A theme for Zola based on Even.
- KaTeX with inline
- Support mobile
- Categories
- Archive
- Pagination[x]
Download it to your themes
direction as a git submodule:
cd themes
git submodule add https://github.com/kemingy/nutshell.git themes/nutshell
Enable it in your config.toml
with taxonomies:
theme = "nutshell"
taxonomies = [
{name = "categories", rss = true},
After that, create content/blogs/_index.md
with config:
paginate_by = 20 # numbers of posts in one page
sort_by = "date" # sort posts by date
Add your posts to content/blogs/
Copy themes/nutshell/content/*.md
to your content/
cp themes/nutshell/content/*.md content/
If you don't need these, you can redefine your theme_menu
in your config.toml
theme_menu = [
{url = "$BASE_URL", name = "Home"},
{url = "$BASE_URL/categories", name = "Categories"},
{url = "$BASE_URL/archive", name = "Archive"},
{url = "$BASE_URL/about", name = "About"},
{url = "$BASE_URL/projects", name = "Projects"},