Web-Server for Real Time Style Transfer. The model used in this server is based on the paper 'A LEARNED REPRESENTATION FOR ARTISTIC STYLE' [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.07629.pdf], which enables the model to learn multiple styles and blend two styles for images. To perform style transfer, users are required to select:
- Two styles you would like to blend
- A float value, alpha, that represents the weight of each style to be applied.
To use this server, you can utilize style-transfer models from repositories such as [https://github.com/ryanwongsa/Real-time-multi-style-transfer]. However, it is necessary to convert these models to onnx-style on this repository to utilize them in this server.
Route | Method | Query / Body | Description |
/transferred-image | POST | - | Post an image to get styletransferred image. |
poetry install
poetry run python src/main.py --port 5555
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:3333/transferred-image?style1=1&style2=2&alpha=0.3&test=1' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-F 'file=@test_image.jpg;type=image/jpeg'
Here is python code example
import requests
path_data = './temp'
fname_image = 'test_image.jpg'
params = {
'style1': 1,
'style2': 2,
'alpha': 0.3
with open(f"{path_data}/{fname_image}", "rb") as _file:
res = requests.post(
'http://localhost:5555/transferred-image', \
params = params, \
files = {
"file": (
The tranferred images can smoothly transition to the other styles.