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Composable seeding for mongoose models.


import { model, seed } from "seedrgoose";
import mongoose from "mongoose";

// Create models

const MageSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ /* ... */ });
const MageModel = mongoose.model("mages", MageSchema);

const DragonSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    mageId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
    /* ... */
const DragonModel = mongoose.model("dragons", DragonSchema);

// Connect mongoose to your database

await mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017");

// Model references across models

const refs = [
        model: DragonModel,
        keys: [
            { key: "mageId", model: MageModel }

// Create seeder methods

const mage = model(MageModel, refs);
const dragon = model(DragonModel, refs);

// Compose a dragon and mage document
// where dragon.mageId == parent mage._id
// reference for this is creates in `refs`

const mageWithOneDragon = mage(dragon());

// Seed composed state

await seed(mageWithOneDragon);

Table Of Contents

Modelling References

This module does not currently support using ref to populate references in the composed tree. To achieve correct population of refs provide a data structure of type Ref[] to model().

Modelling some common use cases

Single reference from one model to another

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const { model } = require("seedrgoose");

const UserModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({ teamId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, /* ... */})
const TeamModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({ /* ... */ })

const Refs = [
    { model: UserModel, keys: [{ key: "teamId", model: TeamModel }] },
    { model: TeamModel, keys: [] }

const user = model(UserModel, Refs);
const team = model(TeamModel, Refs);

// Models 1 TeamModel document and
// 3 UserModel documents where teamId
// on all 3 UserModel documents will be
// the _id of the single TeamModel document
const teamWithThreeUsers = team(

Array of references from one model to another

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const { model } = require("seedrgoose");

const UserModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({ /* ... */})
const TeamModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({ users: [mongoose.Types.ObjectId], /* ... */ })

const Refs = [
    { model: UserModel, keys: [] },
    { model: TeamModel, keys: [{ key: ["users"], model: UserModel }] }

const user = model(UserModel, Refs);
const team = model(TeamModel, Refs);

// Models 1 TeamModel document and
// 3 UserModel documents where the users
// array on the TeamModel document
// will contain the _id's of the
// 3 UserModel documents
const teamWithThreeUsers = team(

Reference inside a subdocument array

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const { model } = require("seedrgoose");

const UserModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({
        activities: [
                timestamp: {
                    type: Date,
                activityId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId
        /* ... */
const ActivityModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({ subscription: [mongoose.Types.ObjectId], /* ... */ })

const Refs = [
    { model: UserModel, keys: [{ key: ["activities.activityId"], model: ActivityModel }] },
    { model: ActivityModel, keys: [] }

const user = model(UserModel, Refs);
const activity = model(ActivityModel, Refs);

// This will populate activities array
// on the user with 3 documents with their
// defaults, i.e. timestamp, populated.
const userWithThreeActivities = user(

References to documents 2 or more levels above in the hierarchy.

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const { model } = require("seedrgoose");

const TeamModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({ /* ... */ })
const UserModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({
        teamId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
        /* ... */
const ActivityModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({
        userId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
        teamId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
        /* ... */

const Refs = [
        model: TeamModel,
            { key: ["users"], model: UserModel }
        model: UserModel,
        keys: [
            { key: "teamId", model: TeamModel },
        model: ActivityModel,
        keys: [
            { key: "userId", model: UserModel },
            { key: "teamId", model: TeamModel },

const user = model(UserModel, Refs);
const team = model(TeamModel, Refs);
const activity = model(ActivityModel, Refs);

// Models a team with 2 users
// and an activity document for each user.
const teamWithASingleUserAndTwoActivities =
    team( // teamA
        user( // userA - will have teamId of teamA
            activity() // userId and teamId will of userA
        user( // userB - will have teamId of teamA
            activity() // userId and teamId will be of userB

Customizing fields on documents

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const faker = require("faker");
const { model } = require("seedrgoose");

const UserModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({
        username: String,
        firstName: String,
        lastName: String,
        teamId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
        /* ... */
const TeamModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({
        name: String,
        /* ... */

const Refs = [
    { model: TeamModel, keys: [] },
    { model: UserModel, keys: [{ key: "teamId", model: TeamModel }] }

const user = model(UserModel, Refs);
const team = model(TeamModel, Refs);

const teamWithTwoModifiedUsers = team(

Populating fields on model from different models

Use keys.keyOnForeignModel in the Refs object.

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const faker = require("faker");
const { model } = require("seedrgoose");

const UserModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({
        username: String,
        teamName: String,
        teamId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
        /* ... */
const TeamModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({
        name: String,
        /* ... */

const Refs = [
    { model: TeamModel, keys: [] },
        model: UserModel,
        keys: [
            { key: "teamId", model: TeamModel },
            { key: "teamName", model: TeamModel, keyOnForeignModel: "name" },

const user = model(UserModel, Refs);
const team = model(TeamModel, Refs);

// user's teamName value will be 
// the name value of it's team
// document i.e. Test
const userInTeam = patch(team(user()), { name: "Test" });

I need to access a reference from a document in the state tree that I am building

You can do this in two ways - Before or after seeding.

Before seeding: Since the documents are not created by seedrgoose until seed() is called you can use patch() to set generated ObjectId's.

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const { ObjectId } = require("mongoose");
const { model, patch } = require("seedrgoose");

const UserModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({ teamId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, /* ... */})
const TeamModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({ users: [mongoose.Types.ObjectId], /* ... */ })

const Refs = [
    { model: UserModel, keys: [{ key: "teamId", model: TeamModel }] },
    { model: TeamModel, keys: [{ key: ["users"], model: UserModel }] }

const user = model(UserModel, Refs);
const team = model(TeamModel, Refs);

const teamId = new ObjectId();

const teamWithAUser = patch(
        user(), // teamId on this document will be populated with the patched _id
    { _id: teamId }

const userId = new ObjectId();

const teamWithAUser = team( // users array will be populated with the patched `userId`
    patch(user(), { _id: userId }),

After seeding: The resolution value of seed() can be passed into documents() to get a tree of documents created.

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const { ObjectId } = require("mongoose");
const { model, seed, documents } = require("seedrgoose");

const UserModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({ teamId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, /* ... */})
const TeamModel = mongoose.model(
    new mongoose.Schema({ users: [mongoose.Types.ObjectId], /* ... */ })

const Refs = [
    { model: UserModel, keys: [{ key: "teamId", model: TeamModel }] },
    { model: TeamModel, keys: [{ key: ["users"], model: UserModel }] }

const user = model(UserModel, Refs);
const team = model(TeamModel, Refs);

const teamWithAUser = documents(await seed(team(user())));
teamWithUser.collection // "teams"
teamWithUser.document // team document
teamWithUser.children[0].collection // "users"
teamWithUser.children[0].document // user document



model(mongooseModel, [refs])

  • mongooseModel: mongoose.Model (required) - A mongoose model.
  • refs: Array<Ref> (optional) - List of Ref objects used to provide references to other models.

Returns - method


  • states: Array<State> (optional) - List of State objects returned previous calls of method().

Returns - State


Seed documents created using method().

  • state: State (required) - State tree created by method() calls.

Returns - Promise<State>

Examples - tests/seed.test.ts


Delete documents seeded using seed().

  • state: State (required) - State tree created by method() calls.

Returns - Promise<void>

Examples - tests/cleanup.test.ts

patch(state, patches)

Modify values of a document created using method().

  • state: State (required) - State tree created by method() calls.
  • patches: Record<string, any> - Key-value pair of mongoose dot notation paths and the value to be set.

Returns - State

Examples - tests/patch.test.ts


Get document tree from result of seed().

  • state: State (required) - State tree returned by seed()

Returns - DocumentTree



Used for modelling references between models.

  • model: mongoose.Model (required)
  • keys: Array (required)
    • key: string | string[] (required) - Field on current model. Use string[] when you want to model array of ids or array of subdocuments with keys that have foreign references.
    • model: mongoose.Model (required) - Foreign model
    • keyOnForeignModel: String (optional) - Field on foreign model whose value will be assigned to the key field.


  • document: mongoose.Document
  • children: DocumentTree[]


This is state maintained by the module and should not be interacted with directly.


Seed MongoDB with using composable functions.







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