, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Chinle Formation, NPS, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Aiguille du Midi, LINK
- Crater Lake, NPS, LINK
- Buttermilk Falls, Benjamin Lehman / Flickr, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Getty Images, LINK
- Aerial view, Getty Images, LINK
- Inside an ice cave with blue ice, Kevin Haney, NPS, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Toroweap point at sunrise, Sumiko Scott, Shutterstock, LINK
- Pele's Paint Pot, Jonathan Irish, National Geographic, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Iguazu Falls, LINK
- Karla Rivera, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Flamingos in Lake Nakuu, LINK
- Sol Duc, Scott Malagold, LINK
- Boy Scout Tree Trail, Lana Law, LINK
- Bear Lake, Estes Park, LINK
- Little River Road heading to Cades Cove, Norman Lathrop, LINK
- Seven Sisters, John Harper/Corbis, LINK
- Cordillera Paine mountains, LINK
- Triglav mountain, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Cratework formation, NPS, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Eruption, NPS Photo/Janice Wei, LINK
- Colorblind-Friendly
- Grand Prismatic Spring at Yellowstone’s Midway Geyser Basin, Grant Ordelheide, LINK
- Yosemite Valley, Leanne Harjer, LINK
You can retrieve palettes using various methods listed below.
natparks.pals("Yellowstone", 5)
Here are also some ways you can incorporate this package into {ggplot2}
ggplot(data=iris, aes(x=Species, y=Petal.Length, fill=Species)) +
geom_violin() +
scale_fill_manual(values=natparks.pals("Yellowstone", 3))
ggplot(data=iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Sepal.Width, color=Species)) +
geom_point(size=2) +
scale_color_manual(values=natparks.pals("Banff", 3))
ggplot(data=iris, aes(x=Species, y=Sepal.Width, color=Sepal.Width)) +
geom_point(size=3) +
The colorblind friendliness of all palettes have been checked using colorblindcheck
. Those with [min_dist
] >10 for all color vision deficiencies - deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia - are considered colorblind friendly.
You can list the colorblind-friendly palettes with the following code:
[1] "Acadia" "Arches" "Arches2" "DeathValley" "Glacier" "KingsCanyon"
You can also check if a specific palette is colorblind friendly using the function provided
[1] TRUE