First copy .env.template
to .env
and fill in the missing variables
nvm use
npm start
- Not clear when you are waiting to flip the cards, make the entire screen green
- Same thing for avalon
- Add destroying lady of the lake to avalon
- Artifacts
- Role Mods
- Priest
- blessing dies with the priest
- protects against all calamities (chewks, vampires, boogyman)
- Diseased
- protects against all calamities (chewks, vampires, boogyman)
- Bodyguard
- protects against all calamities (chewks, vampires, boogyman)
- Vampire
- bite kills by any seconding / bite kills when they are seconded (persists thru entire game)
- Priest
- Very infrequently you can get into a bad state with secret hitler. I was inspecting the top three cards of the deck, when i pressed done the played cards were different.
- Scan and process all the cards
- card.png, circle.png, square.png (or just card and square)
- Make assets for avalon
- Play test the heck out of
- Artifacts, anything that kills, modifies other artifacts, or changes roles
- Leprechaun and how it interacts with other roles like alpha wolf, body guard, etc
- Frankenstein and how it interacts with roles
- Figure out why colors are showing incorrectly for Avalon
- Separate games from lobbies, so you can leave a game to modify the next lobby. If a game is going for a specific lobby you have an option to view it
- Add spectate option in all lobbies
- Make a isBranded toggle on players to remove their active state
- Add diseased protection type, this will be a better hold for protections and figuring things out. clean this up after night ends
- Boogyman also works fine, just set night timers, add in option for after every role
- Add more visible profile counts / selected states
When waking people up at night, display their name
Make sure prompts for rebirth work
At night it helps if moderator sees names AND roles
Make sure werewolves can vote
Add ability for people to return to lobby
- Anyone can do it
- There are two collections, games and lobbies
- Lobbies don't call set, they call update, when switching lobbies you see what exists first and use that
- Add spectate mode for all games
- Add option for moderator to turn off player actions
- frankenstein should have all buttons if no-flip, only dead are enabled
- have more explicit "secret" for all prompts. night action base should make description mandatory and a potential property for secret message
- Try adding artifact action which excepts generic actions, not the list of actions
- End game needs a second player to end the game. A modal shows up for everyone else to end the game with their choice. You can cancel. Also, end game is in a sub menu of the menu.
Sometimes people get double artifacts
Save seating chart for subsequent games
I think there is a bug with leprechaun and alpha wolf where multiple conversions happen
Add chat feature
Fix randoming new roles. If a werewolf dies, they are the last of their kind, and there is a different bad faction still alive, random the werewolf into a good person.
TODO: I started the previous governments for SH but it doesn't work
Players: Everyone gets some cards Everyone can see other players cards Witness sees who the murderer and accomplice are but doesn't know who is who Accomplice sees who the murderer is and what their options were Murder sees who the accomplice is and selects one of each type
Moderator: Can see other players cards Can see what the murderer's final options are Can start the game when all players are ready Is dealt "cause of Death" and choose one of the "Location of Crime" tiles They are dealt 4 random cards (beside event cards)
Everyone: Can see peoples cards and who has flagged which items Can see the moderators cards, what items have items selected and what haven't Can see other players flags on items Can see a timer with how long is left in the round Can see what round it is Can see who has put in their badge and guessed the murderer Can see which combinations have been guessed
All Players: Can tap on a players card to select it or deselect it Can come forward and choose who the murderer is (only once)
Witness: Can optionally see who the two players were
Murderer / Accomplice: Can optionally see what items they selected Can optionally see their team mates
Moderator: Can select an item from one of their cards (it notifies the players of the selection)
Moderator: Has text for what to say Can select a person to "go". This starts a timer everyone can see Can start the day cycle at any moment
All Players: Sees relevant timers All normal day views
NOTE: Once a marker has been placed by the moderator, that is the permanent order it displays in. Later in the game the moderator can "discard" one (should remain visible, but greyed out). Any item can be replaced besides location or cause of crime. Events can optionally happen for the second or third round Moderator should still put people to sleep so the murderer isn't given away Would be nice for the accomplice to see in real time what the murderer is selecting
Hey Fam, we have a number of things that we can work on for innovation day! We need help across all the different professions and across all the games we currently have running. General:
- Devs: The app is currently a PWA. We need to figure out how to let the users know if there are updates to the app and force them to refresh the page (similar to how gmail does it)
- Devs: We can hook up the PWA to get push notifications with firebase. This could be an awesome feature to let players know it is their turn for the various games.
- Devs: Portraits sometimes show up sideways.
- Choose your own new game or task!
- Design: The UI for avalon is rough around the edges, how would you want to see it cleaned up?
- Design: We don't have any assets yet, we can either scan or make our own artwork!
- Devs: There are a few new roles we can implement!
- TE: Sometimes we get very strange behaviour with no idea how to reproduce 😅
Secret Hitler:
- Devs: There is a bug where old data gets set if a user doesn't have the current game and sends a mission. This one will require quite a bit of tinkering.
- Devs: We still have artifacts and roles left to implement, and lots of other work to be done!
- TE: We need to verify the intricacies of some of the roles and how they interact with each other. For example, there are issues with the leprechaun and alpha wolf and I have no idea how they behave. Lots of testing needs to be done!
- Design: We have a bunch of new roles and cards that need assets, either by scanning them or drawing them yourself.
- Product: We can potentially think of new roles and artifacts to implement.
Murder in Hong Kong:
- This is a brand new game with very little work done to it. If you wanted to get in on the ground floor with a lunch game, this one is it! We need heavy design and development work. They should happen hand in hand.
- Design: We have hundreds of cards to scan and adjust in photoshop.
- Design: We have the entire UI to think through. How do we let people view others cards? How do we set up the game? How do we let the forensic scientist perform actions?
- Devs: The general plumbing is in place to let you start a game, but nothing beyond that. Take some time to see how avalon and secret hitler are set up and try to re-use those components. If we have any exciting innovation here, the other three games will benefit as well.