👋 Hi, I’m kelwilson, Software Engineer | Full-Stack Developer
👀 I’m interested in a whole lot of stuff. I'm empathetic, resilient, receptive, optimistic, and adventurous. I'm always willing to improve my skill sets and am never too old to learn.
👋 Hi, I’m kelwilson, Software Engineer | Full-Stack Developer
👀 I’m interested in a whole lot of stuff. I'm empathetic, resilient, receptive, optimistic, and adventurous. I'm always willing to improve my skill sets and am never too old to learn.
In this project, I built a basic website that allows users to add/remove books from a list. I achieve that by using ES6 syntax . I also dynamically modify the DOM and add basic events.
JavaScript 5
In this project, I built a web development bootcamp website, so students can actually choose a language of their choice to learn and be able to make more enquires about the program.
In this project, I built a simple To-do-List-App which adds and remove tasks using HTML/CSS to build the app and JavaScript to add functionalities to the app by using webpack dev server to display …
JavaScript 3
my first portfolio-project, use figma templates design to create a personal portfolio replicating all styles and pictures as seen as that on the figma page, using HTML/CSS, flex and grid for stylin…
In this project, I built a Leaderboard list app where a user can add their name and a score, using HTML/CSS to build the app and JavaScript to add functionalities to the app by using webpack dev se…
in this project i created a portfolio using bootstrap and html for the structure and used bootstrap to add styles using nothing but boostrap classes