Library to communicate easily with a Keithley DMM6500 multimeter via pyvisa
Note1: Be sure to set the multimeter in SCPI communication mode
Example usage:
import pyvisa as visa
from DMM6500 import DMM6500
from DMM6500_SCPI import Function
mm = DMM6500(visa.ResourceManager().open_resource('USB::0x05e6::0x6500::*******::INSTR'))
mm.function = Function.DC_VOLTAGE
For more examples, see the examples folder.
If you want to just generate the SCPI commands in textual form this library has no requirements.
If you want to communicate with your DMM6500 trough pyvisa this library requires:
- pyvisa
If you have no native visa driver installed, you can use these libraries to handle the communication in user space in linux:
- pyvisa-py
- pyusb
For windows, install the ni-visa from National Instruments.
All native SCPI commands are generated by
Please refer to this file for a list of all possible commands.
Commands with the prefix set_
are special in the sense that you can command to set them as if you are setting a property on the multimeter object. For example mm.set_range('auto')
does the same as mm.range ='auto'
It is possible to set a bunch of settings at the same time from a dictionary. See
It could be usefull to refer to the Keithley DMM6500 Reference Manual.
- Handle overflow nicely
- Add more settings
- Test on Windows
- Generate documentation