Use packer build ...
to create vagrant box to run Alpine Linux 3.6.x.
Installing from an ISO can be a little tricky, and sensitive to load on the host, so we separate that into its own build:
ᐅ cd 00-iso-install
ᐅ packer build alpine-iso-install.json
That will use the official ISO from upstream, to install Alpine Linux in
VirtualBox, exporting the result to a box that can be imported into Vagrant.
The install is bare-minimum, and simply provides for a way for root
login over SSH.
We can then take the OVF that results from the initial build, and we can run some additional provisioning to create our concept of a "base host" with Alpine Linux:
ᐅ cd ../01-alpine-base
ᐅ packer build alpine-base.json
This build will configure apk
, add a user for vagrant
, disable root logins
over SSH, cleanup SSH keys and apk cache, etc.
Thanks to maier, and higebu for prior art to base this work on.