PyBetterFileIO is the most intuitive, efficient, and accessible way to perform file input and output functions in python. Designed to improve the syntax of Python's included libraries, PyBetterFileIO is an effective tool. Create and edit files and folders, copy and move files and directories, and more. Treat your files and directories like objects in Python.
pip install PyBetterFileIO
from PyBetterFileIO import *
new_file = file("new_file.txt") # Instantiate a file object (required!)
new_file.make() # Make the file in the defined directory
new_file.create() # Create the file in the defined directory
new_file.write("Hello World!") # Clears and writes to file's content
new_file.append(" It's a beautiful day.") # Adds onto file's existing content
new_file.replace("Hello World!", "Goodbye World!") # Finds and replaces file's content
new_file.move_to("folder_or_path_to_move_to.optional") # Moves file to specified location
new_file.rename("file.txt", "folder_to_move_to/file.txt") # Rename the file
new_file.delete() # Delete the file
new_file.remove() # Remove the file
new_file.copy("test_folder/fun_file.txt") # Copy file to parameter's location
new_file.copy_and_rename("test_folder/fun_file.txt") # Copy file to parameter's location
new_file.copy_to("test_folder/fun_file.txt") # Copy file to parameter's location # Returns file text content
new_file.print() # Prints file text content
new_file.exists() # Returns boolean if file exists
new_file.get_filename() # Returns file's path
new_file.get_default_file_object() # Returns a default file object allowing new_file to act as: with open(...) as new_file:
new_file.get_custom_file_object() # Returns a PyBetterFileIO file object from a default object where default is from: with open(...) as new_file
new_folder = folder("new_folder") # Instantiate a folder object (required!)
new_folder.make() # Make the file in the defined directory
new_folder.create() # Create the file in the defined directory
new_folder.replace("not_needed_folder") # Replaces content of parameter's folder with object's content
new_folder.rename("folder_to_move_to/old_file.txt") # Rename the file
new_folder.delete() # Delete the file
new_folder.remove() # Remove the file
new_folder.create_file("name_of_file.txt") # Create a file inside folder
new_folder.make_file("name_of_file.txt") # Make a file inside folder
new_folder.copy_to("test_folder") # Copy folder to parameter's location
new_folder.copy_contents_to("test_folder") # Copy contents to parameter's location
new_folder.move_to("test_folder") # Moves to parameter's location without keeping original directory
new_folder.list() # Returns a list of all files in folder object # Returns file text content
new_folder.print() # Prints file text content
new_folder.exists() # Returns boolean if folder exists
new_folder.clear() # Clears folder content
new_folder.get_foldername() # Returns file's path
Folder.clear_at("directory") # Clears specified directory
with open("file.txt", 'w') as file:
with open("file.txt", "w") as file:
file.write("Hello World!")
file("file.txt").write("Hello World!")
# Assume already existing file
with open('file.txt', 'r') as file:
filedata =
filedata = filedata.replace('abcd', 'ram')
with open('file.txt', 'w') as file:
file("file.txt").replace("abcd", "ram")
files = os.listdir("contents")
for file in files:
shutil.copy(os.path.join("contents", file), os.path.join("other_content", "test_folder", file))