A small Sinatra app influenced by http://dummyimage.com, but written in Ruby.
Try it online at http://fakeimage.heroku.com
requires ruby 1.8.7 (MRI/REE) or 1.9.2 (YARV)
sudo gem install sinatra rmagick
ruby fakeimage.rb (or your rack-app-handler of choice)
Note: If deploying your own copy to Heroku, use their Bamboo stack. I've not had success with Ruby 1.9.1, but REE 1.8.7 is fine.
In a browser, hit http://localhost:4567/300x200
for example, or change bg and text colors by passing them as GET params:
Leave off the second dimension for a square.
Multiple image formats are supported. Just add an extension to the size (e.g. http://localhost:4567/300x200.gif
) to get that format. png (default), gif, and jpg are supported currently.
See the ImageMagick documentation for the canonical list of colors. Hex colors are also supported, but with the # replaced with a !, like http://localhost:4567/400x300?color=!849593
In the future, hex colors may be the sole representation of colors.
Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Michael Dungan, mpd@jesters-court.net, released under the MIT license
The included Droid Sans font is licensed under the Apache License, online at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.