Execute any arbitrary command with a provided maximum run time.
All signals and input are forwarded to the child application.
If the alloted time is exceeded, the application will be terminated by one of two means:
Immediate Kill (Default)
The command is sent SIGKILL (or, if on windows, the equivilant) which forcibly stops execution immediately and closes the application.
Graceful Kill (-g)
In graceful mode, if the alloted time passes before the application completes, it is sent SIGTERM (or, if on windows, the equivilant), and then given a short time (configurable) to cleanup and exit.
If the grace time passes and the application still has not stopped, the kill switch is thrown.
The following would execute a command "doDbLoad" with some arguments.
"doDbLoad" will have 60 seconds to complete, otherwise it gets the terminate signal, followed by up to 5 seconds to cleanup and exit on its own, after which it is forcibly killed.
cmdtimeout --graceful=5 60 -- ./doDbLoad --from=/data/db1.db --to=MyDatabase
The following executes a "find" with a 10 second maximum execution time.
cmdtimeout 10 -- find . >> dirlist
Usage cmdtimeout (Options) [num seconds] -- [cmd] ([cmd args])
Runs specfied command, with a given maximum timeout.
The arguments and options to cmdtimeout should precede two dashes '--',
after which everything is executed.
-g(=N) --graceful(=N) Instead of sending SIGKILL after timeout,
send SIGTERM and wait a few seconds.
You can provide the seconds between signals as N.
Default is to wait the smaller of: 10% of timeout, or 5 seconds,
-s --shell Execute the command through a shell
-? --help Show this message
Example: cmdtimeout -g 5 20 -- ./doWork --database=mydb.db
Gives "doWork" 20 seconds to complete, otherwise
SIGTERM and allows 5 seconds before forcing KILL.
If the program exits normally, cmdtimeout returns with the exitcode [ $? ] passed from the application.
Otherwise, under the following circumstances, the listed exit code is returned instead:
EXIT_CODE_ARG_ERROR [ 250 ] - cmdtimeout was missing a required argument
EXIT_CODE_ARG_VALUE_ERROR [ 251 ] - cmdtimeout had an invalid required argument, or required argument had the wrong format
EXIT_CODE_KILLED [ 180 ] - cmdtimeout had to kill the application, as it exceeded the maximum runtime allocated. This is returned both in the case of an immediate kill, or a graceful kill, even if the application terminates itself during the graceful timeout.
EXIT_CODE_UNKNOWN [ 254 ] - This should never be returned, but is used as a fallback incase something goes ary, such as: maximum number of processes on the system, out of memory, or any other condition wherein the requested application was executed, but cmdtimeout could not complete its job.