1st sum: C program to find sum of squares of n natural numbers.
2nd sum : Swapping two numbers without using third variable
3rd sum: C program to find one's place digit of a number
4th sum: Converting a string from uppercase to lowercase
5th sum: Converting the temperature from fahrenhit to celsius
6th sum: Checking whether the given character is alphabet or not
7th sum: Checking whether leap year or not
8th sum: Checking whether the given char is vowel and alphabet or consonant and alphabet or not an alphabet
9th sum: Checking which number is nearest to 100 among two numbers taken as input
10th sum: Checking whether the given number is armstrong or not
11th sum: Findind reverse of a number
12th sum: Finding factorial of a number
13th sum: Checking whether number is prime or not
14th sum: Finding the sum of even integers between two numbers
15th sum: Finding natural numbers from 1 to n
16th sum: C program to convert a given number to words
17th sum: Finding GCD of a number
18th sum: Finding sum of digits of a number
19th sum: Sum of Series of a number
20th sum: Finding total number of digits of a number
21st sum: Checking whether the given number is strong number or not
22nd sum: Finding the fibonacci series of a number
23rd sum: Finding prime numbers between any two numbers
24th sum: C program to generate multiplication table
25th sum : C program to print pascal's triangle