This project implements a robust microservices-based architecture to manage various services for an e-commerce platform. The system is designed to handle independent services like inventory management, product catalog, order processing, and API gateway integration.
Service-Oriented Architecture: Each microservice handles a specific domain concern, ensuring modularity and scalability.
Spring Boot Microservices: Built with Java and Spring Boot for rapid development and ease of integration.
API Gateway: Centralized access point for service requests using an API Gateway pattern.
Service Discovery: Eureka Server for service registration and discovery.
Database Management: Different services use databases optimized for their individual needs.
Inter-Service Communication: Leveraged REST APIs for communication between services.
Fault Tolerance and Monitoring: Integrated Spring Boot Actuator for service monitoring and resilience.
Backend: Java 11, Spring Boot
Service Discovery: Eureka Server
API Gateway: Spring Cloud Gateway
Database: H2 Database, PostgreSQL
Build Tools: Maven
Version Control: Git
Inventory Service: Tracks product stock levels.
Product Service: Manages product details and categories.
Order Service: Handles customer orders and processing.
Eureka Server: Service discovery and registration center.
API Gateway: Manages request routing and access control.