If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.
– Edsger Dijkstra
This repository contains an implementation of the toy PH
language written in Python (version 3.13 or above). File map:
: a Result type implementation taken from https://github.com/rustedpy/resultparser_combinator.py
: a parser combinator libraryast_.py
: contains AST node definitions and the language parser.interpreter.py
: the whole point.
Link to the workshop slides. Follow along!
Read the *
, +
, [...]
, ?
symbols in the regex sense:
: zero or more of+
: one or more of[a-z]
one of the characters inside the square brackets.a-z
: zero or one of (more intuitively, "optionally")
A rule is composed of the above and |
s, which mean "or".
Example rule interpretations:
arg_list ::= expr (',' expr)*
: Anarg_list
is composed of anexpr
, followed by zero or more instances of a comma and another expression.atom ::= ident | num | '(' atom ')'
: Anatom
is either anident
, anum
or an opening brace(
followed by another atom followed by the closing brace)
ident ::= [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*
num ::= [0-9]+
atom ::= ident
| num
| '(' atom ')'
arg_list ::= expr (',' expr)*
call ::= ident '(' arg_list? ')'
unary ::= '-' unary
| call
| atom
product ::= unary '*' unary
| unary '/' unary
| unary
sum ::= product '+' product
| product '-' product
| product
expr ::= sum '>=' sum
| sum '<=' sum
| sum '<' sum
| sum '>' sum
| sum
var_set ::= ident '=' expr
var_decl ::= 'var' ident '=' expr
return ::= 'return' expr
if ::= 'if' '(' expr ')' stmt_block ( 'else' stmt_block )?
while ::= 'while' '(' expr ')' stmt_block
stmt ::= (return | if | while | var_decl | var_set | expr) ';'
stmt_block ::= '{' stmt+ '}'
param_list ::= ident (',' ident)*
fn ::= 'fn' ident '(' param_list? ')' stmt_block
program ::= fn+