You can do whatever you like with this code.
If you use it any apps it would be nice if you let me know and maybe put a link to my website, but that's not necessary (I'm just interested in what people will do with it)
A simple implementation of Conways Game of Life in objective C for iOS devices. It does drop into C though to handle arrays and things. I thought it would be faster since there are so many array operations going on.
It will compile in xcode very straighforwardly. Just load up the project and hit run to see it in the simulator.
1 tap on the screen will start the simulation, tapping again will restart
2 finger tap will create a shape, as will a 3 finger tap.
If you have an apple developer account you can pop in your provisioning profiles and it should run on the devices. At least it does on mine!
Make the grid size variable depending on the device and the simulation resolution
Make a slide out menu or something to create the shapes, rather than the taps
Create a settings screen to allow the resolution of the simulation to be changed and to change colours and that kind of thing.
Kemal Enver