- Master node with ssh-server installed (Debian Bullseye)
- An user account (cdn user is a default user for this playbook, it can be overridden)
- This node will hosts all of your docker containers
To create or edit the inventory file, navigate to the path inventory/inventory.yaml.
The Docker containers will function as additional virtual machines (VMs). They will be created on your master node and port-forwarded with selected SSH port.
Inventory in .ini format.
master_node ansible_port=22
web_server_node ansible_port=1022 nginx_port=81
web_proxy_node ansible_port=1123 nginx_port=82
prometheus_node ansible_port=1222 prometheus_port=9090
grafana_node ansible_port=1322 grafana_port=3000
The group_vars/all.yaml file contains hosts-specific variables used for connecting to all hosts listed in the inventory file. These variables shall be overriden base on your specific needs. It is required to change the ansible_host which will be main host for the docker containers.
private_key_location: "~/.ssh"
private_key_name: "cdn"
ansible_user: "cdn"
ansible_connection: ssh
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "{{ ssh.private_key_location }}/{{ ssh.private_key_name }}"
Setups connection between control node (~localhost) and master node, which will run docker containers. Role generates ssh key, creates config file and set authorized key on master node.
All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yaml file as well as in table below.
Name | Default Value | Description |
cdn_connection_ssh |
{} | Location and name for generating SSH key for connection (private_key_location, private_key_name) |
You can override the default value of cdn_connection_ssh in inventory file stored in groups_vars/all.yaml.
private_key_location: "~/.ssh"
private_key_name: "cdn"
cdn_connection_ssh: "{{ ssh }}"
The role installs and configures the Docker Engine on the master node based on the provided Unix distribution. The master node will run Docker containers as VMs with systemd installed.
Default Settings:
- Multiple Docker containers with the default network driver will be created.
- These containers are included in the cdn_containers group.
- Notifications will be sent to the control node (~localhost) about the Docker containers.
- The containers will be added to the known hosts.
The role ensures that Docker Engine is set up correctly on the master node and manages the creation and configuration of Docker containers using the default network driver. Furthermore, it facilitates communication between the master node and the control node (~localhost) by notifying the control node about the created Docker containers and adding them to the known hosts list.
All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yaml file as well as in table below.
Name | Default Value | Description |
cdn_docker_ssh |
{} | Location and name for generating SSH key for connection (private_key_location, private_key_name) |
cdn_docker_hosts |
"cdn_containers" | Inventory group name of hosts as docker containers |
cdn_docker_project |
" ~/cdn-project | Location on master node to create project files |
cdn_docker_os |
{} | System distribution and version (distribution, version) |
cdn_docker_settings |
{} | Docker settings (user, password, image) |
cdn_docker_network_name |
"cdn-network" | Docker network name |
cdn_docker_network_driver |
"ipvlan" | Docker network driver |
You can override the default values in inventory file stored in group_vars/all.yaml.
cdn_docker_ssh: "{{ ssh }}"
user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
password: "admin"
image: "cdn-debian-bullseye"
cdn_docker_network_name: "cdn-network"
Installs and configure nginx server as a browser for static files.
All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yaml file as well as in table below.
Name | Default Value | Description |
cdn_nginx_browser_listen |
"80" | Port, that nginx server listents to |
cdn_nginx_browser_absolute_path |
"/opt/files" | An absolute path for the static files |
You can override the default values in inventory file stored in group_vars/all.yaml.
Installs and configure nginx server as a reverse proxy with cache.
All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yaml file as well as in table below.
Name | Default Value | Description |
cdn_nginx_browser_listen |
"80" | Port, that nginx server listens to |
cdn_nginx_proxy_cache |
{} | Nginx reverse proxy cache settings (path, inactive, max_size |
cdn_nginx_proxy_pass_address |
"" | Server address to redirect |
cdn_nginx_proxy_pass_port |
"" | Application port to redirect |
You can override the default values in inventory file stored in group_vars/all.yaml.
It is required to override the cdn_nginx_proxy_pass_address and cdn_nginx_proxy_pass_port variables.
cdn_nginx_proxy_pass_address: "{{ ansible_host }}"
cdn_nginx_proxy_pass_port: "81"
With Anacoda Virtual Environment
conda create -p venv/
conda install --file requirements.txt -y
conda activate venv/
With Python 3 pip package manager
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you have Ansible installed locally, lucky you.
You can use --ask-pass
(for the first time) argument for ssh password with -K
for privilege escalation.
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml --ask-pass -K