Input widgets are not supported by tui-rs out of the box. This crate provides an abstraction of input handling together with clap's command argument parsing.
is providing two widgets (input and output) and takes care of parsing the input against a clap
To get it work three points must be implemented manually:
- fetching events must be included in the main loop
- output and input widgets must be rendered
- arg matches from clap must be handled
The following code demonstrates these three points.
fn main() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let yaml = load_yaml!("cli.yaml");
let clapp = App::from(yaml);
let stdout = io::stdout();
let backend = CrosstermBackend::new(stdout);
let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?;
// Create a TuiClap instance and pass over a function that handles the arg matches
let mut tui = TuiClap::from_app(clapp);
// handle events, Events struct is a helper struct to read from crossterm events
let events = Events::default();
loop {
// your drawing method
draw(&mut terminal, &mut tui)?;
// handle events manually with the provided events struct, but you can use your own
if let Ok(Some(Event::Key(key_event))) = {
match key_event.code {
KeyCode::Backspace => {
KeyCode::Enter => {
if let Ok(matches) = tui.parse() {
match handle_matches(matches) {
Ok(output) => {
for message in output {
Err(err) => tui.write_to_output(err)
KeyCode::Char(char) => {
_ => {}
// your drawing method
fn draw<B: Backend>(terminal: &mut Terminal<B>, tui: &mut TuiClap) -> io::Result<()>{
terminal.draw(|f| {
let size = f.size();
// render the input widget of tui-clap
tui.render_input(f, size);
// render the output widget of tui-clap
tui.render_output(f, size);
// function that handles arg matches and returns a vec of strings that is pushed to the output widget
// return Ok() with vec of message that should be added to the output
// return Err(message) to display an error in the output
fn handle_matches(matches: ArgMatches) -> Result<Vec<String>, String> {}
See the example
folder or run cargo run --example command