This is a python script to recursively set ADLS Gen2 ACLs for all subdirectories and files belonging to a target directory. This is a temporary solution until setting ACLs recursively on the server side is available via the SDK or Azure Storage Explorer GUI client.
This is a sample script to demonstrate functionality and has no implied warranty provided by myself or Microsoft, see the repository LICENSE file for more information.
- Python 3.7
- ADLS Gen2 Preview SDK (
python.exe -m venv .venv
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install azure-identity==1.1.0
pip install azure-storage-file-datalake --pre
- You will need:
Your Azure Active Directory Tenant ID.
An Azure Active Directory Service Principal (With Client ID and Client Secret).
Storage Blob Data Owner RBAC permissions granted to the service principal for your ADLS Gen2 storage account.
Three environment variables configured (as noted here):
ENV VAR NAME VALUE AZURE_CLIENT_ID id of an Azure Active Directory application AZURE_TENANT_ID id of the application's Azure Active Directory tenant AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET one of the application's client secrets
You can set desired permissions for the top-level, target directory in the Azure Storage Explorer GUI client by following the directions here. Once you set permissions in the GUI, the idea is that you point the script to the top-level directory to make all child path ACLs match the parent directory ACLs.
##### Syntax #####
# Subdirectory Example:
python mystorageaccountname rawdata folder1/subfolder1/subfolder1-2
# Root directory in file system example:
python mystorageaccountname rawdata folder1
- Error handling
- Performance optimizations
- Add parameters for AAD friendly names or GUIDs to remove the need for Storage Explorer.
- SDK Announcement
- SDK Preview Documentation (Python)
- Authentication (This script uses Default)