A package for utility functions & templates that can be reused in projects
* Convers ms into a XX:YY:ZZ timestamp
* @param ms Timestamp given in milliseconds
* @returns Timestamp converted to XX:YY:ZZ format
function msToTimestamp(ms: number): string;
import { msToTimestamp } from '@kevink01/flipper';
const ms = 400;
const timestamp = msToTimstamp(ms);
console.log(timestamp); // 0:00
// Seconds
const ms1 = 5_000;
const timestamp1 = msToTimestamp(ms1);
console.log(timestamp1); // 0:05
// Minutes
const ms2 = 63_000;
const timestamp2 = msToTimestamp(ms2);
console.log(timestamp2); // 1:03
// Hours
const ms3 = 3_605_000;
const timestamp3 = msToTimestamp(ms3);
console.log(timestamp3); // 1:00:05
* Converts a date into a time format. Format may include:
* 1. 'X second(s)'
* 2. 'X minute(s) and Y second(s)
* 3. 'X hour(s), Y minute(s), and Z second(s)
* @param ms Timestamp given in milliseconds
* @returns Timestamp converted to time format
function msToTime(ms: number): string;
import { msToTime } from '@kevink01/flipper';
const ms = 400;
const time = msToTime(ms);
console.log(time); // 0 seconds
const ms1 = 5_000;
const time1 = msToTime(ms1);
console.log(time1); // 5 seconds
const ms2 = 63_000;
const time2 = msToTime(ms2);
console.log(time2); // 1 minute and 3 seconds
const ms3 = 3_605_000;
const time3 = msToTime(ms3);
console.log(time3); // 1 hour and 5 seconds
const ms4 = 4_474_000;
const time4 = msToTime(ms4);
console.log(time4); // 1 hour, 14 minutes, and 34 seconds
* Converts a local date object to a UTC date object
* @param date Date object based on locale
* @returns UTC date
function dateToUTC(date: Date): Date;
import { dateToUTC } from '@kevink01/flipper';
const date = new Date(); // -05:00 (New York)
const utc_date = dateToUTC(date); // UTC +00:00
* Round a number to a specified digit place
* @param num Number to round
* @param precision The digit to round to
* @returns Rounded number
function round(num: number, precision: number): number;
import { round } from '@kevink01/flipper';
const num = 10.34;
const rounded = round(num, 1);
console.log(rounded); // 10.3
const num2 = 8.3;
const rounded2 = round(num2, 0);
console.log(rounded2); // 8
const num3 = -8.7;
const rounded3 = round(num3, 0);
console.log(rounded3); // -9
* Add trailing decimal places to a number
* @param num Number to add decimal places
* @param decimals The number of decimal places to add
* @returns Fixed number with specified decimal places
function fix(num: number, decimals: number): string;
import { fix } from '@kevink01/flipper';
const num = 8.3;
const fixed = fix(num, 4);
console.log(fixed); // 8.3000
const num2 = 13;
const fixed2 = fix(num2, 2);
console.log(fixed2); // 13.00
* Shuffles a generic array
* @param arr The array to be shuffled
* @returns Shuffled array
function shuffle<T>(arr: T[]): T[];
import { shuffle } from '@kevink01/flipper';
const array = [1, 4, 6, 8, 9];
console.log(shuffle(array)); // [4,6,1,9,8]
console.log(shuffle(array)); // [9,1,6,8,4]
* Get the intiials of a string username.
* @param name The full name of the user. Assumes first and last name is provided.
* @returns The initials of the user's full name, or their first name initial. Otherwise, return "AA"
function getInitials(name?: string): string;
import { getInitials } from '@kevink01/flipper';
const name = '';
const initials = getInitials(name);
console.log(initials); // AA
const name2 = 'Joe';
const initials = getInitials(name2);
console.log(initials2); // J
const name3 = 'John Smith';
const initials = getInitials(name3);
console.log(initials3); // JS
* Capitalizes the string
* @param str String to capitlize
* @returns The first letter of the string capitalized, while case is preserved
function capitalize(str: string): string;
import { capitalize } from '@kevink01/flipper';
const str = 'a';
const capitalized = capitalize(str);
console.log(capitalized); // A
const str2 = 'avocado';
const capitalized = capitalize(str2);
console.log(capitalized); // Avocado
* Truncate the string to a maximum length, and add ellipse to the tail
* @param str String to ellipse
* @param maxLength The maximum length the string should have
* @returns Ellipsed string (or the full string if str's length < maxLength)
function ellipse(str: string, maxLength: number): string;
import { ellipse } from '@kevink01/flipper';
const str = 'string';
const ellipsed = ellipse(str, -10); // Defaults to print string if second parameter is negative
console.log(ellipsed); // string
const str2 = 'string';
const ellipsed2 = ellipse(str2, -10);
console.log(ellipsed2); // (empty string)
const str3 = 'string';
const ellipsed3 = ellipse(str3, -10);
console.log(ellipsed3); // string
const str4 = 'string';
const ellipsed4 = ellipse(str4, -10);
console.log(ellipsed4); // str...