sitstand is a poorly assembled shell script I made to remind myself when I've had enough sitting and when I've had enough standing. It can function as a regular timer, a timer with multiple cycles, or a timer with cycles of alternating length. It sends desktop notifications, plays a noitification sound, and pushes a notification to my phone via IFTTT.
chmod +x
./ [args]
Press CTRL + C to exit the script at any time.
Some variables should be modified before executing for best functionality. Script can send IFTTT notifications if you have a webhooks notification set up and a key for it to use.
sitstand takes 0 - 3 arguments.
- Cycle Length
- Number of Cycles
- Alternate Cycle Length
Timer began at 09:22:45 AM.
Timer finishes at 09:52:45 AM.
Time remaining overall: 30 min.
description Initializes with just one cycle, and a default length of 30 minutes.
./ 15
Timer began at 09:25:30 AM.
Timer finishes at 09:40:30 AM.
Time remaining overall: 15 min.
description One Argument: One cycle, 15 minutes in length.
./ 15 5
Timer began at 09:26:30 AM.
Timer finishes at 10:41:30 AM.
Time remaining overall: 75 min.
Cycle began at 09:26:30 AM.
Cycle finishes at 09:41:30 AM.
Time remaining in cycle: 15 min.
5 cycles left.
description Two Arguments: Five cycles, 15 minutes in length.
./ 15 5 10
Timer began at 09:27:25 AM.
Timer finishes at 10:32:25 AM.
Time remaining overall: 65 min.
Cycle began at 09:27:25 AM.
Cycle finishes at 09:42:25 AM.
Time remaining in cycle: 15 min.
5 cycles left.
description Three Arguments: Alternates between 15 and 10 minute cycles, for 5 cycles.