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To build a web app to find trivia questions by category, time, and difficulty
To complete this challenge, build a web application that:
- has a search function that displays results in an intuitive, responsive, mobile friendly, easy to navigate interface.
- gives users the ability to refine search results by:
- date or timeframe aired (you can search by a day, a week, a month)
- trivia category
- level of difficulty of the question
- any other smart searching criteria you see fit
Optional: You may want to include these bonus features:
- Game board simulation with the categories and questions in the proper place (as it would be organized in the game with easier questions on top)
- Marking or saving questions into a "favorites" collection
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- Python/Django
- JService API for trivia information
- Requests to parse JSON data
Time spent: 15 hours spent in total
The following required functionality is completed:
- Searching page with search function displayed search results page
- Ability to search with filters (category, airdate, difficulty)
The following bonus stretch features are implemented:
- Audio background music
- Trivia game with scorekeeping
- Automatic dropdown category search
- Banner notifications (search successful, game response)
- Sample random trivia questions on homepage
- Specific trivia questions by category, airdate, and difficulty
- UI Design (Flipping Cards) / Show Answer Button (no hover on mobile)
- Learn more button for each trivia card
- Custom URL and 404 Not Found / 500 Internal Server Error
- Make menu options more asthetic
- Make website more dynamic in other platforms (mobile and web)
- Improve searching algorithm for faster results
In order to search through the many categories that JService provides, the application first searches through all the possible 1000 categories using the /Categories endpoint with a HTTP Request to get JSON trivia information from JService. While the program is searching through each matching category, it looks through the questions/clues of that category for other search filters such as date/timeframe aired and level of difficulty. If these criteria are a match, the clues are appended to a list which would be displayed on the search results page.
Python and the web framework, Django to organize the project, redirect between pages, send requests with the JService endpoint, filter trivia questions by category, airdate, and level of difficulty
HTML & CSS to display web pages with Bootstrap designs and allows user interactions
JavaScript to develop a small trivia game, control audio features, and provide support for category search dropdown
- Parsing API data from JService in an efficient manner
- Passing data from one page to another using Django forms
- Styling flipping cards for each trivia question/clue
- Dynamic sizing for various pages and elements
- Implementing automatic dropdown for category searches
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user functions:
Copyright 2019 Kevin Chen