Design an app to improve students' experience using the course data for the last 5 years
Over 50 students, researchers, and instructors attended UBC’s sixth learning analytics hackathon on November 2 and 3, 2019, spending the weekend creating apps and dashboards to improve student learning and experiences. Learning analytics is an emerging field that aims to use educational data – such as activity data generated in learning management systems like Canvas – to improve teaching and learning.
For the first time, participants were given access to 5 years’ worth of UBC’s course calendar data, which includes descriptions, pre/co-requisites, enrolment numbers, instructor names, and more, about every course taught at UBC from 2014-2018.
Working as a team, we created a secure app with focus on data privacy, allowing students to see which courses they are eligible to take. Please refer to the final presentation for the detailed explanation of the idea.