Initial paper: Khil et al. Genome Research 2012
Technical paper: Brick, Pratto et al., Methods in Enzymology 2018
These scripts are part of the nf-core implementation of the SSDS pipeline. They can also be used stand-alone.
Python modules :
- biopython
- pysam
- pybedtools
Parse the BWA-aligned BAM file from an SSDS experiment. Identifies DNA derived from ssDNA, dsDNA and other unclassifiable things. Outputs BED & BAM files for fragments of each type.
--bam <<bam - BAM from BWA-alignment of SSDS reads>>
--name <<output file prefix>>
--vers <<show version>>
Calculates the Signal Portion of Tags (SPoT) - actually fragments, but that's OK :) - for a given BED file of intervals. Generally used to check SSDS signal @ DSB hotspots / origins of replication.
--reads <<BED file of reads/fragments>>
--intervals <<BED file of intervals to test>>
--name <<sample name>>
--iname <<intervals name>>
--g <<genome index - FASTA.FAI file>>
--o <<output report prefix - file will be $prefix.SSDS_SPoT_report.txt>>
--norand <<do not get SPoT for a randomized set>>
--vers <<show version>>