EZ Sound Capture is a simple GUI program using CustomTkinter that allows you to record audio from your selected recording device or loopback audio output device. This program is designed to work even on Windows PCs that do not have a stereo mixer installed!
- Note: Loopback devices are not supported on macOS :(
ArtWork created by Stable Diffusion 3
- Record audio from a recording device or loopback audio output device (Anything you hear!)
- Monitoring audio input level (log scale)
- Backup recorded data (as numpy array)
- Auto silence removal
- Save as MP3 (FFmpeg required)
- Normalize (FFmpeg required)
TODO: Add a feature to output .wav
from backup npz files
- Continuity of multiple chunks recorded is lost (occurs within soundcard module)
soundcard\mediafoundation.py:772: SoundcardRuntimeWarning: data discontinuity in recording
warnings.warn("data discontinuity in recording", SoundcardRuntimeWarning)
To use FFmpeg required features, please install ffmpeg or set path/to/ffmpeg.exe to PATH.
cd ez-sound-capture
python -m venv venv
.\venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 # For Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt
"lang": "en" // App language you want use (en and ja included)
"sample_rate": 44100,
"backup_interval": 60, // Backup interval (seconds)
"silence_threshold": 0.05
python ez-sound-capture.py
Select Input Source: The program lists all available microphones, including loopback devices. Select the one you want to use for recording.
Set Recording Options: You can choose to save your recording as an MP3, normalize the audio, or cut silence. Check the corresponding boxes to enable these options.
Monitor Audio Levels: The program provides real-time monitoring of audio levels. This can help you ensure that your audio is being captured at the right volume.
Start/Stop Recording: Click the 'Start recording' button (⏺️) to begin recording. During recording, the button changes to a 'Stop' button (⏹️). Click it again to stop the recording. The program also provides a 'Pause' button (⏸️) to pause and resume the recording.
Save Your Recording: Once you stop the recording, the program will automatically save audio file to
. If you chose to save as MP3, the program will also save mp3 file to the same directory.