simple script to record your screen and generate timelapse
use ffmpeg to generate captured image to mp4 video, now scrtl
support 3 application to capture your screen.
- grim - Intended to use with wayland but not gnome-wayland
- maim - intended to use with X11
- shotgun - Intended to use in X11
- imlib2 - Intended to use in X11
- flameshot - I use this in my workspace because grim is not supported in gnome-wayland
usage: scrtl [-h] [-f NUM] [-d NUM] [-p PATH] [-s INT] tool
Create screen timelapse
positional arguments:
tool App to capture your screen
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f NUM, --fps NUM FPS for generated video
-d NUM, --delay NUM Delay between each capture
-p PATH, --path PATH Path to save captured image and generated video
-s INT, --start INT Number where the count to start no effect in flameshot
flag | short | type | description | default |
--fps | -f | INT | Set fps for generated video | 24 |
--delay | -d | INT | Delay between screenshot | 5 |
--path | -p | Path | Set where to save captured image and generated video | $HOME/Videos/scrtl |
--start | -s | INT | Number screenshot counting start, no effect if using flameshot |
1 |
- Auto clear captured image
- select screen to record
suggestions welcome
Known Issue: Generated video cannot direct share in some social media like: Instagram, Whatsapp Status. You need to edit and convert it.
Tested on:
- Manjaro Gnome 20.2.1 Nibia (flameshot)
- Manjaro 20.2.1 Nibia + swaywm (grim)