Kepler Satellite Interference Simulator
Computes perceived radiofrequency interference between two orbital systems. For each system, the user must specify its desired frequency, antenna, and orbital characteristics, as well as simulation parameters (e.g. epoch, timestep resolution).
Inside the root directory of the repository run:
pip3 install -e .[open_source_i_n]
To install developer dependencies for running tests, run:
pip3 install -e .[dev]
- pip
- Numpy
- matplotlib
- scipy
- skyfield
- recordclass
- pandas
- openpyxl
- pylint
- pytest
- yapf
The program can be run in three different Run Modes:
- Command Line Interface: Arguments are passed in-line from terminal/command prompt.
- Batch Select: A batch/shell file containing simulation parameters is selected from file dialog.
- Batch List: All batch/shell files within a specified folder are run in sequence.
The preferred Run Mode can be specified in the settings.ini
file in the root folder.
It is recommended to run in either Batch Select or Batch List, since these utilize batch/shell files to run the program. These act as simple, easily accessible containers for saving and editing simulation input parameters. From here on, such files will be referred to as config files, as they are used to specify a simulation's configuration.
If you have chosen Batch Select or Batch List, you may run the program at any time from the command line by using the following command in the program root folder:
python3 -m open_source_i_n
python -m open_source_i_n
- 1x Simulation config file (or alternatively, a set of command line arguments).
- 2x TLE files. One for each constellation (interfering and victim).
- 2x Antenna model files. One for each constellation (interfering and victim).
Tells the program how to perform the simulation, including which TLE and antenna files to use, tracking algorithms to run, and how many processors to deploy. It is convenient to save a set of command line instructions in a Shell (.sh) or Batch (.bat) file, to be edited or re-ran later.
Config files (and therefore, command line instances) must contain all mandatory parameters, listed below.
Parameter | Required? | Description | Type | Units | Example Value |
duration |
Y | Duration of the simulation. | float | Days | 3.5 |
sim_block_size |
Y | The number of days to simulate at once. | float | n/a | 0.2 |
save_data, no_save_data |
N | Boolean flag for whether to save output data (.npy files and graphs) or not. Will save by default. | boolean | n/a | TRUE |
gs |
Y | The latitude/longitude pair for the ground station, given as a comma-separated pair. | float,float | deg | 35,-79 |
freq_dl |
Y | The downlink frequency, in GHz. | float | GHz | 14.5 |
freq_ul |
Y | The uplink frequency, in GHz. | float | GHz | 11.6 |
vic_tle_file, inter_tle_file |
Y | Path to the TLE file for the constellation. | string | n/a | ~/TLE/kepler.txt |
vic_min_el, inter_min_el |
Y | Minimum elevation for the constellation Earth station. | float | deg | 10 |
vic_geo_angle, inter_geo_angle |
Y | The GEO exclusion angle of the constellation. | float | deg | 18.2 |
vic_tracking_strat, inter_tracking_strat |
Y | The strategy to use for selecting interfering satellites in the I/N calculation. | string | n/a | One of: "Random", "Highest Elevation", "Longest Hold" |
vic_fixed_params |
N | The elevation/azimuth pair of a fixed pointing antenna at the ground station location, given as a comma-separated pair. | float,float | deg | 30,270 |
vic_module, inter_module |
Y | Which antenna to use for the simulation. | string | n/a | kepler_interference |
inter_const_name |
Y | The name of the interfering constellation (for graph titles). | string | n/a | SpaceX4408 |
parallel |
N | How many CPU threads to use for the simulation. 1 means to use a single core, while 0 lets the program choose. Default is 0. | integer | n/a | 0 |
name |
N | Optional name for the simulation run. Is added to the filenames of all generated outputs. | string | n/a | "my-sim-v3" |
Depending on your operating system, you can structure your shell/batch config files as shown:
python3 -m open_source_i_n \
--duration 1 \
--sim_block_size 0.2 \
--save_data \
--gs "35,-79" \
--freq_dl 11.7 \
--freq_ul 14.25 \
--vic_tle_file "TLEs/TLES_Kepler.txt" \
--vic_min_el 10 \
--vic_geo_angle 20 \
--vic_tracking_strat "Random" \
--vic_module "kepler_antenna" \
--inter_tle_file "TLEs/TLEs_Example_System.txt" \
--inter_min_el 12 \
--inter_geo_angle 14 \
--inter_tracking_strat "Highest Elevation" \
--inter_module "template_standard" \
--inter_const_name "Company-X"
python -m open_source_i_n^
--duration 1^
--sim_block_size 0.2^
--gs "35,-79"^
--freq_dl 11.7^
--freq_ul 14.25^
--vic_tle_file "TLEs/TLES_Kepler.txt"^
--vic_min_el 10^
--vic_geo_angle 20^
--vic_tracking_strat "Random"^
--vic_module "kepler_antenna"^
--inter_tle_file "TLEs/TLEs_Example_System.txt"^
--inter_min_el 12^
--inter_geo_angle 14^
--inter_tracking_strat "Highest Elevation"^
--inter_module "template_standard"^
--inter_const_name "Company-X"
TLE files describe the orbital characteristics of a satellite system. The TLE files should be a txt file, with all constellation TLEs laid out as follows (with no blank lines):
0 Kepler Plane 1 sat 1
1 99859U 20001.00000000 .00015063 00000-0 14589-2 0 00009
2 99859 097.7532 0.0000 0006678 083.0376 0.0000 14.99917647000000
0 Kepler Plane 1 sat 2
1 99860U 20001.00000000 .00015063 00000-0 14589-2 0 00009
2 99860 097.7532 0.0000 0006678 083.0376 18.0000 14.99917647000000
Note: Hosted on Kepler's github ( is a script that can read an ITU IFIC database and return a formatted text file of TLEs. The output text file can then be fed into the simulator.
Antenna model files completely describe the antenna parameters for the earth and space components of a system.
Two template antenna model files are provided in src > open_source_i_n > antenna. One of these strictly uses standard antenna patterns pre-encoded in the local antenna library, and the other demonstrates how a custom antenna pattern might be constructed.
The following tools have been included with the build.
- Plotter
- Antenna Pattern Tester
All tool scripts can be found in the ./tools folder.
Reads the .simdata files generated by KOSIA and plots the simulation data as a CDF. If multiple files are selected, all datasets will be added to a single plot.
Contains several tools designed to plot (and validate) antenna patterns.
You must edit directly to select your antenna pattern in either of the following cases:
Has scripts to plot off-axis patterns in 2D or 3D (see implementation of plot_patt_list_2d() and plot_func_as_colormap()).
Also has a script that reads an entire KOSIA antenna python file directly (see plot_antenna_file()).
The tests are run by simply calling pytest
in the root directory. Developer extras must be installed.
- Only supports co-located earth stations. To enable non-co-location, four unique separation angles must be defined, rather than just one. Also, two ground station locations (and thus ground station objects) must be used.
- Antenna pattern S.1428 underestimates peak gain (i.e. off-axis angle = 0) since it doesn't actually take gain as an input, but calculates it based on an inputted diameter. That said, a feature has been implemented to "correct" an inputted diameter such that it matches with the peak gain inputted for a given antenna model. However, floating point inaccuracies prevent this from being exact.
- Atmospheric losses are not calculated, but can be entered as fixed values in
- The program currently does not handle two dimensional antenna patterns, it assumes radially symmetric, circular beams for all antenna patterns. Antenna pattern files cannot read in azimuthal angles, that could be used to determine where an earth station is in a projected beam pattern from space.
- Incorporation of ITU and national power limits to quickly assess compliance.
- Memory optimization. Propogation of the satellite networks over long periods of time requires arbitrarily large memory allocations. At present, the software does not account for system limitations in its allocation of memory.