WHATWG fetch for deno, based on Dial and streams, This is more compatible with fetch standard than deno's native fetch.
import {fetch} from "https://denopkg.com/keroxp/deno-fetch/fetch.ts"
// GET
.then(body => body.json()})
//POST (applicaton/x-www-form-urlencoded)
fetch("http://httpbin.org/post", new URLSearchParams({
deno: "land"
})).then(body => body.json()).then(console.log)
import { open } from "deno";
import { fetch } from "https://denopkg.com/keroxp/deno-fetch/fetch.ts";
import { WritableStream } from "https://denopkg.com/keroxp/deno-streams/writable_stream.ts";
const f = await open("out.json", "w+");
const dest = new WritableStream(f);
const resp = await fetch("http://httpbin.org/get?deno=land");
await resp.body.pipeTo(dest); // => respose is written to out.json