Software Architect with more than 6 years of experience developing software with .NET technologies and low code like Power Platform, certified by Microsoft. I have been using C#, JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap to develop enterprise applications for companies. I have helped to migrate old systems and databases to newer ones. Experience developing REST APIs and enjoy the process to make them. I am a self-taught person with the ability and desire to learn and experiment with new technologies and challenges.
I've been working with ASP.NET MVC, .NET Core, Elmah, .NET 5, OAuth y OpenID Connect, DevOps, C#, MediatR, CQRS, SOLID, Fluent Validation, IoC, Clean Architecture, Bootstrap, jQuery, React, Angular, API’s, Entity Framework y EF Core, WPF, ESC/POS Commands, MS SQL Server, Python. CTF Player.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on .NET Ecosystem
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Clean architecture and Microservices
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on GitHub or offline!
- 💬 Ask me about .Net or anyother tech related stuff
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter | Linkedin
- 😄 Pronouns: He/His
- ⚡ Fun fact: playing 🎮 PC games on free time and exercises 🤣
- 🦸 Endorse me / Leave a Recommendation on Linkedin @kenllyacosta
- 📫 Follow me on Twitter @kenllyacosta
- 🧧 Suscribe on Youtube @kenllyacosta
- 😄 Career Aim - Work Abroad, Probably in America/Europe with a global team for a cool Product!
Professional skills