A simple yet slightly chaotic game where you play as santa claus, and you have to drop presents into the chimneys as you fly over them.
Cannon shoots presents as mouse rotates around
Flying objects?
Homing missiles?
Santa rotates slightly as he moves up or downwards
Collectibles: Milk & Cookies (replenish health/lives), candycanes
Obstacles: Birds
- Add chimney art -done
- Have end to game: santa can die from hitting stuff - he has x lives - done
- Add something that does damage - done
- Add Health - done
- Add end game screen showing score & restart. - done
- Score = presents scored and distance travelled, so wehen game ends you see your high score - done
- Add reindeer?
- Save data - High score, datetime, (3 digit) name?, always sorted in order of highest score
Add different typess of enemies: Random vertical movement Slow movement (current ducks) horizontally - no vertical movement One that chases you a bit but can be outrun. You can go past it and it will no longer chase you Something guaranteed to hit you but that will do a bit of damage when it does so you either have to kill it with a present or just have enough health
Be able to kill ducks/enemies with presents
Health items and/or buffs/powerups
Add aiming system Add powewrups so you can fire multiple things double ended canon multishot machinegun?
Start/end screen - Show high scores Start game button Show controls Ducks - recreate bird in my style (robin or goose) Sleigh - Adjust sleigh size Where would you put a canon on a sleigh? Reindeer - initial sprite rudolph in front? animated leg movements Powerups - milk (done) cookies carrots Elongated skyline backgrounds Better chimneys?