For this assessment, you'll be completing some string manipulation functions within the and files.
There is some light dependency on knowing how Functions work in python in terms of argument passing and return values, but you should be able to figure it out as you go. -- Complete the string functions in, based on your knowledge of Python strings, indexing, slicing, and methods. -- Additional string function completions.
- Fork this repository into your own personal github account.
- Then Clone your own repo to your local development machine.
- Create a separate branch named
, and checkout the branch. - Commit your changes, then
git push
the branch back to your own github account. - From your own Github repo, create a pull request (PR) from your
branch back to your own master. - Copy/Paste the URL link to your PR as your assignment submission.
- Your grader will post code review comments inline with your code, in your github account. Be sure to respond to any comments and make requested changes. RESUBMIT a new link to your PR after making changes. This is the code review iteration cycle.
Feel free to edit the (this very text itself) of this assignment and enhance it. The README is the front-most facing page of your work, so it should make a good impression. As assigments get more complex, you will be expected to create READMEs with sufficient detail to capture all aspects of how your code is intended to be used: Cloning, dependencies, gotchas, quick-starts, deployment notes, etc.
As a reference, see this: README Best Practices template