Ursula renders and processes fundamental data of ~3000 stocks of the largest publicly held companies in the US Russell 3000 Index.
JavaScript • TypeScript • React • Next.js • MongoDB • Node.js • Tailwind • HTML5 • CSS3
- Renders and processes fundamental data of ~3000 stocks in the US Russell 3000 Index from MongoDB
- Search/Filter by name or ticker
- Login with GitHub or Google via NextAuth.js
- Responsive
- Darkmode
- Every stock is linked to for further investigation
- The data is fetched from 2 APIs (AlphaVantage and TwelveData)
- Due to the API restrictions, I created a script that runs on node
- The script fetches the data on interval and stores it in the DB
- It works seperately from Ursula, so it is found in another repo
- Ursula helps the long-term investor to find potentially undervalued companies
- that companies can then be further investigated
- Mark stocks as favorite
Made with 🍕 in Berlin.