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A CivicTech platform that is algorithmically modelled around citizen engagement as a means to hold leaders accountable. Leaders cement the record of their service in form of socialfied news where reactionary mechanisms to foster engagement are those with authority is made accessible.

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Civic Participation Network

A CivicTech innovation that creates civic opportunities for the participating citizenry to engage with centers of power. Formulating frames and modalities grounded in participation theory to put forth innovative democratic approaches and tools to help citizens make their voices heard and publicly exchange views on all areas of sustainable devlopment. The platform is geared towards countering disinformation and other forms of interference in the democratic debate, empowering citizens to make informed decisions by helping them identify disinformation and promoting media and civic literacy, with main stream media involvement; engaging citizens and communities in discussions and action related to a wide range of sustainable goals.

Participation Models and Frameworks built around civic literacy

This is to borrow heavilty from participation theory in formulating participation models and frameworks but also civic literacy to boost civic awareness on rights and values and increasing their degree of engagement in society enabling people to deepen their knowledge and better understand of democratic institutions and policies strengthening democratic participation, with a special focus on inclusion of younger and older people, women in all their diversity, and people with disabilities; reaching those citizens not active in civic participation in their everyday life; This to go against models where the administrator as the expert, makes rational, valuefree decisions. Citizens are clients who defer to the expertise of the professional bureaucrat. As clients, citizens are dependent on the bureaucracy. With this model citizens are thought to lack the knowledge and expertise to be involved in decision making so they provide input, when asked, but otherwise quietly accept the actions and decisions of the administrative experts. This is to champion digital inclusivity by conceptualizing a proxy representation model where those who are unable to access, operate or use digital tools can be helped to navigate these technologies by using helper tools or personnel.

Civic literacy centers on the belief that an aware, informed and engaged citizens are society's greatest assets for solving the most critical problems in our communities. The adoption of state of the art technology and knowledge across sectors would provide powerful new tools for democratic engagement and problem solving. This is to embrace learning through experimentation, network building and knowledge sharing to advance the civic potential of people and technology.

Open Government

This is to showcase fundamental rethinking to the concept of open government.

Citizen as co-producer/Administrator co-producer:

reflects the ideal of co-production and collaboration where citizens and administrators collaborate with one another to solve problems and get things done. This is opposed to models where citizens are thought to lack the knowledge and expertise to be involved in decision making so they provide input, when asked, but otherwise quietly accept the actions and decisions of the administrative experts. Also administrators serve and empower citizens as they manage public organizations and implement public policy. Public servants act as facilitators and partners rather than experts.

Questions that the Citizen Participation Networks is Supposed to answer

What prompts one community, to be open, inclusive, and deliberative in their interactions with the public, while other communities, opt to exclude citizens as much as possible? What characteristics are present in the open and deliberative environments that are not present in the closed environments? why and how citizens are included in the deliberative process. Why do some public administrators embrace the idea of including citizens?

Blockchain Decentralized networking participation model

The frames and modalities will adapt a decentralized protocol stack that implements current decentralized technologies like Blockchain to model physical realities of civic participation. Blockchain Decentralized networking platforms built on blockchain protocols/platforms that enable the development of applications to drive the privacy-focused era of user engagement. With decentralization in place, the manipulation for an entity’s gains fades out, resulting in a better user experience. Here no one, in particular, can take core decisions as most of the dapps follow a community first approach

The Citizen Participation dAPP

Blockchain Decentralized networking platforms built on blockchain protocols/platforms that enable the development of applications. Because Blockchain social media networks are decentralized, there is no central proprietary authority in charge of all data. Instead, the data is distributed across servers at each network node in a homogeneous and decentralized manner. By keeping user content on a blockchain’s immutable ledger, social media ventures can avoid censorship. They can also provide users control over incentives and reputation points The dAPP for the citizen participation network will also feature anti censorship tools. These are to circumvent blockage, privacy protection and outage torrolence.

Lingual inclusivity

Using natural language processing to provide multiple-lingual deliberations among a wide spectrum of participants

Fault Torrolence

Engineered with the ability to function with partial outage and full outage in offline settings.

Deriverables as Smart contracts

Manifestos and mandates are executed as Smart contracts against which evaluations and needs assessment mechanisms are benchmarked against.

Actionable Civic Tools

These are to include tools such as petitions and anti-voting-rigging mechanisms that are grounded in technical principles of the blockchain and cryptography

Whistle Blowing

As a platform for civic deliberation, with the ability for both open and anonymous disclosure and uncovering of wrong doing will be supported and other exposure mechanisms for accountability. This will be grounded in anonymity and privacy.

CivicTech API

This is not only for a single geocivic locale but will also made to inspire several other civic locales as a free open source project to help inspire and foster better civic engagement and participation.

Monitoring and Evaluation

To act as a monitoring and Evaluation tool grounded in principles of needs assessment

Needs Assessment

Implement tools for needs assessment against public projects and administrators as an accountability mechanisms to engage participation amongst the citizenry.

Open civic research and collaboration

Open civic research that is openly accessible and modifiable by others. Much like open-source schemes the central theme of open civic research is to make clear accounts of the methodology freely available via the internet, along with any data or results extracted or derived from them. This is to permit a massively distributed collaboration, and one in which anyone may participate at any level of civic initiative.

News and Publication

Everything is to be summed up as news and media publication timeline with thought provoking pieces to scrutinze service delivery with the ability for citizen reacions. Socialfied platform where citizens can engage leaders in threaded chats, feeds, media, posts and question and answer sessions. This is to be built on top of movim, a decentralized social and IM platform, as a web frontend for the XMPP protocol. This will allow publication of articles, chats, collaborations and streams. This will allow communities to publish and subscribe to various nodes on different topics.

Analytics and Benchmarks

The platform will showcase the state of the art data analytics and benchmarking tools for administrative assessment

Application Programming Interface

The Citizen Participation Network would expose APIs to other platforms for collaboration and interoperability This will also implement the ability for civic communication standards and protocols. This will enable others to extend CPN with new functionality and abilities whather on platform or off-platform.

Civic Idiation

The platform is to provide an environment to foster and enourage theorization and idiation of civic concepts and alternatives to civic challenges and opportunities.

Mentorship and Apprentiships

A platform to mentor civic participation to the next generation of leaders and the citizenry.

Civic Petitioning

A means to crowdsource advocacy, conscent and mobilisation of the citizenry to stand behind a civic cause or idiation.

Policy Research

A hub for formulation of policy research and collaboration among scholars and practitioners. This is also to feature policy formulation and theorization among participation theorists and practioners.

Social Injustice

A medium to voice social injustice by participating members

Electronic Voting and Registration

Present the ability to deliberate in civic exercises like electroniv voting and election of leaders by participating citizens. Blockchain based voting this is to introduce an integrity layer that is decentralized from a central authority that can be compromised and corrupted. This helps to achieythe ultimate principle of one man one vote and helps to reed the voting exercise of duplication of votes .

Global Geo-Civic Participation

Foster the inclusion of foreign and dyspora civic participation as one of the first few steps in creation of global citizenry in solving not only localized challenges but also global challenges. Disdents, dual citizenship holders and exiled individuals can get a chance to take part in the deliberation process. Exchange and development of civic idealogies.

Collaboration Think Tanks

The citizen participation network wil provide collaboration think tanks to participationg citizens as a platform to exchange civic ideations.

Simulations and polls

The platform will enable opinion polls and simulations of civic events and phenomenal


Ask me anything by leaders from participating citizens. Raising concerns and benchmarking service delivery. Such presents a townhall style of questions and answers from those who seek accountability.


A platform for participation theorists and practitioners collaborate to publish works on evidence-based research and ideation to further the understanding of citizen participation.

Whistle Blowing

Name and Shame wrong doing by those in power This is to help nurture the culture of transparency and open access to knowledge by everyone as a mechanism to hold those in power accountable.


Laws and policy interpretation and translation for the citizenry into the several local languages.


The platform will implement mechanisms to cun misinformation and fake news. This will depend on anti deception tool that verify real events. Using crowd sourced news to verify and ascertain conflicting versions of events. Such a form of civic participation will be developed at the core of the platform. Support forensic style of fact checking to counter disinformation sourcing and propagation.

Civic Mentorship and apprenticeships

Provide a means to provide civic literacy through mentorships and apprenticeships. Using pedagogy and other educator-learner techniques to transfer knowledge to willing partpating citizens.

Civic Philanthropy

Facilitate lobbying, fundraising and crowd-sourcing of financial resources for causes in the civic domains.

Leadership Index

Use the platform's open sourced data to compute and derive a leadersip index that quantifies and assess leader-citizen engagement. This will help quantify a parametrized measurements of leader engagement to the citizenry. The index will present a measure of participation.

Civic Participation Index

Similarly, a citizen participation index formulated to quantify civic participation by the citizenry. The formulated participation index will help benchmark participation with performance measurements derived to quantify regional, continental and international participation.

International Participation Ranking

And from all quantifiable metrics derived from all platform engagements, reactionary mechanisms on news, content, and all forms of civic footprints effected by leaders will be weighted variables for the leader's civic participation indice score.
As a yard stick or a scorecard to help those in need of improvement or to reward those who have excelled at civic engagement and participation. Use the platform to help standardize the civic index as the agreed scientific ranking and measure of civic participatory engagement.

Civil Society

The platform will aspire to create a home for civil society where desent can't be quelled, a safe space to voice civic concerns by the citizenry. This feature of the platform is to help provide those whose dissent is at a risk of getting silenced get a safe space.

Participation Wiki

Besides news, articles and research, the citizen participation network as a platform, will feature a wiki to help complement other sources of civic literacy. And ask me anything expositions.

Participation Chapters

Facilitate the creation and moderation of Global civic participation chapters that adapt uniquely to different global locales. A platorm requirement for multilingual support. This will help civic exchange across geopolitical lines. Engineering the platform to interconnect global geopolitical chapters.

Decentralized Unions

Specialized niche and focused participation and engagements as a way to group and separate participation and engagements

Protocol for Civic Participation Networking

The Authentication Transfer Protocol as a federated social network. It integrates ideas from the latest decentralized technologies This federation mechanism will allow decentralized platforme. This exempts it from corporate takeover or buyouts hence remaining part of the citizenry

Federated Participation

Feature federated civic participation where conservative and liberal ideologies can be decentralized to other instances. Federating civic participation will enable for several server instances to communicate with each other — like email. Instead of one instance running the networ.

Reach and Speech

Meaning that participating citizens will get a choice of provider, and individuals can self-host if they want. This features the ability for participating citizens to have transferable profiles across federated instances because of the interoperability presented by the Authentication protocol. transparent moderation & curation, and user self-governance. Such autonomy does prevent central control, sabotage, buyouts and influence

Ditributed Fault Torellence and Outage protocol

Like other federated protocols, the citizen participation network will formulated around the concept of distributed systems to allow content from one instance to be synchronised to another instances with fault torollence and outage in mind. This is to also a feature to circumnavigate censorship and blockade by governments and regimes.

Account portability and transferability

Anyone's online identity should not be owned by corporations with no accountability to their users. With the AT Protocol, you can move your account from one provider to another without losing any of the data or social graph. This is to help the participating citizenry to joing and leave any instance at will. User choice requires portability for identity, data, payments, and any other service. When people can switch providers without losing their identity or social graph, then social media can work as a competitive open market again.

Autonomous Instances as Outage Redundancies

The decentralized protocol is to provide autonomous existence This also allow instances redundancy is a measure for fault torrelence and outage. The same ability to decentralize data and processes, provides the preventive ability from authoritarian regimes and governments to compromise to quell dissent through backdoor access or other forms of infiltration. But also, a system wide sos of such infiltration is sent.

Research and Development in Federated Protocols

This is to further research and developement on federated protocols and offer this project's protocol as an open source software. This will be a starting to cub censorship, blockage and qeull of dissent. Anonymous accountability and participation

de-identification of accounts

Integrate de-identification that remove all personal identifying information for privacy. This also relates to the right to be forgoten for example, accounts who owners are deceased.

Beyond Social Standards

The CPN platform and a decentralized standard represents a rebellion against an increasingly centralized web, a core design goal and the predecessors it built upon, such as GNU Social. But also learns from imperfections in the standard to questions of how online communities should form to efforts to reach beyond the standard post/comment/follow format of typical social networks.

Adapting the Authenticated Transfer Protocol

Adapting the AT Protocol (Authenticated Transfer Protocol) at This is to advance the AT protocol with improvements in account identify that is to say, with de-identification protocols for privacy and and anonymity. This therefore puts an opportunity to enhance the current Authenticated Transfer Protocol (AT) to be rengineered to cater for the most important question of the century .i.e, privacy.

Protective Moderation

This is to borrow heavily from karl Popper's Paradox of Tolerance. A global governance problem, which is that it's impossible to make a set of governance rules that a billion people can agree to. This is to help balance reach and torelence.

CyberBots Detection

Engage a robust pattern recognition for automated activities by bots and other non human users and perhaps engineer a specialize protocol that recognizes non human users. This will also include specialized detection for synthetic speech, literal material and chats. This is exemplified by advance in Generative Pre-trained Transformer and related sythentic speech technologies for chatbots for synthesing speech and response. This is also to safe guard against spammed responses that auto repeat.

Anonymity for Registered Account

This is to feature registered users to engaged and participate on the platform anonymously. This enables their accounts to switch to anonymous mode without users depending on other alias accounts for fear of retribution. This will save the platform double or even triple account holding. This ability to for accounts to switch roles will be the first of its kind to de-identify accounts and presence. Often times account holders wish to engage on sensitive topics with their identities with-held but because, current platforms do justify accounts with identities for advertisment dollars, this is not possible .This will help protected persecuted ethinic, racial and sexual and gender minorities.

Differing Account Roles

Building from anonymity, this exemplifies the scenarios for user accounnts taking on multiple roles, or multiple sub aacounts. A super account having sub accounts with differing roles, identity and therefore personas. A way to anthropomorphize user identity, behaviour and civic engagement patterns. Accounts can be Transfer of an instance to another server.

Instances as Developer Sandboxes

This is to allow reversible edits and content creation


A CivicTech platform that is algorithmically modelled around citizen engagement as a means to hold leaders accountable. Leaders cement the record of their service in form of socialfied news where reactionary mechanisms to foster engagement are those with authority is made accessible.






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