A browser extension implementing the cashgettools Javascript build.
Available on Firefox and Chrome.
File queries may be sourced from any BitDB node, REST endpoint (much slower), or trusted CashServer (faster). Also linkifies text of the form web+cash://<id> to make properly clickable. The web+cash:// protocol should be used for making queries in the address bar (except in Chrome, where custom protocol handlers for extensions aren't yet supported; instead, query from within the extension popup).
REST is available as an option, but it's a very slow one, and perhaps less reliable, and also does not support Nametag queries; I recommend ignoring it.
Loading from BitDB/REST will not load an entire webpage (interpreting HTML); it just downloads the requested file. For example, if you have set to source from BitDB and query for web+cash://~cashweb/index.html , you will see a completely unstyled page (just the HTML); if you make the same query when sourcing from a CashServer, it will load all the page's assets as well. This is a consequence of how the browser handles/interprets files from a typical server versus a local extension; it doesn't know where to make additional requests for assets. I may look into finding a way around this.
The source code is released under the terms of the MIT license. Please, see LICENSE for more information.
last updated: 2019-11-22