This is a python script that spawns EC2 spot instances for minimum bid and maximum uptime(specific instance type, region and bid).
Go through the following steps to place the spot bids:
Using pip, install boto, mock, nose and wsgiref
Add your aws keys, region name, ami, key pair name, security group name to the config file
First, retrieve the 2-month spot history by executing the following command: $ python <instance_type> > results.txt
Run to place the spot bid with max uptime: $ python start
Details about functions:
parse_regions(): The spot history data contains data pertaining to all availability zones. This functions splits data based on availability zones.
pad_region(): Used to pad data to make an hourly data(For easier analysis)
simplify_data(): Display data as a tuple - <hour,price>
stats(): To compute Avg uptime, Avg. Downtime, Availability of a persistent request for bids varying from 0 to on-demand cost.
get_recent_history(): Get mean and standard deviation of the data.
auto_corr(): Compute the autocorrelation of the spot pricing history with a lag factor varying from 0hrs to the input provided(mostly 50-60hrs)
get_stl(): Makes decision on which availability zone to choose by comparing standard deviations of residual graphs(by removing seasonality and trend)
read_user_data_from_local_config(): Read keys from the local config file
get_spot_price_history(): Get spot history data from AWS.
create_client(): Create an EC2 client session using boto
provision_instance(): Place a spot request with given parameters.
wait_for_up(): Used to connect to the spot instance and get its public IP
Some part of the code comes from spot-ec2-proxifier project