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Kshitij Chawla edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the united-states-of-browsers wiki!
The instructions to use the app are in the
This page is my soliloquy about why I made this project and what I hope to accomplish with it.

About me and this project

What is United States of Browsers (USB)

A project to combine history and bookmarks across multiple browsers and browser profiles and allow more powerful search than browsers usually allow.

Why do I program

I started learning programming in Feb 2017 and discovered I LOVE programing. For the first time ever I had found something I could for for 10-12-14hrs a day, day after day. I want to become a professional software developer and am working towards that.

I want to be BRILLIANT at it. The kind that, when another developer learns they will be collaborating with me, or working on code base written by me, all concerns about half-baked, undocumented, untested, messy code goes out the window. They feel happy and excited to read my code.

Why did I build it

This project is my vehicle to learn more and better programming. It's also a very useful tool for me, and hopefully, others.

What all have I learnt so far

Thanks to this project, I have

  • improved my python significantly in a short while, learning and utilizing many features of the langugae that I may not have learnt otherwise.
  • Learnt to write tests and use Pytest.
  • I have become proficient at using Git
  • Basic HTML and CSS
  • SQL queries.
  • Realized good UI design skills are super important and require lots of quality learning efforts.

What am I working on right now

Currently I am learning the entire software life-cycle. Continuos Integration and deployment, aka CI/CD. Also looking at ways to package the app as a single executable, maybe use Pex and Bazel.

What more am I hoping to learn

In the not too distant future, I will add:

  • Web-scraping and search for the urls in the database. I have learnt Scrapy.
  • Machine learning to the mix, for words categorization, tag sugestion, better search.

What gave me the idea

The idea sprouted as I use multiple browsers and multiple browser profiles. This scatters my history, bookmarks across multiple interfaces.

Whenever I wish to search something, I have to go through them all until I find them. I wish to build a tool which will read browser profile files and combine the history and bookmarks list, ready to be searched and organized automatically.

Why I use multiple browsers

I like playing with technology and tech produts and wana check out different browsers and see where they are at.

Why I use multiple browser profiles

They used to help me compartmentalize tasks better and to maintain focus. The habit is now mine.

But seriously, why do yo-

There's no answer to these questions