Ready to use docker box for Brimir open source ticket manager.
This docker box contains only Brimir Rails application. Nginx, database or any other service not included because 'put everything into one box' architecture isn't what docker is made for.
Minimal requirements for a working app you need a working mysql docker box and link it to Brimir box. This isn't a complicated task and I made a docker-compose configuration for you to build it.
In production use I also recommend an nginx. Meybe I will do docker-compose config later for it.
$ docker run --name my-brimir -e MYSQL_HOST=localhost -e MYSQL_DATABASE=brimir -e MYSQL_USER=brimir -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d kepes/brimir-docker
- Username:
- Password: tmppwd
Name | Default | Value |
MYSQL_HOST | mysql | Mysql server hostname |
MYSQL_DATABASE | - | Mysql database name |
MYSQL_USER | - | Mysql database username |
MYSQL_PASSWORD | - | Mysql Password |
UNICORN_WORKERS | 2 | Number of Unicorn workers |
UNICORN_TIMEOUT | 30 | Timeout of unicorn |
UNICORN_PORT | 3000 | Unicorn port number |
RAILS_ENV | production | Rails environment |
SECRET_KEY_BASE | change_it_please | Secret key base for Rails |
SMTP_ADDRESS | - | SMTP server address |
SMTP_PORT | - | SMTP port |
SMTP_DOMAIN | - | Domain name for SMTP HELLO |
SMTP_USERNAME | - | SMTP username |
SMTP_PASSWORD | - | SMTP password |
SMTP_AUTHENTICATION | palin | SMTP auth type |
$ git clone
$ docker-compose up
I made a Kubernetes config (config/kubernetes_rc_brimir.yaml). You can use it for configure a full functional Brimir service. Be careful and change all necessary paramaters for your Kuberentes deployment!