- Onboarding page (Optional)
- Login page
- Sign up page
- Home page
- Contains a slider with three slides that contain the features of the application (go creative here)
- Contain a button to go to the next page or skip onboarding Login Page
- Contain email and password input fields
- login button
- Sign up page link
- Profile image upload section (Optional)
- User name, email, password input field
- Make the password encrypted and then store
- Sign up button
- Login page link
- Pie chart → Which contains the data of today’s completed tasks, pending tasks, and all due tasks
- Complete Tasks Card → This contains the number of tasks that are completed
- Pending Tasks Card → This contains the number of tasks that are pending
- Todo List → Should have a list of all tasks and option to Sort by ( Due Tasks, Today’s tasks, Tomorrow’s tasks, priority, creation date)
- TaskItem → Task Title, Task description, Date picker button, Complete button(which marks a task as complete), Edit button, Priority button(have 1,2,3 priority), Delete button
- Add New Task button