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Go version manager, written in Go. Super simple tool to install and manage Go versions. Install go without root. Gobrew doesn't require shell rehash.


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Go version manager, written in Go
Update and switch Go versions easily
Install Go on Linux or Mac (intel) or Mac with Apple chip (M1, M2 etc) or Windows

Quick Setup: One command to install Go and manage versions.

Hassle Free: Doesn't require root or sudo, or shell re-hash.

Platform: Supports (arm64, arch64, Mac, Mac M1, Ubuntu and Windows).

Flexible: Manage multiple Go versions including beta and rc.

Colorful: Colorful output.

Build Status

CI coverage build-time go-binary-size unit-test-run-time allocs-per-op

go-mod-dependencies go-sec-issues

coverage build-time go-binary-size go-mod-dependencies go-sec-issues unit-test-run-time allocs-per-op

Install or update

Step 1

Using curl (mac, linux) - recommended

curl -sL | bash

Using powershell (windows)

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Using go

go install

Step 2

Now add PATH setting your shell config file (.bashrc or .zshrc).

export PATH="$HOME/.gobrew/current/bin:$HOME/.gobrew/bin:$PATH"


Execute gobrew command from any dir.


Quick Usage

Simply use command gobrew from any dir. It will auto detect if Go version is set, or not latest, or not same as go.mod file.

gobrew command

Full Usage

Smart command


Specific commands

Will install and set Go

gobrew use 1.16

Will automatically install and set Go

gobrew use mod #from go.mod
gobrew use latest #latest stable
gobrew use dev-latest #latest of latest including rc|beta

Will only install it

gobrew install 1.16
gobrew use 1.16

Uninstall a version

gobrew uninstall 1.16

List installed versions

╰─$ gobrew ls

current: 1.20.0

List available versions

╰─$ gobrew ls-remote
==> [Info] Fetching remote versions
1.5	1.5.0  1.5.1  1.5.2  1.5.3  1.5.4
	1.5beta1  1.5beta2  1.5beta3  1.5rc1

1.6	1.6.0  1.6.1  1.6.2  1.6.3  1.6.4
	1.6beta1  1.6beta2  1.6rc1  1.6rc2

1.7	1.7.0  1.7.1  1.7.2  1.7.3  1.7.4
	1.7.5  1.7.6
	1.7beta1  1.7beta2  1.7rc1  1.7rc2  1.7rc3  1.7rc4
	1.7rc5  1.7rc6

1.8	1.8.0  1.8.1  1.8.2  1.8.3  1.8.4
	1.8.5  1.8.6  1.8.7
	1.8beta1  1.8beta2  1.8rc1  1.8rc2  1.8rc3  1.8.5rc4

1.9	1.9.0  1.9.1  1.9.2  1.9.3  1.9.4
	1.9.5  1.9.6  1.9.7
	1.9beta1  1.9beta2  1.9rc1  1.9rc2

1.10	1.10.0  1.10.1  1.10.2  1.10.3  1.10.4
	1.10.5  1.10.6  1.10.7  1.10.8
	1.10beta1  1.10beta2  1.10rc1  1.10rc2

1.11	1.11.0  1.11.1  1.11.2  1.11.3  1.11.4
	1.11.5  1.11.6  1.11.7  1.11.8  1.11.9  1.11.10
	1.11.11  1.11.12  1.11.13
	1.11beta1  1.11beta2  1.11beta3  1.11rc1  1.11rc2

1.12	1.12.0  1.12.1  1.12.2  1.12.3  1.12.4
	1.12.5  1.12.6  1.12.7  1.12.8  1.12.9  1.12.10
	1.12.11  1.12.12  1.12.13  1.12.14  1.12.15  1.12.16
	1.12beta1  1.12beta2  1.12rc1

1.13	1.13.0  1.13.1  1.13.2  1.13.3  1.13.4
	1.13.5  1.13.6  1.13.7  1.13.8  1.13.9  1.13.10
	1.13.11  1.13.12  1.13.13  1.13.14  1.13.15
	1.13beta1  1.13rc1  1.13rc2

1.14	1.14.0  1.14.1  1.14.2  1.14.3  1.14.4
	1.14.5  1.14.6  1.14.7  1.14.8  1.14.9  1.14.10
	1.14.11  1.14.12  1.14.13  1.14.14  1.14.15
	1.14beta1  1.14rc1

1.15	1.15.0  1.15.1  1.15.2  1.15.3  1.15.4
	1.15.5  1.15.6  1.15.7  1.15.8  1.15.9  1.15.10
	1.15.11  1.15.12  1.15.13  1.15.14  1.15.15
	1.15beta1  1.15rc1  1.15rc2

1.16	1.16.0  1.16.1  1.16.2  1.16.3  1.16.4
	1.16.5  1.16.6  1.16.7  1.16.8  1.16.9  1.16.10
	1.16.11  1.16.12  1.16.13  1.16.14  1.16.15
	1.16beta1  1.16rc1

1.17	1.17.0  1.17.1  1.17.2  1.17.3  1.17.4
	1.17.5  1.17.6  1.17.7  1.17.8  1.17.9  1.17.10
	1.17.11  1.17.12  1.17.13
	1.17beta1  1.17rc1  1.17rc2

1.18	1.18.0  1.18.1  1.18.2  1.18.3  1.18.4
	1.18.5  1.18.6  1.18.7  1.18.8  1.18.9  1.18.10
	1.18beta1  1.18beta2  1.18rc1

1.19	1.19.0  1.19.1  1.19.2  1.19.3  1.19.4
	1.19.5  1.19.6  1.19.7  1.19.8  1.19.9  1.19.10
	1.19.11  1.19.12  1.19.13
	1.19beta1  1.19rc1  1.19rc2

1.20	1.20.0  1.20.1  1.20.2  1.20.3  1.20.4
	1.20.5  1.20.6  1.20.7  1.20.8  1.20.9  1.20.10
	1.20.11  1.20.12  1.20.13  1.20.14
	1.20rc1  1.20rc2  1.20rc3

1.21	1.21.0  1.21.1  1.21.2  1.21.3  1.21.4
	1.21.5  1.21.6  1.21.7
	1.21rc1  1.21rc2  1.21rc3  1.21rc4

1.22	1.22.0
	1.22rc1  1.22rc2

All commands

╰─$ gobrew help

gobrew 1.10.7


    gobrew use <version>           Install and set <version>
    gobrew ls                      Alias for list
    gobrew ls-remote               List remote versions (including rc|beta versions)

    gobrew install <version>       Only install <version> (binary from official or GOBREW_REGISTRY env)
    gobrew uninstall <version>     Uninstall <version>
    gobrew list                    List installed versions
    gobrew self-update             Self update this tool
    gobrew prune                   Uninstall all go versions except current version
    gobrew version                 Show gobrew version
    gobrew help                    Show this message

    gobrew use 1.16                # use go version 1.16
    gobrew use 1.16.1              # use go version 1.16.1
    gobrew use 1.16rc1             # use go version 1.16rc1

    gobrew use 1.16@latest         # use go version latest of 1.16

    gobrew use 1.16@dev-latest     # use go version latest of 1.16, including rc and beta
                                   # Note: rc and beta become no longer latest upon major release

    gobrew use mod                 # use go version listed in the go.mod file
    gobrew use latest              # use go version latest available
    gobrew use dev-latest          # use go version latest avalable, including rc and beta

Installation Path:

# Add gobrew to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
export PATH="$HOME/.gobrew/current/bin:$HOME/.gobrew/bin:$PATH"
export GOROOT="$HOME/.gobrew/current/go"

Uninstall gobrew

rm -rf $HOME/.gobrew

Use it in Github Actions

For more details:

on: [push]
name: CI
        go-version: [1.13, 1.18, 1.18@latest, 1.19beta1, 1.19@dev-latest, latest, dev-latest, mod]
        os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest]
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: kevincobain2000/action-gobrew@v2
          version: ${{ matrix.go-version }}

      - name: Go
        run: go version

Using Bash completions

curl > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/gobrew

# or
curl >> ~/.zshrc

# or
curl >> ~/.bashrc


By default, gobrew is installed in $HOME as $HOME/.gobrew.

You can change this by setting the GOBREW_ROOT environment variable.

# optionally set
echo "export GOBREW_ROOT=/usr/local/share" >> ~/.bashrc
# optionally set
echo "export GOBREW_ROOT=/usr/local/share" >> ~/.zshrc

curl -sLk | sh

Set GOROOT and GOPATH in your shell config file (.bashrc or .zshrc).

# optionally set
export GOROOT="$HOME/.gobrew/current/go"
# optionally set
export GOPATH="$HOME/.gobrew/current/go"


  • v1.2.0 - Added rc|beta versions, appended at the end of list
  • v1.5.0 - Mac M1 support
  • v1.5.5 - arm|M1|darwin support added
  • v1.5.8 - Show download progress and use Go's compression instead of tar command
  • v1.6.0 - Added support for @latest and @dev-latest and progress bar for download
  • v1.6.2 - Using goreleaser #35 by @juev
  • v1.6.3 - Added latest and dev-latest
  • v1.6.4 - Github action publish
  • v1.6.7 - Fixes rate limit issue
  • v1.7.4 - Added 2 new options gobrew version and gobrew prune
  • v1.7.5 - Fixes strange output on gobrew use latest
  • v1.7.8 - Windows support, self-update fixes
  • v1.7.9 - Windows fix ups and bash-completions
  • v1.8.0 - Windows support, including actions
  • v1.8.4 - Light background terminal support
  • v1.8.6 - Fixes where 1.20.0 was detected as 1.20
  • v1.9.0 - v1.8.6 ~ v1.9.0, updates colors packages, fixes UT issues for Github status codes
  • v1.9.4 - gobrew interactive
  • v1.9.8 - bug fix where 1.21 is not detected as 1.21.0
  • v1.10.10 - ls-remote is blazing fast, cached.
  • v1.10.11 - Optional options for cache and ttl.


go run ./cmd/gobrew -h
golangci-lint run ./...
go test -v ./...