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No coverage report generated for large project #434

cklogs opened this issue Feb 26, 2021 · 59 comments · Fixed by #463

No coverage report generated for large project #434

cklogs opened this issue Feb 26, 2021 · 59 comments · Fixed by #463


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cklogs commented Feb 26, 2021

Hi there,

This library is now recommended for code coverage when using v11 of the angular-cli. We are currently using karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter because we have yet to get successful coverage reports with karma-coverage. Seeing, however, that there are deprecation warnings when using the istanbul reporter library with the v11 angular-cli, we would very much like to move off it.

Perhaps someone here can help discern what is wrong with our configuration or point us in the right direction.

I will include the karma.config, and test output debug logs for two different projects.

The first project (PROJECT-1) is a bare project that was initialized with ng new command. It was updated to Angular 11 using the ng update command from angular-cli. The point of including this project is to serve as a 'control' for the second project.

The second project (PROJECT-2) comes from a relatively large production codebase. In this codebase is roughly 5000 unit tests.

Important points

  1. The angular.json test configuration block, tsconfig.spec.ts, and karma.config for both PROJECT-1 and PROJECT-2 are exactly the same. I will post the shared karma.config below.
  2. v11 angular-cli still has memory management issues at build time, similar to those mentioned here. For build/run/test on PROJECT-2 we have to use the --max_old_space_size flag. Note that we are running with latest version of the angular-cli and node v12.x.

PROJECT-1 tests are run with: ng test.
PROJECT-2 tests are run with: node --max_old_space_size=8192 node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng test.

  1. When running tests on PROJECT-1, I get consistent coverage reports. I never see coverage reports for PROJECT-2.
  2. The only discernable difference between PROJECT-1 and PROJECT-2 is the --max_old_space_size configuration property mentioned about.

Below is the karma config file shared by the two projects and the debug logs that are output when running tests.

Karma config

// Karma configuration file, see link for more information

module.exports = function (config) {
    basePath: '',
    frameworks: ['jasmine', '@angular-devkit/build-angular'],
    plugins: [
    client: {
      clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser
    coverage: {
      dir: require('path').join(__dirname, '../coverage/karma-coverage'),
      reports: ['html', 'lcovonly', 'text-summary']
    reporters: ['dots', 'spec', 'coverage'],
    specReporter: {
	maxLogLines: 5, // limit number of lines logged per test
	suppressErrorSummary: true, // do not print error summary
	suppressFailed: false, // do not print information about failed tests
	suppressPassed: true, // do not print information about passed tests
	suppressSkipped: true, // do not print information about skipped tests
	showSpecTiming: false, // print the time elapsed for each spec
	failFast: false // test would finish with error when a first fail occurs.
    customLaunchers: {
	'CustomChromeHeadless': {
		base: 'ChromeHeadless',
		flags: [
		debug: true
	browsers: ['CustomChromeHeadless'],
	browserDisconnectTolerance: 2,
	browserNoActivityTimeout: 300000, // five minutes
	browserDisconnectTimeout: 60000,
	captureTimeout: 300000,
	hostname: '',
	port: 9876,
	colors: true,
	logLevel: config.LOG_DEBUG,
	autoWatch: false,
	singleRun: true,
	restartOnFileChange: false


In the PROJECT-2 output you will see only ~20 tests ran. This is because I used an fdescribe to run a single test file so as to reduce the noise a little. The same result--no coverage--happens with or without this change.

The point of failure seems to be here:

Thanks in advance for your support.

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@cklogs, karma-coverage needs to be configured using the coverageReporter property, which is missing from your configuration.

Can you please try to change the configuration like the below;

// Karma configuration file, see link for more information

module.exports = function (config) {
        basePath: '',
        frameworks: ['jasmine', '@angular-devkit/build-angular'],
        plugins: [
        client: {
            clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser
+       coverageReporter: {
+           dir: require('path').join(__dirname, './coverage/karma-coverage'),
+           subdir: '.',
+           reporters: [
+               { type: 'html' },
+               { type: 'text-summary' }
+            ]
+        },
-       coverage: {
-           dir: require('path').join(__dirname, '../coverage/karma-coverage'),
-           reports: ['html', 'lcovonly', 'text-summary']
-       },
        reporters: ['dots', 'spec', 'coverage'],
        specReporter: {
            maxLogLines: 5, // limit number of lines logged per test
            suppressErrorSummary: true, // do not print error summary
            suppressFailed: false, // do not print information about failed tests
            suppressPassed: true, // do not print information about passed tests
            suppressSkipped: true, // do not print information about skipped tests
            showSpecTiming: false, // print the time elapsed for each spec
            failFast: false // test would finish with error when a first fail occurs.
        customLaunchers: {
            'CustomChromeHeadless': {
                base: 'ChromeHeadless',
                flags: [
                debug: true
        browsers: ['CustomChromeHeadless'],
        browserDisconnectTolerance: 2,
        browserNoActivityTimeout: 300000, // five minutes
        browserDisconnectTimeout: 60000,
        captureTimeout: 300000,
        hostname: '',
        port: 9876,
        colors: true,
        logLevel: config.LOG_DEBUG,
        autoWatch: false,
        singleRun: true,
        restartOnFileChange: false

More information about karma-coverage configuration can be found here:

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cklogs commented Mar 15, 2021


I tried exactly as is suggested above and coverage reports are still not being generated.
Perhaps there is something more I'm missing?

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Without a reproduction it's hard to tell what's happening. You can try to debug

this.executeReport = async function (reporterConfig, browser) {
to see what's happening.

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cklogs commented Apr 1, 2021

I'm still trying to demystify what is going on but I have observed the following:
For these particular methods:

this.onRunStart = function (browsers) {
coverageMaps = Object.create(null)
// TODO(vojta): remove once we don't care about Karma 0.10
if (browsers) {
this.onBrowserStart = function (browser) {
var startingMap = {}
if (includeAllSources) {
startingMap = globalCoverageMap.get()
coverageMaps[] = istanbulLibCoverage.createCoverageMap(startingMap)

The browsers object on line 185 is defined as:

BrowserCollection {
  browsers: [],
  emitter: EventEmitter {
    _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
    _eventsCount: 0,
    _maxListeners: undefined,
    [Symbol(kCapture)]: false

This means that if (browsers) { executes.

However, this.onBrowserStart is never called during the entire execution of the tests.

Once the tests have all ran, this function is called:

this.onBrowserComplete = function (browser, result) {
var coverageMap = coverageMaps[]
if (!coverageMap) return
if (!result || !result.coverage) return

The parameter browser is defined as:

Browser {
  id: '35804940',
  fullName: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36',
  name: 'Chrome Headless 89.0.4389.90 (Windows 10)',
  lastResult: BrowserResult {
    startTime: 1617310253880,
    total: 0,
    success: 6032,
    failed: 0,
    skipped: 0,
    totalTime: 628830,
    netTime: 437749,
    error: false,
    disconnected: false
  disconnectsCount: 0,
  activeSockets: [
    Socket {
      _events: [Object: null prototype],
      _eventsCount: 8,
      _maxListeners: undefined,
      nsp: [Namespace],
      client: [Client],
      acks: Map {},
      fns: [],
      flags: {},
      _rooms: Set {},
      server: [Server],
      adapter: [Adapter],
      id: 'eEVk_hCsxP6b3WzbAAAD',
      connected: true,
      disconnected: false,
      handshake: [Object],
      [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
  noActivityTimeout: 300000,
  singleRun: true,
  clientConfig: {
    args: [],
    useIframe: true,
    runInParent: false,
    captureConsole: true,
    clearContext: true,
    originalArgs: []
  collection: BrowserCollection {
    browsers: [ [Circular] ],
    emitter: Server {
      _events: [Object: null prototype],
      _eventsCount: 17,
      _maxListeners: undefined,
      log: [Logger],
      loadErrors: [],
      _injector: [Injector],
      _boundServer: [Server],
      _fileList: [FileList],
      [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
  emitter: Server {
    _events: [Object: null prototype] {
      load_error: [Function],
      exit: [Array],
      run_complete: [Array],
      browser_complete: [Array],
      file_list_modified: [Array],
      run_start: [Array],
      browser_start: [Array],
      browser_error: [Array],
      browser_log: [Array],
      spec_complete: [Array],
      spec_failure: [Function],
      browsers_change: [Function],
      browser_register: [Function],
      stop: [Function],
      browser_restart_failure: [Function],
      browser_complete_with_no_more_retries: [Function],
      browser_process_failure: [Function]
    _eventsCount: 17,
    _maxListeners: undefined,
    log: Logger {
      category: 'karma-server',
      context: {},
      parseCallStack: [Function: defaultParseCallStack]
    loadErrors: [],
    _injector: Injector {
      _providers: [Object: null prototype],
      _instances: [Object: null prototype],
      get: [Function: get],
      invoke: [Function: invoke],
      instantiate: [Function: instantiate],
      createChild: [Function: createChild]
    _boundServer: Server {
      _events: [Object: null prototype],
      _eventsCount: 3,
      _maxListeners: undefined,
      _connections: 0,
      _handle: [TCP],
      _usingWorkers: false,
      _workers: [],
      _unref: false,
      allowHalfOpen: false,
      pauseOnConnect: false,
      _connectionKey: '4:',
      [Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
      [Symbol(asyncId)]: 13
    _fileList: FileList {
      _patterns: [Array],
      _excludes: [Array],
      _emitter: [Circular],
      _preprocess: [AsyncFunction: preprocess],
      buckets: [Map],
      _refreshing: [Promise],
      _emitModified: [Function]
    [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
  socket: Socket {
    _events: [Object: null prototype] {
      start: [Function],
      info: [Function],
      karma_error: [Function],
      result: [Function],
      complete: [Function],
      error: [Function],
      register: [Function],
      disconnect: [Function]
    _eventsCount: 8,
    _maxListeners: undefined,
    nsp: Namespace {
      _events: [Object: null prototype],
      _eventsCount: 1,
      _maxListeners: undefined,
      sockets: [Map],
      _fns: [],
      _rooms: Set {},
      _flags: {},
      _ids: 0,
      server: [Server],
      name: '/',
      adapter: [Adapter],
      [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
    client: Client {
      sockets: Map {},
      nsps: Map {},
      server: [Server],
      conn: [Socket],
      encoder: Encoder {},
      decoder: [Decoder],
      id: '2DlQ3r3gH89vkFHCAAAA',
      onclose: [Function: bound onclose],
      ondata: [Function: bound ondata],
      onerror: [Function: bound onerror],
      ondecoded: [Function: bound ondecoded],
      connectTimeout: undefined
    acks: Map {},
    fns: [],
    flags: {},
    _rooms: Set {},
    server: Server {
      _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
      _eventsCount: 0,
      _maxListeners: undefined,
      _nsps: [Map],
      parentNsps: Map {},
      _path: '/',
      clientPathRegex: /^\/socket\.io\/socket\.io(\.min|\.msgpack\.min)?\.js(\.map)?$/,
      _connectTimeout: 45000,
      _serveClient: true,
      _parser: [Object],
      encoder: Encoder {},
      _adapter: [class Adapter extends EventEmitter],
      sockets: [Namespace],
      opts: [Object],
      eio: [Server],
      httpServer: [Server],
      engine: [Server],
      [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
    adapter: Adapter {
      _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
      _eventsCount: 0,
      _maxListeners: undefined,
      nsp: [Namespace],
      rooms: [Map],
      sids: [Map],
      encoder: Encoder {},
      [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
    id: 'tpLs3SFHdGeiHnz_AAAB',
    connected: false,
    disconnected: true,
    handshake: {
      headers: [Object],
      time: 'Thu Apr 01 2021 13:50:53 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)',
      address: '',
      xdomain: false,
      secure: false,
      issued: 1617310253837,
      url: '/',
      query: [Object: null prototype],
      auth: {}
    [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
  timer: {
    setTimeout: [Function: setTimeout],
    clearTimeout: [Function: clearTimeout]
  disconnectDelay: 60000,
  log: Logger {
    category: 'Chrome Headless 89.0.4389.90 (Windows 10)',
    context: {},
    parseCallStack: [Function: defaultParseCallStack]
  noActivityTimeoutId: Timeout {
    _idleTimeout: 300000,
    _idlePrev: [TimersList],
    _idleNext: [TimersList],
    _idleStart: 983207,
    _onTimeout: [Function],
    _timerArgs: undefined,
    _repeat: null,
    _destroyed: false,
    [Symbol(refed)]: true,
    [Symbol(asyncId)]: 1889860,
    [Symbol(triggerId)]: 1889856
  pendingDisconnect: Timeout {
    _idleTimeout: -1,
    _idlePrev: null,
    _idleNext: null,
    _idleStart: 385875,
    _onTimeout: null,
    _timerArgs: undefined,
    _repeat: null,
    _destroyed: true,
    [Symbol(refed)]: true,
    [Symbol(asyncId)]: 1809518,
    [Symbol(triggerId)]: 1809514
  state: 'CONNECTED'

coverageMaps are defined as:

[Object: null prototype] {}

The result is a large object containing coverage results for each file. One such example:

   'C:\\app\\shared\\helpers\\url-serializer.ts': {
      path: 'C:\\app\\shared\\helpers\\url-serializer.ts',
      statementMap: [Object],
      fnMap: [Object],
      branchMap: [Object],
      s: [Object],
      f: [Object],
      b: [Object],
      inputSourceMap: [Object],
      _coverageSchema: '1a1c01bbd47fc00a2c39e90264f33305004495a9',
      hash: 'b12799a1103f348e9c0f91bb2cb5bbf81c79d909'

Is there anything more you would like to see?

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cklogs commented Apr 26, 2021

@alan-agius4 When you have a chance, could you please review my updates?
Advance thanks!

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I'll leave the triaging to someone from the karma-coverage team.

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cklogs commented Apr 27, 2021

To the maintainers of this repo:

I have a small suspicion that,

  1. the sheer size of our project and,
  2. the associated long compile time while running tests

have something to do with coverage failing to be generated. But this is only a hunch.

I cannot share or anonymize our code base, but if there is a large open repository that you would suggest I try and reproduce this issue from, I will happily try.

Aside from that, if you have any insights on the above issue, please let me know here or contact me directly.

Thanks again.

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WebMex commented May 7, 2021

We also have a big project with 3000+ unit tests. And I can see coverage reports generated only on powerful machines. On our ci server and on slow machines it's not generated.

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cklogs commented May 13, 2021

Thank you for the additional data point!

Do you plan to continue using karma-coverage, or have you sought out a different library? We have not been able to move onto karma-coverage (from karma-coverage-instanbul-reporter) because of the above issue, but we are open to other coverage generators.

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WebMex commented May 13, 2021

@cklogs I have rolled back to karma-coverage-instanbul-reporter so far and waiting for the fix. Despite the warning message from angular it is still possible to use it.

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cklogs commented May 17, 2021


So far I have had little luck getting feedback from any of the maintainers of this library.
Given karma-coverage is now the defacto standard coverage library for Angular, it may be necessary to raise this up to the greater Angular team.

Please advise on how to most effectively do this.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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cklogs commented May 18, 2021


Thanks to your tip, I tested karma-coverage on a faster box (Ryzen 7 PRO / 32 GB RAM), and I am getting consistent coverage results there. Still need this fix for our deployment servers to generate coverage, but I'm hoping these multiple data points give the maintainers a lead on the issue.

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This would be a hard one to track down without a reproduction. I tried it on a seed project and generated a large number of tests but I didn't manage to replicate.

Unfortunately, I am not too familiar with this plugin to get to the bottom of this without being able to reproduce the issue.

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I am seeing the same issue. If I run the test on my mac locally, I'm seeing the file always get generated. However, running the test with even a greater --max_old_space_size size specified and run by Jenkins on a linux box intermittently does not generate the file. There are no reports of exceptions or anything else I can see that explain why the report is not generated.

When the coverage isn't generated I see something like:

[2021-06-29T21:37:31.258Z] TOTAL: 6266 SUCCESS
[2021-06-29T21:37:31.258Z] Finished in 13 mins 7.178 secs / 9 mins 58.633 secs @ 21:37:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[2021-06-29T21:37:31.258Z] SUMMARY:
[2021-06-29T21:37:31.258Z] ✔ 6266 tests completed
[2021-06-29T21:37:31.258Z] ℹ 28 tests skipped

When I run it locally and the file is generated I get:


Finished in 14 mins 0.813 secs / 10 mins 58.549 secs @ 15:34:47 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)

✔ 6266 tests completed
ℹ 28 tests skipped
29 06 2021 15:35:04.211:WARN [launcher]: Chrome was not killed in 2000 ms, sending SIGKILL.

Oddly, it seems the Chrome was not killed is usually reported when the file is generated, but if that is not reported, the coverage file was not generated. So it almost seems like the node process is exiting before the karma-coverage plugin is done generating the report.

Could the problem be that the process can exit before the plugin/reporter has completed writing the file?

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cklogs commented Aug 10, 2021

Perhaps this project might be a good place to run a smoke test of this issue: I was able to get it roughly running just by dropping the files into a newly spun up Angular 12 project.
I could not get coverage reports generating on the codebase. You will likely be able to reproduce the issue so long as your machine is not too powerful.

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Please can this be done? We have the same issue. We have about 13000 unit tests. Sometimes the coverage report gets generated, however it mostly fails. We run them on a Linux docker image trion/ng-cli-karma.

It's upsetting to be "punished" for having too many tests.

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I have done a previous investigation on this, and I found that it was related to the speed/number of tests. It failed in Istanbul, I believe it was when merging the coverage summaries that the result was just suddenly empty and then no coverage were created

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Unfortunately this started happening ~75% of the time for us, but I could not reproduce it locally. Only solution I could find was to uninstall and go back to an unmaintained, but much more reliable solution for now. This is a blocker, we need it to be 100% reliable.

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This looks to be an issue with Karma:

Unfortunately it seems that Karma is a dead project. That issue was opened in 2014 and was closed since no one worked on the issue

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It is absolutely not dead! We work with limited resources, so we cannot address every issue immediately and sadly that one got closed a long time ago; I will be adding it to my working queue. Also, your collaboration is welcome.

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lzilioli-prism commented Sep 28, 2021

I am experiencing the same issue after addressing the following message from our test run:

'karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter' usage has been deprecated since version 11.
            Please install 'karma-coverage' and update 'karma.conf.js.' For more info, see

I am going to revert the change in my project, and follow this issue, in hopes it gets resolved soon.

Some additional observations: I have seen the coverage report generated one time successfully, and if I scope the files in my test runner to a smaller subset of .spec.ts files, it is generated every time. This clearly seems to be a memory or cpu issue. Whats troubling to me is that the process exits as though it successfully generated the report!

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lzilioli-prism commented Sep 28, 2021

Update: Reverting back to karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter 100% fixed the issue, and our coverage reports are being reliably generated again, despite the deprecation warning. I can confirm there are issues with code coverage reports and:


$ ng --version

     _                      _                 ____ _     ___
    / \   _ __   __ _ _   _| | __ _ _ __     / ___| |   |_ _|
   / △ \ | '_ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | '__|   | |   | |    | |
  / ___ \| | | | (_| | |_| | | (_| | |      | |___| |___ | |
 /_/   \_\_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|\__,_|_|       \____|_____|___|

Angular CLI: 12.2.1
Node: 14.15.5
Package Manager: npm 6.14.11
OS: darwin x64

Angular: 12.2.1
... animations, cdk, cli, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core
... forms, language-service, material, material-moment-adapter
... platform-browser, platform-browser-dynamic, platform-server
... router

Package                         Version
@angular-devkit/architect       0.1202.1
@angular-devkit/build-angular   12.2.1
@angular-devkit/core            12.2.1
@angular-devkit/schematics      12.2.1
@angular/flex-layout            12.0.0-beta.34
@schematics/angular             12.2.1
rxjs                            6.6.7
typescript                      4.3.5
webpack                         5.50.0

karma stuffs from package.json:

$ cat package.json | grep karma
		"karma-spec-reporter": "^0.0.32",
		"karma": "~6.3.4",
		"karma-chai": "^0.1.0",
		"karma-chrome-launcher": "~3.1.0",
		"karma-cli": "^2.0.0",
		"karma-coverage": "~2.0.3",
		"karma-jasmine": "~4.0.0",
		"karma-jasmine-html-reporter": "^1.5.0",
		"karma-junit-reporter": "^2.0.1",
		"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "^1.0.4",
		"karma-typescript": "^5.5.1",

I hope this helps

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rrauenza commented Oct 8, 2021

I think I am seeing this problem as well. Intermittently, the coverage directory isn't created. I don't know that my project is large or not... not sure of the baseline!

$ ./node_modules/.bin/cloc --include-lang=TypeScript src/app/ vendored/
     381 text files.
     380 unique files.                                          
     148 files ignored. v 1.90  T=1.48 s (165.3 files/s, 117159.1 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
TypeScript                     245           2320           1451         169847
SUM:                           245           2320           1451         169847

An example of failure:

    ✓ should submit form
    ✓ should submit form API data
    ✓ should check permission for edit
    ✓ should edit & delete API key
Chrome Headless 94.0.4606.61 (Linux x86_64): Executed 182 of 0 (skipped 1) SUCCESS (59.589 secs / 17.681 secs)
 ____  _   _  ____ ____ _____ ____ ____  
/ ___|| | | |/ ___/ ___| ____/ ___/ ___| 
\___ \| | | | |  | |   |  _| \___ \___ \ 
 ___) | |_| | |__| |___| |___ ___) |__) |
|____/ \___/ \____\____|_____|____/____/ 
$ ls -la coverage/
ls: cannot access coverage/: No such file or directory
Cleaning up file based variables

An example of success:

Chrome Headless 94.0.4606.61 (Linux x86_64): Executed 182 of 183 (skipped 1) SUCCESS (17.465 secs / 15.649 secs)
Chrome Headless 94.0.4606.61 (Linux x86_64): Executed 182 of 183 (skipped 1) SUCCESS (17.465 secs / 15.649 secs)
08 10 2021 11:15:39.085:WARN [launcher]: ChromeHeadless was not killed in 2000 ms, sending SIGKILL.
 ____  _   _  ____ ____ _____ ____ ____  
/ ___|| | | |/ ___/ ___| ____/ ___/ ___| 
\___ \| | | | |  | |   |  _| \___ \___ \ 
 ___) | |_| | |__| |___| |___ ___) |__) |
|____/ \___/ \____\____|_____|____/____/ 
$ ls -la coverage/
total 832
drwxrwxr-x 4 gitlab-runner gitlab-runner    152 Oct  8 11:15 .
drwxrwxr-x 8 gitlab-runner gitlab-runner   4096 Oct  8 11:15 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 gitlab-runner gitlab-runner 658117 Oct  8 11:15 cobertura.txt
drwxrwxr-x 3 gitlab-runner gitlab-runner    182 Oct  8 11:15 report-html
drwxrwxr-x 3 gitlab-runner gitlab-runner     42 Oct  8 11:15 report-lcov
-rw-rw-r-- 1 gitlab-runner gitlab-runner 160020 Oct  8 11:15 report-lcovonly.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 gitlab-runner gitlab-runner    697 Oct  8 11:15 teamcity.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 gitlab-runner gitlab-runner    302 Oct  8 11:15 text-summary.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 gitlab-runner gitlab-runner  14499 Oct  8 11:15 text.txt

What is kind of interesting is that I get the SIGKILL in the case in which it works.... but maybe that's just karma killing the browser as it writes out the reports.

I also had no problems when using Istanbul previously.

Due to the warning, I'm just going to arbitrarily try setting the timeout higher in karma.conf.js and see what happens... I can't justify why it might help, but I'd like to see the warning go away anyway:

processKillTimeout: 60 * 1000

update: it didn't help. I still get intermittent failures to create the coverage output.
update 2: reducing the number of kinds of reports to just text/text-summary might have helped. Waiting for more data.
update 3: seems to still happen. Maybe when cicd machine is under higher load. Will need to go back to istanbul version more than likely.

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ozkoidi commented Oct 20, 2021

I have exactly the same issue. The coverage reports are generated only when the following messasge is logged:
ChromeHeadless was not killed in 2000 ms, sending SIGKILL.

Is there a way to force karma to always send this? Or any other updates on this issue?

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devoto13 commented Jan 14, 2022

From a quick look it seems that the problem is that onRunComplete returns a Promise, but Karma does not wait for for it. As a result Karma shutdown will race with the writing of the coverage report.

Unfortunately, without a reproduction it is hard to confirm or reject the theory. I wonder if somebody having the problem can run tests using this branch and see if it solves the problem? The only change there is that Karma will not call process.exit once done, thus allowing all async activities to complete.

npm i devoto13/karma#test-coverage

UPD Looks like that promise is actually awaited in the onExit callback. Another place, which is not synchronized is this one 🤔 I think it still will be useful to perform the test, so we can confirm that the issue is caused by the race and focus on locating and fixing this race.

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I wonder if somebody having the problem can run tests using this branch and see if it solves the problem?

Trying now. I'll do a few runs on this and report back to see how it does with our code. Thanks

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ozkoidi commented Mar 10, 2022

Unfortunately the code coverage is often not generated for me when the unit tests run on a Azure Devops pipeline (always works on local). I'm using the latest packages:

  • karma: 6.3.17
  • karma-coverage: 2.2.0
  • @angular-devkit/build-angular and @angular/cli: 13.2.5

Here is a comparison of the end of the logs in case it helps. Since the source code is the same on both executions, I wonder if the difference in the order of the logged actions is the cause of the issue.

With test coverage generated 👍


Without test coverage: 👎


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@ozkoidi From your logs, you seem to be using the plugin which may be the reason. Can you please try to run without it and see if you still get the same problem?

I'm not familiar with that plugin and will try to look at it when I have time to see if it does something suspicious.

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ozkoidi commented Mar 10, 2022

@devoto13, thanks for your suggestion. I removed the karma-parallel package and the result is still the same, so no need for you to look into that package.

In case it helps the specs of the Microsoft hosted agents running the tests are: 2 core CPU, 7 GB of RAM, and 14 GB of SSD disk space. I think those VM should be enough to run the test properly but I don't know what else could make the test not generate coverage reports randomly. Updated logs:

With test coverage generated 👍


Without test coverage 👎


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devoto13 commented Mar 10, 2022

@ozkoidi Thank you for the quick feedback. Can you please install karma and karma-coverage from these two branches and make more sample runs on your CI?

$ npm i devoto13/karma#test-coverage
$ npm i devoto13/karma-coverate#test-coverage

The first one removes the call to the process.exit on Karma shut down, so if the problem is resolved by the change, it means that we still have a race somewhere in the coverage generation routine. Per #434 (comment). Here is the code.

The second one is based on #434 (comment). It adds logs to all karma-coverage hooks so that we can compare good and bad runs and see if we can get some clue about what is different. Here is the code.

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ozkoidi commented Mar 11, 2022

Thank you @devoto13, I tried your branches yesterday and the result was the same (no coverage generated half the time).
With Karma's logLevel set to debug the logs are huge so I put here just the beginning and end of the two types of run.

I include the reduced and cleaned logs below but as far as I can see the differences are:

Coverage report generated No coverage report generated
Logs show [coverage]: onBrowserComplete completed No logs about onBrowserComplete being called
In "[coverage]: onRunComplete called BrowserCollection" the Browser object's pendingDisconnect property is null In "[coverage]: onRunComplete called BrowserCollection" the Browser object's pendingDisconnect contains a Timeout object
The launcher sends the SIGKILL no SIGKILL is sent
[coverage]: Writing coverage is present before onExit completed no "Writing coverage" debug log before onExit completed
[reporter.junit]: JUnit results written no "JUnit results written" log

With test coverage generated 👍

> ng test --no-watch --code-coverage

- Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...
  [config]: Loading config /home/vsts/work/1/s/Client/karma.conf.js
  [config]: autoWatch set to false, because of singleRun
INFO [coverage]: onBrowserComplete completed
DEBUG [Chrome Headless 99.0.4844.51 (Linux x86_64)]: CONNECTED -> DISCONNECTED

Chrome Headless 99.0.4844.51 (Linux x86_64): Executed 3231 of 3234 (skipped 3)�[32m SUCCESS�[39m (1 min 38.135 secs / 59.497 secs)
�[32mTOTAL: 3231 SUCCESS�[39m

10 03 2022 16:10:38.524:INFO [coverage]: onRunComplete called BrowserCollection {
browsers: [
Browser {
id: '25015465',
fullName: 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36',
name: 'Chrome Headless 99.0.4844.51 (Linux x86_64)',
lastResult: [BrowserResult],
disconnectsCount: 0,
activeSockets: [Array],
noActivityTimeout: 210000,
singleRun: true,
clientConfig: [Object],
collection: [BrowserCollection],
emitter: [Server],
socket: [Socket],
timer: [Object],
disconnectDelay: 210000,
log: [Logger],
noActivityTimeoutId: Timeout {
\_idleTimeout: 210000,
\_idlePrev: [TimersList],
\_idleNext: [Timeout],
\_idleStart: 278390,
\_onTimeout: [Function (anonymous)],
\_timerArgs: undefined,
\_repeat: null,
\_destroyed: false,
[Symbol(refed)]: true,
[Symbol(kHasPrimitive)]: false,
[Symbol(asyncId)]: 680445,
[Symbol(triggerId)]: 680443
pendingDisconnect: null,
emitter: EventEmitter {
\_events: [Object: null prototype] {},
\_eventsCount: 0,
\_maxListeners: undefined,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
INFO [coverage]: onRunComplete completed
DEBUG [karma-server]: Run complete, exiting.
DEBUG [launcher]: Disconnecting all browsers
DEBUG [proxy]: Destroying proxy agents
INFO [coverage]: onExit called

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements : 91.97% ( 23967/26059 )
Branches : 79.05% ( 9673/12237 )
Functions : 88.99% ( 6694/7522 )
Lines : 92.2% ( 22669/24586 )
WARN [launcher]: ChromeHeadless was not killed in 2000 ms, sending SIGKILL.
DEBUG [coverage]: Writing coverage to /home/vsts/work/1/s/Client/coverage
DEBUG [launcher]: Process ChromeHeadless exited with code null and signal SIGTERM
DEBUG [temp-dir]: Cleaning temp dir /tmp/karma-25015465
DEBUG [coverage]: Writing coverage to /home/vsts/work/1/s/Client/coverage
DEBUG [coverage]: Writing coverage to /home/vsts/work/1/s/Client/coverage
INFO [coverage]: onExit completed
DEBUG [reporter.junit]: JUnit results written to "/home/vsts/work/1/s/Client/TESTS-Chrome*Headless_99.0.4844.51*(Linux_x86_64).xml".
DEBUG [launcher]: Finished all browsers
DEBUG [karma-server]: Received stop event, exiting.
DEBUG [launcher]: Disconnecting all browsers
DEBUG [proxy]: Destroying proxy agents
INFO [coverage]: onExit called
INFO [coverage]: onExit completed ##[section]Finishing: Test

Without test coverage 👎

> ng test --no-watch --code-coverage

- Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...
  DEBUG [config]: Loading config /home/vsts/work/1/s/Client/karma.conf.js
  DEBUG [config]: autoWatch set to false, because of singleRun
DEBUG [Chrome Headless 99.0.4844.51 (Linux x86_64)]: CONNECTED -> DISCONNECTED

Chrome Headless 99.0.4844.51 (Linux x86_64): Executed 3231 of 0 (skipped 3)�[32m SUCCESS�[39m (2 mins 15.127 secs / 59.651 secs)
�[32mTOTAL: 3231 SUCCESS�[39m

INFO [coverage]: onRunComplete called BrowserCollection {
browsers: [
Browser {
id: '13380493',
fullName: 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36',
name: 'Chrome Headless 99.0.4844.51 (Linux x86_64)',
lastResult: [BrowserResult],
disconnectsCount: 0,
activeSockets: [Array],
noActivityTimeout: 210000,
singleRun: true,
clientConfig: [Object],
collection: [BrowserCollection],
emitter: [Server],
socket: [Socket],
timer: [Object],
disconnectDelay: 210000,
log: [Logger],
noActivityTimeoutId: Timeout {
\_idleTimeout: 210000,
\_idlePrev: [TimersList],
\_idleNext: [Timeout],
\_idleStart: 285367,
\_onTimeout: [Function (anonymous)],
\_timerArgs: undefined,
\_repeat: null,
\_destroyed: false,
[Symbol(refed)]: true,
[Symbol(kHasPrimitive)]: false,
[Symbol(asyncId)]: 681197,
[Symbol(triggerId)]: 681196
pendingDisconnect: Timeout {
\_idleTimeout: -1,
\_idlePrev: null,
\_idleNext: null,
\_idleStart: 187011,
\_onTimeout: null,
\_timerArgs: undefined,
\_repeat: null,
\_destroyed: true,
[Symbol(refed)]: true,
[Symbol(kHasPrimitive)]: false,
[Symbol(asyncId)]: 646232,
[Symbol(triggerId)]: 646172
emitter: EventEmitter {
\_events: [Object: null prototype] {},
\_eventsCount: 0,
\_maxListeners: undefined,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
INFO [coverage]: onRunComplete completed
DEBUG [karma-server]: Run complete, exiting.
DEBUG [launcher]: Disconnecting all browsers
DEBUG [proxy]: Destroying proxy agents
INFO [coverage]: onExit called
INFO [coverage]: onExit completed
DEBUG [launcher]: Process ChromeHeadless exited with code null and signal SIGTERM
DEBUG [temp-dir]: Cleaning temp dir /tmp/karma-13380493
DEBUG [launcher]: Finished all browsers
DEBUG [karma-server]: Received stop event, exiting.
DEBUG [launcher]: Disconnecting all browsers
DEBUG [proxy]: Destroying proxy agents
INFO [coverage]: onExit called
INFO [coverage]: onExit completed ##[section]Finishing: Test

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devoto13 commented Mar 12, 2022

Thanks for the details @ozkoidi! I don't think pendingDisconnect is relevant, it probably happened sometime during the test execution and karma has recovered from it given that the timer is inactive (_idleTimeout: -1).

Missing onBrowserComplete called looks relevant though. junit reporter is affected by this as well. Unfortunately, I was not able to figure out how exactly could it happen from reading the code... There is a relatively sync chain of browser_complete -> browser_complete_with_no_more_retries -> run_complete -> Karma shut down, but I don't understand where it could race, so that browser_complete event is not reaching plugins at all. Without the process.kill the pending event listeners should prevent Node process from exiting and they should be called even if out of order 🤔

Can you please use the two below branches and share logs for the two cases to further investigate this problem?

$ npm i devoto13/karma#test-coverage-1
$ npm i devoto13/karma-coverate#test-coverage-1

If possible can you also attach unedited logs as files as timestamps may be useful in figuring out what is going on?

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ozkoidi commented Mar 14, 2022

Hello again @devoto13, I tested your latest branches in the pipelines and I get the same behavior.
I attach here a zip file with the full unit tests log output (Karma's logLevel set to LOG_DEBUG).
The zip contains 2 text files (coverage-devoto-1.txt and no-coverage-devoto-1.txt). For confidentiality reasons I had to rename the tests but I don't think that should be an impediment.

I hope you find these logs useful to find the problem, thanks for your time.

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Thank you for the help debuggin it, @ozkoidi! Are you sure you were running the code from test-coverage-1 branches though? I don't see any of the logs added in devoto13/karma@727469e for example.

And specific test names are irrelevant, I was primarily interested to look into the timing of the newly added logs.

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ozkoidi commented Mar 15, 2022

Yes, I even uninstalled and re-installed karma and karma-coverage again today to be sure. You can see it in this extract from my package-lock.json:

 "karma": {
      "version": "git+ssh://",
      "dev": true,
      "from": "karma@github:devoto13/karma#test-coverage-1",
 "karma-coverage": {
      "version": "git+ssh://",
      "dev": true,
      "from": "karma-coverage@github:devoto13/karma-coverage#test-coverage-1",

I run the pipeline several times and searched for the logs you added but indeed, they never show up on the output.
If there is anything else I could do to help please let me know as this issue blocks our pipelines often.

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devoto13 commented Mar 15, 2022

Okey, thanks @ozkoidi! So it seems that the browser_complete event is not coming from the browser over the connection, that's interesting. I'll look more into it and get back to you if I need more information.

Thanks again for your help in debugging this.

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I had the very same issue and was trying for weeks now to solve it. I was able constantly solved it with adding to karma.config.js following 2 options

browserSocketTimeout: 8 * 60 * 40000,
pingTimeout: 8 * 60 * 40000,

so the resulted file is

// Karma configuration file, see link for more information
const isDocker = require('is-docker');

module.exports = (config) => {
		basePath: '',
		frameworks: ['jasmine', '@angular-devkit/build-angular'],
		plugins: [
		client: {
			jasmine: {
				random: false,
				stopOnFailure: true,
				failFast: true,
			clearContext: false, // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser
		junitReporter: {
			outputDir: './reports',
			outputFile: 'karma.xml',
			useBrowserName: false,
		coverageReporter: {
			dir: './reports/coverage',
			subdir: '.',
			includeAllSources: true,
			reporters: [
				{ type: 'cobertura' },
				{ type: 'lcovonly' },
				{ type: 'html' },
				{ type: 'text' },
			check: {
				// thresholds for all files
				global: {
					statements: 76.25,
					branches: 55.95,
					functions: 71.4,
					lines: 75.8,
		reporters: ['progress', 'kjhtml', 'junit', 'coverage'],
		port: 9876,
		colors: true,
		logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
		autoWatch: true,
		// to avoid DISCONNECTED messages
		browserDisconnectTimeout: 400000, // default 2000
		browserDisconnectTolerance: 6, // default 0
		browserNoActivityTimeout: 8 * 60 * 40000, //default 10000
		captureTimeout: 8 * 60 * 40000, //default 60000
		browserSocketTimeout: 8 * 60 * 40000,
		pingTimeout: 8 * 60 * 40000,
		browsers: ['ChromeCustom'],
		singleRun: false,
		customLaunchers: {
			ChromeCustom: {
				base: 'ChromeHeadless',
				flags: isDocker() ? ['--disable-gpu', '--no-sandbox'] : [],

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ozkoidi commented Mar 17, 2022

Thank you so much @danbilokha! After adding browserSocketTimeout and pingTimeout it hasn't failed a single time so far 🎉

I already had big values for browserDisconnectTimeout, browserNoActivityTimeout and played with browserDisconnectTolerance in the past but didn't help. However adding the properties you mentioned made the coverage reports to always be generated 👍

Even though is not an actual fix, it does unblock our pipelines, so thanks again for your suggestion :)

crapStone pushed a commit to Calciumdibromid/CaBr2 that referenced this issue Jun 17, 2022
This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Type | Update | Change |
| [karma]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`6.3.20` -> `6.4.0`]( |


### Release Notes


### [`v6.4.0`](;640-httpsgithubcomkarma-runnerkarmacomparev6320v640-2022-06-14)

[Compare Source](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.20...v6.4.0)

##### Features

-   support SRI verification of link tags ([dc51a2e](karma-runner/karma@dc51a2e))
-   support SRI verification of script tags ([6a54b1c](karma-runner/karma@6a54b1c))

#### [6.3.20](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.19...v6.3.20) (2022-05-13)

##### Bug Fixes

-   prefer IPv4 addresses when resolving domains ([e17698f](karma-runner/karma@e17698f)), closes [#&#8203;3730](karma-runner/karma#3730)

#### [6.3.19](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.18...v6.3.19) (2022-04-19)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **client:** error out when opening a new tab fails ([099b85e](karma-runner/karma@099b85e))

#### [6.3.18](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.17...v6.3.18) (2022-04-13)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **deps:** upgrade to v4.4.1 ([52a30bb](karma-runner/karma@52a30bb))

#### [6.3.17](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.16...v6.3.17) (2022-02-28)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **deps:** update colors to maintained version ([#&#8203;3763](karma-runner/karma#3763)) ([fca1884](karma-runner/karma@fca1884))

#### [6.3.16](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.15...v6.3.16) (2022-02-10)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **security:** mitigate the "Open Redirect Vulnerability" ([ff7edbb](karma-runner/karma@ff7edbb))

#### [6.3.15](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.14...v6.3.15) (2022-02-05)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **helper:** make mkdirIfNotExists helper resilient to concurrent calls ([d9dade2](karma-runner/karma@d9dade2)), closes [/](

#### [6.3.14](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.13...v6.3.14) (2022-02-05)

##### Bug Fixes

-   remove string template from client code ([91d5acd](karma-runner/karma@91d5acd))
-   warn when `singleRun` and `autoWatch` are `false` ([69cfc76](karma-runner/karma@69cfc76))
-   **security:** remove XSS vulnerability in `returnUrl` query param ([839578c](karma-runner/karma@839578c))

#### [6.3.13](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.12...v6.3.13) (2022-01-31)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **deps:** bump log4js to resolve security issue ([5bf2df3](karma-runner/karma@5bf2df3)), closes [#&#8203;3751](karma-runner/karma#3751)

#### [6.3.12](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.11...v6.3.12) (2022-01-24)

##### Bug Fixes

-   remove depreciation warning from log4js ([41bed33](karma-runner/karma@41bed33))

#### [6.3.11](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.10...v6.3.11) (2022-01-13)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **deps:** pin colors package to 1.4.0 due to security vulnerability ([a5219c5](karma-runner/karma@a5219c5))

#### [6.3.10](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.9...v6.3.10) (2022-01-08)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **logger:** create parent folders if they are missing ([0d24bd9](karma-runner/karma@0d24bd9)), closes [#&#8203;3734](karma-runner/karma#3734)

#### [6.3.9](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.8...v6.3.9) (2021-11-16)

##### Bug Fixes

-   restartOnFileChange option not restarting the test run ([92ffe60](karma-runner/karma@92ffe60)), closes [#&#8203;27](karma-runner/karma#27) [#&#8203;3724](karma-runner/karma#3724)

#### [6.3.8](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.7...v6.3.8) (2021-11-07)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **reporter:** warning if stack trace contains generated code invocation ([4f23b14](karma-runner/karma@4f23b14))

#### [6.3.7](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.6...v6.3.7) (2021-11-01)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **middleware:** replace %X_UA_COMPATIBLE% marker anywhere in the file ([f1aeaec](karma-runner/karma@f1aeaec)), closes [#&#8203;3711](karma-runner/karma#3711)

#### [6.3.6](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.5...v6.3.6) (2021-10-25)

##### Bug Fixes

-   bump vulnerable ua-parser-js version ([6f2b2ec](karma-runner/karma@6f2b2ec)), closes [#&#8203;3713](karma-runner/karma#3713)

#### [6.3.5](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.4...v6.3.5) (2021-10-20)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **client:** prevent from hanging due to mocked clocks ([#&#8203;3695](karma-runner/karma#3695)) ([105da90](karma-runner/karma@105da90))

#### [6.3.4](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.3...v6.3.4) (2021-06-14)

##### Bug Fixes

-   bump production dependencies within SemVer ranges ([#&#8203;3682](karma-runner/karma#3682)) ([36467a8](karma-runner/karma@36467a8)), closes [#&#8203;3680](karma-runner/karma#3680)

#### [6.3.3](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.2...v6.3.3) (2021-06-01)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **server:** clean up vestigial code from proxy ([#&#8203;3640](karma-runner/karma#3640)) ([f4aeac3](karma-runner/karma@f4aeac3)), closes [/](

#### [6.3.2](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.1...v6.3.2) (2021-03-29)

##### Bug Fixes

-   fix running tests in IE9 ([#&#8203;3668](karma-runner/karma#3668)) ([0055bc5](karma-runner/karma@0055bc5)), closes [/]( [#&#8203;3665](karma-runner/karma#3665)

#### [6.3.1](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.0...v6.3.1) (2021-03-24)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **client:** clearContext after complete sent ([#&#8203;3657](karma-runner/karma#3657)) ([c0962e3](karma-runner/karma@c0962e3))



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.


 - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.


This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](

Co-authored-by: cabr2-bot <>
Reviewed-by: Epsilon_02 <>
Co-authored-by: Calciumdibromid Bot <>
Co-committed-by: Calciumdibromid Bot <>
anthony-redFox pushed a commit to anthony-redFox/karma that referenced this issue May 16, 2023
The main motivation for this change is karma-runner/karma-coverage#434 (comment) where concurrent calls to the helper fail because of the race between the check and directory creation. This is a temporary solution and should be replaced with the native [`mkdir`]( with the `recursive` option once minimum supported Node is bumped to 12.
anthony-redFox pushed a commit to anthony-redFox/karma that referenced this issue May 16, 2023
## [6.3.15](karma-runner/karma@v6.3.14...v6.3.15) (2022-02-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **helper:** make mkdirIfNotExists helper resilient to concurrent calls ([d9dade2](karma-runner@d9dade2)), closes [/](
Copy link

mlakmal commented Jul 28, 2023

had same issue while running unit tests through linux docker container with low cpu specs. using browserSocketTimeout and pingTimeout worked!!!

for anyone searching like me below are our app configs.
angular v14
with nrwl nx v14
using karma

github-actions bot pushed a commit to Second-Live/karma-up that referenced this issue Sep 19, 2023
# 1.0.0-alpha.1 (2023-09-19)

### Bug Fixes

* a missed argument in a debug message ([#3009]( ([af8c6e4](
* **adapter.requirejs:** do not configure baseUrl automatically ([63f3f40](, closes [#291]( [#292]( [#291](
* **adapter.requirejs:** show error if no timestamp defined for a file ([59dbdbd](
* Add crossorigin attribute to script HTML tags ([5690ffe](
* add emscripten memory image as binary suffix ([f6b2b56](
* add missing dep flatted ([#3223]( ([655d4d2](
* avoid ES6+ syntax in client scripts ([#3629]( ([6629e96](, closes [#3630](
* **BaseReporter:** log message correctly with just one browser ([#3045]( ([c1eb236](
* better error reporting when loading plugins ([d9078a8](
* better serialization in dump/console.log ([fd46365](, closes [#640](
* **browser:** allow updating total specs count ([#3264]( ([d5df723](
* **browser:** don't add already active socket again on reconnect ([37a7958](
* **browser:** emit 'browsers_change' in collection ([#3183]( ([7634e71](
* **browser:** ensure browser state is EXECUTING when tests start ([#3074]( ([dc7265b](, closes [#1640](
* **browser:** filter browser logging by level  ([35965d9](, closes [#2228](
* **browser:** make sure that empty results array is still recognized ([#3486]( ([fa95fa3](
* **browser:** nicer "disconnect" - no more "Disconnectedundefined" ([a987d63](
* **browser:** reply "start" event ([4fde43d](
* **browser:** report errors to console during singleRun=false ([#3209]( ([30ff73b](, closes [#3131](
* browsers_change event always has collection as arg ([42bf787](
* **build:** pin npm version in appveyor to v3, compat with node 4 ([#2983]( ([bc1453e](
* **build:** switch from yarn to package-lock.json ([#3351]( ([6c5add2](
* bump production dependencies within SemVer ranges ([#3682]( ([36467a8](, closes [#3680](
* bump vulnerable ua-parser-js version ([6f2b2ec](, closes [#3713](
* call .resume to prevent browser output streams filling up ([107cd02](
* capturing console.log on IE ([fa4b686](, closes [#329](
* catch exceptions from SourceMapConsumer ([5d42e64](
* Change timing on test ([0cb6204](
* **changelog:** remove release which does not exist ([#3214]( ([4e87902](
* **ci:** abandon browserstack tests for Safari and IE ([#3615]( ([04a811d](
* **ci:** echo travis env that gates release after_success ([#3446]( ([b8b2ed8](
* **ci:** poll every 10s to avoid rate limit. ([#3388]( ([91e7e00](
* **ci:** Repaired AppVeyor for Node.js@0.12 ([cbfd98c](
* **ci:** stop the proxy before killing the child, handle errors ([#3472]( ([abe9af6](, closes [#3464](
* **cli:** Always pass an instance of fs to processArgs. ([06532b7](, closes [#677](
* **client.html:** always open debug.html in a new browser process ([d176bcf](
* **client:** add ES5 shim ([14c30b7](, closes [#1529](
* **client:** add proxy support to stringify ([be10116](
* **client:** avoid race between execute and clearContext ([#3452]( ([8bc5b46](, closes [#3424](
* **client:** check in bundled client code into version control ([#3524]( ([6cd5a3b](, closes [/](
* **client:** clearContext after complete sent ([#3657]( ([c0962e3](
* **client:** do not reset karmaNavigating in unload handler ([#3591]( ([4a8178f](, closes [#3482](
* **client:** does not throws an error for non DOM object that has `tagName` property ([ba55afb](, closes [#2139](
* **client:** don't crash if receive array-like results ([e095411](, closes [#2061](
* **client:** dynamic protocol for ([c986eef](, closes [#1400](
* **client:** Enable loading different file types when running in parent mode without iframe ([#3289]( ([7968db6](
* **client:** error out when opening a new tab fails ([099b85e](
* **client:** fix a false positive page reload error in Safari ([#3643]( ([2a57b23](
* **client:** fix issue with loaded on safari 10 ([#3252]( ([571191c](, closes [#3198](
* **client:** Fix stringify serializing objects ([0d0972a](
* **client:** flush resultsBuffer on engine upgrade ([#3212]( ([e44ca94](, closes [#3211](
* **client:** Only create the funky object if message is not a string ([#3298]( ([ce6825f](, closes [#3296](
* **client:** prevent from hanging due to mocked clocks ([#3695]( ([105da90](
* **client:** redirect to redirect_url after all messages are sent ([4d05602](
* **client:** Revert back to old reloading detection ([f1c22d6](, closes [#1656](
* **client:** serialise DOM objects ([1f73be4](, closes [#1106](
* **client:** show error if an adapter is removed ([a8b250c](
* **client:** Update location detection for ([7a23fa5](
* **client:** Use supported shim path. ([184f12e](
* **client:** Wait for childwindow to load ([c1bb15a](
* **client:** Wait for iframe to be loaded ([1631474](, closes [#1652](
* **cli:** override if an arg is defined multiple times ([31eb2c2](, closes [#1192](
* **cli:** print UserAgent string verbatim if from an unknown browser ([9d97226](
* **cli:** restore command line help contents ([#3502]( ([e99da31](, closes [#3474](
* **cli:** restore shell completion in the npm package ([f56b5a5](, closes [#2351](
* **cli:** temporarily disable strict parameters validation ([#3641]( ([9c755e0](, closes [#3625](
* **cli:** Use `bin` field in package.json ([6823926](, closes [#1351](
* **commitlint:** skip task on master ([#3650]( ([3fc6fda](
* **common:** fix AppVeyor build ([6c5e7d0](
* **common:** more detailed info about error ([424aacc](
* **common:** Proxy function toString does not contain Proxy. ([4fb3484](
* **common:** stringify error on 'Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string' ([#2990]( ([65b658a](, closes [#2856](
* **completion:** add missin --log-level for karma init ([1e79eb5](
* **config:** [#1113]( Watching is not working properly on linux ([c91ffbc](
* **config:** add crossOriginAttribute config option ([1e465b1](
* **config:** add test:unit npm script ([#3242]( ([02f071d](
* **config:** allow CoffeeScript 1.7 to be used ([a1583de](
* **config:** allow parsing the config multiple times ([78a7094](
* **config:** apply CLI logger options as soon as we can ([16179b0](
* **config:** better errors if file invalid or does not exist ([74b533b](
* **config:** Call debug log methods after setting the loglevel based upon config/cli-options. ([99fd3f0](
* **config:** Call debug log methods after setting the loglevel based upon config/cli-options. ([a340dae](
* **config:** check extension before ts-node register ([#3651]( ([474f4e1](, closes [#3329](
* **config:** Check if configFilePath is a string. ([98724b6](, closes [#447](
* **config:** corrects spelling in example config template ([9fafc60](
* **config:** Default remaining client options if any are set ([632dd5e](, closes [#961](
* **config:** do not change urlRoot even if proxied ([8c138b5](
* **config:** ensure basePath is always resolved ([2e5c5aa](
* **config:** Error when browers option isn't array ([b695460](
* **config:** fail if client.args is set to a non array ([fe4eaec](
* **config:** fix the warning when using old syntax ([5e55d79](
* **config:** frameworks spelling ([9259740](
* **config:** ignore empty string patterns ([66c86a6](
* **config:** Log the final config just before use. ([#3041]( ([05dd09a](
* **config:** make the config changes backwards compatible ([593ad85](
* **config:** move puppeteer from dependency to dev-dependency ([#3193]( ([f0d52ad](, closes [#3191](
* **config:** not append empty module if no custom launcher/rep/prep ([ee15a4e](
* **config:** remove phantomjs in favor of chrome headless ([#3175]( ([0f8b2b1](
* **config:** Retry install with appveyor-retry.   ([17d5791](
* **config:** Separate ENOENT error handler from others ([e49dabe](
* **config:** Simpilfy error proceesing. ([#3345]( ([582a406](, closes [#3339](
* **config:** use polling by default ([53978c4](
* **config:** wait 20s for browser activity. ([#3087]( ([88b977f](
* **config:** Wait 30s for browser activity per Travis. ([#3091]( ([f6d2f0e](
* **config:** Workaround npm 5.4 windows bug ([ec47d81](
* **context:** do not error when karma is navigating ([#3565]( ([05dc288](, closes [#3560](
* **context:** Updated postMessage listener to stop validating non-Karma messages ([306e565](
* **coverage:** always send a result object ([62c3c67](, closes [#365](
* **cve:** update ua-parser-js to 0.7.23 to fix CVE-2020-7793 ([#3584]( ([f819fa8](
* **cve:** update yargs to 16.1.1 to fix cve-2020-7774 in y18n ([#3578]( ([3fed0bc](, closes [#3577](
* **debug-runner:** support asynchronous tests in the debug runner ([a36f3eb](, closes [#2811](
* **debug.html:** Added whitespace after 'SKIPPED' ([218ee85](
* **dep:** Bump useragent to fix HeadlessChrome version ([#3201]( ([240209f](, closes [#2762](
* **dependencies:** update and unlock dependency ([#3513]( ([b60391f](
* **dependencies:** update dependencies ([#3543]( ([5db46b7](
* **dependencies:** update production dependencies ([#3512]( ([0cd696f](
* **dependencies:** update to latest log4js major ([#3514]( ([47f1cb2](
* **dependencies:** update to safe version of http-proxy ([#3519]( ([00347bb](, closes [#3510](
* **deps:** back to karma-browserstack-launcher 1.4 ([#3361]( ([1cd87ad](
* **deps:** bump log4js to resolve security issue ([5bf2df3](, closes [#3751](
* **deps:** bump socket-io to v3 ([#3586]( ([1b9e1de](, closes [#3569](
* **deps:** freeze version ([73e300d](
* **deps:** freeze useragent version ([a8c8530](
* **deps:** lodash update. ([#3341]( ([5614c04](
* **deps:** pin colors package to 1.4.0 due to security vulnerability ([a5219c5](
* **deps:** remove babel-core and babel call in wallaby. ([#3044]( ([7da8ca0](
* **deps:** update colors to maintained version ([#3763]( ([fca1884](
* **deps:** Update dependencies ([b9a4ce9](, closes [#1410](
* **deps:** Update log4js in package.json ([#2996]( ([667b47e](
* **deps:** update to version 2.0.3. ([3b7b019](, closes [#2821]( [#2777](
* **deps:** Upgrade connect 3. ([b490985](, closes [#1410](
* **deps:** upgrade sinon-chai 2.x -> 3.x ([#3207]( ([dc5f5de](
* **deps:** upgrade to v4.4.1 ([52a30bb](
* detect a full page reload, show error and recover ([15d80f4](, closes [#27](
* detect type for URLs with query parameter or fragment identifier ([#3509]( ([f399063](, closes [#3497](
* do not execute already executing browsers ([00136cf](
* **doc:** Document release steps for admins ([#3063]( ([a701732](
* **docs:** fix stopper.stop wrong variable name. closes [#2244]( ([0745a00](
* **docs:** Remove mention of pre 1.0.0 version ([#3010]( ([6847ca0](
* **docs:** Update ([#3539]( ([e7cf7b1](
* don't crash/terminate upon errors within chokidar ([2c38931](, closes [#959](
* don't mark a browser captured if already being killed/timeouted ([2123097](, closes [#88](
* ensure that Karma supports running tests on IE 11 ([#3642]( ([dbd1943](
* eslint rules ([afb466d](
* **eslint:** Fix formatting for the new ESLint 1.8.0 ([dc1bbab](
* **events:** bind emitters with ([#3059]( ([b99f03f](, closes [#3057](
* **events:** resolve async events without any listener ([4e4bba8](
* **executor:** ensure run_complete is emitted last ([9c894f9](, closes [#2210](
* few typos ([c6a4271](
* **file_list:** follow symlinks ([ee26748](
* **file_list:** Incorrect response after remove and add file ([0dbc020](
* **file-list:** always use file from first matcher ([74bfdf3](
* **file-list:** do not define fs.statAsync ([#3467]( ([55a59e7](
* **file-list:** do not preprocess up-to-date files ([#3196]( ([5334d1a](, closes [#2829](
* **file-list:** Ensure autowatchDelay is working. ([655599a](, closes [#1520](
* **file-list:** Ensure files are sorted and unique ([9dc5f8b](, closes [#1498]( [#1499](
* **file-list:** ensure patterns are comparable ([4d1bf3e](, closes [#2194](
* **file-list:** Normalize glob patterns ([fb841a7](, closes [#1494](
* **file-list:** refresh resolves before 'file_list_modified' event ([65f1eca](, closes [#1550](
* **file-list:** revert "do not preprocess up-to-date files" ([#3226]( ([#3230]( ([bb022a7](
* **file-list:** Stop polluting global environment with core-js ([0988022](
* **file-list:** Use correct find function ([4cfaae9](
* **file-list:** use lodash find() ([3bd15a7](, closes [#1533](
* **file-list:** Use modified throttle instead of debounce ([cb2aafb](, closes [#1545](
* **filelist:** correct logger name. ([#3262]( ([375bb5e](
* **files:** Ignore included:false pattern ([db42a7f](, closes [#1530](
* filter browser logging by level of LOG ([89a7a1c](, closes [#2228](
* fix running tests in IE9 ([#3668]( ([0055bc5](, closes [/]( [#3665](
* **flaky-test:** Add time to beforeEach() to allow plugins to load on first pass. ([#3025]( ([31d9a08](
* global error handler should propagate errors ([dec0c19](, closes [#368](
* **helper:** Ensure browser detection is handled in the unkown case ([9328f67](
* **helper:** make mkdirIfNotExists helper resilient to concurrent calls ([d9dade2](, closes [/](
* **helper:** Patched replaceWinPath from choking on `null` values ([caa4d21](
* if preprocessor is async function and doesn't return a content then await donePromise ([#3387]( ([f91be24](
* ignore jsVersion configuration property in Firefox 59+  ([2694d54](, closes [#2957](
* improve error msg when bin is a directory ([#3231]( ([584dddc](
* **init:** add "ChromeHeadless" to the browsers' options ([#3096]( ([56fda53](
* **init:** add missing browsers (Opera, IE) ([f39e564](
* **init:** clean the terminal if killed ([e2aa749](
* **init:** fix for failing "testacular init" on Windows ([0b5b385](
* **init:** fix logger configuration ([557922d](
* **init:** fix test-main.(js/coffee) generation ([d8521ef](, closes [#1120]( [#896](
* **init:** fix the logger configuration ([481dc3f](, closes [#340](
* **init:** Fix type in init text ([e34465b](, closes [#954](
* **init:** generate config with the new syntax ([6b27fee](
* **init:** generate correct indentation ([5fc1795](
* **init:** generate plugins and frameworks config ([17798d5](
* **init:** install plugin as dev dependency ([46b7a40](
* **init:** Make the requirejs config template normalize paths ([54dcce3](, closes [/](
* **init:** set default filename ([34d49b1](, closes [#680]( [#681](
* **init:** Support ChromeHeadless in `validateBrowser` ([#3110]( ([eeadcf2](
* **init:** to not give false warning about missing requirejs ([562607a](
* **init:** trim the inputs ([b72355c](, closes [#663](
* install semantic-release as a regular dev dependency ([#3455]( ([1eaf35e](
* invalid characters in the headers on Node 5.6.0 ([152337d](
* **karma:** Escape quotes for file names. This fixes issue [#1876]( ([9dff3f3](
* keep all sockets in the case an old socket will survive ([a5945eb](
* launcher kill method which was throwing an error if no callback was specified ([5439f1c](
* **launcher:** Allow dynamic browser launches ([2b7d703](
* **launcher:** better errors when loading launchers ([504e848](
* **launcher:** cancel kill timeout when process exits cleanly ([bd66274](, closes [#946](
* **launcher:** compatibility with Node v0.8 ([6a46be9](
* **launcher:** compatibility with old launchers ([df557ce](
* **launcher:** compatibility with old launchers ([ffb7480](
* **launcher:** Continue with exit when SIGKILL fails ([1eaccb4](
* **launcher:** Debug Child Processes exit signal ([#3259]( ([c277a6b](
* **launcher:** exclude concurrent browser on launcher restart ([96f8f14](, closes [#2280](
* **launcher:** handle ENOENT error, do not retry ([7d790b2](, closes [#452](
* **launcher:** ignore exit code when killing/timeouting ([1029bf2](, closes [#444](
* **launcher:** Log state transitions in debug ([#3294]( ([6556ab4](, closes [#3290](
* **launcher:** Only markCaptured browsers that are launched. ([#3047]( ([f8f3ebc](
* **launcher:** send sigkill on timeout when force killing ([c615c1f](
* **launchers:** Listen to the correct error event. ([45a6922](
* **lint:** exempt built files ([#3024]( ([bc9acd3](
* **logger:** configure the logger as soon as possible ([0607d67](
* **logger:** create parent folders if they are missing ([0d24bd9](, closes [#3734](
* **logging:** Summarize SKIPPED tests in debug.html. ([a01100f](, closes [#1111](
* **logging:** Upgrade to log4js 2.x API. ([#2868]( ([f6f8707](, closes [#2858](
* **logging:** Util inspect for logging the config. ([#3332]( ([70b72a9](
* make window.parent.karma available in debugged context ([3e7eaeb](
* Merge config child nodes on config.set() ([65b688a](, closes [karma-runner/grunt-karma#165]( [karma-runner/grunt-karma#166](
* **middleware/runner:** handle file list rejections ([#3400]( ([80febfb](, closes [#3396]( [#3396](
* **middleware:** Actually serve the favicon. ([f12db63](
* **middleware:** add file type to absolute urls ([bd1f799](
* **middleware:** avoid using deprecated Buffer API ([018e6be](, closes [/](
* **middleware:** catch errors when loading a module ([#3605]( ([fec972f](, closes [#3572](
* **middleware:** change to use vanilla for loop ([ac62cc0](, closes [#2671](
* **middleware:** Correct spelling of middleware logger name ([9e9e7e6](
* **middleware:** does not work with mootools ([#2591]( ([2685e13](
* **middleware:** ensure Range headers adhere more closely to RFC 2616 ([8b1b4b1](, closes [#2310](
* **middleware:** fix WARN log when passing undefined error handler to promise.then ([20b87de](, closes [#2227](
* **middleware:** Inject `config.urlRoot`. ([569ca0e](, closes [#1516](
* **middleware:** log invalid filetype ([#3292]( ([7eb48c5](, closes [#3291](
* **middleware:** Obey the Promise API. ([93ba05a](
* **middleware:** replace %X_UA_COMPATIBLE% marker anywhere in the file ([f1aeaec](, closes [#3711](
* **middleware:** simplify stripHost. ([#3115]( ([d65e911](
* **middleware:** update `Buffer` usage ([3d94b8c](
* **package.json:** sinon-chai 2.13 is not compatible with sinon 4.x ([#2977]( ([e095b05](
* **package:** bump lodash version ([#3203]( ([d38f344](, closes [#3177](
* pass integrity value ([63d86be](
* patch karma to allow loading virtual packages ([#3663]( ([5bfcf5f](
* **plugins:** refactor instantiatePlugin from preproprocessor ([#3628]( ([e02858a](
* prefer IPv4 addresses when resolving domains ([e17698f](, closes [#3730](
* **preprocessor:** better errors when loading preprocessors ([3390a00](
* **preprocessor:** calculate sha1 on content returned from a preprocessor ([6cf7955](, closes [#1204](
* **preprocessor:** consider SVG files as text files, not binary files ([ff28803](, closes [#1026](
* **preprocessor:** Directory names with dots ([4b5e094](
* **preprocessor:** do not show duplicate warnings ([47c641f](
* **preprocessor:** Improve handling of failed preprocessors ([e726d1c](, closes [#1521](
* **preprocessor:** Lookup patterns once invoked ([00a2781](, closes [#1340](
* **preprocessor:** remove ts from binary extensions ([8269852](
* **preprocessor:** renamed handeFile to readFileCallback ([92a8c81](
* **preprocessor:** resolve relative patterns to basePath ([c608a9e](, closes [#382](
* **preprocessor:** retry if fs.readFile fails ([4b60513](
* **preprocessor:** serve NaCl binaries ([1cc6a1e](
* **preprocessor:** Throw error if can't open file ([bb4edde](
* **preprocessor:** throw if retry fails ([2789bf5](
* **preprocessor:** treat *.gz files as binary ([1b56932](
* **preprocessor:** treat *.swf files as binary ([62d7d38](
* **preprocessor:** treat *.tgz, *.tbz2, *.txz & *.xz as binary ([7b64244](
* **preprocessor:** use graceful-fs to prevent EACCESS errors ([279bcab](, closes [#566](
* **preprocess:** set correct extension for the preprocessed path ([c9a64d2](, closes [#843](
* **proxy:** fix crashing proxy when browser hangs connection ([1c78a01](
* **proxy:** handle proxied websocket transport upgrade ([fcc2a98](
* **proxy:** More useful proxyError log message ([96640a7](
* **proxy:** Pass protocol in target object to enable https requests ([142db90](
* **proxy:** Port mixup and infinite loop ([05616a2](, closes [#1987](
* **proxy:** proxy to correct port ([a483636](
* remove broken link from docs - ([#3555]( ([da2f307](
* remove circular reference in Browser ([518cb11](, closes [#3075](
* remove depreciation warning from log4js ([41bed33](
* Remove inadvertently added dependency to mock-fs ([ad5f6b5](
* remove string template from client code ([91d5acd](
* remove support of jsVersion configuration property ([#3002]( ([2bb4e36](, closes [#2911](
* remove unused JSON utilities and flatted dependency ([#3550]( ([beed255](
* remove vulnerable dependency combine-lists ([#3273]( ([c43f584](, closes [#3265](
* remove vulnerable dependency expand-braces ([#3270]( ([4ec4f6f](, closes [#3268]( [#3269](
* report launcher process error when exit event is not emitted ([#3647]( ([7ab86be](
* **reporter.junit:** Add browser log output to JUnit.xml ([f108799](, closes [#302](
* **reporter:** better errors when loading reporters ([c645c06](
* **reporter:** Better handling of non string error ([82f1c12](, closes [#1969]( [#1988](
* **reporter:** Disable source maps for URLs without line number ([2080221](, closes [#1274](
* **reporter:** do not allow URL domains to span new lines ([2c13404](
* **reporter:** Enable sourcemaps for errors that without column # ([086a542](
* **reporter:** Ensure errors use the source map. ([0407a22](, closes [#1495](
* **reporter:** Fix issue causing error stack not to be parsed correctly ([ac4e1a9](, closes [#2930](
* **reporter:** format stack with 1-based column ([#3325]( ([182c04d](, closes [#3324](
* **reporter:** inject correct config option ([80bd726](
* **reporter:** keep users exact formatError result ([17c2c43](
* **reporter:** preserve base/absolute word in error ([b3798df](
* **reporter:** prevent throwing exception when null is sent to formatter ([3b49c38](
* **reporter:** print browser stats immediately after it finishes ([65202d8](
* **reporter:** remove console.log ([b4e3694](
* **reporter:** remove newline from base reporter browser dump ([dfae18b](, closes [#297](
* **reporter:** remove SHAs from stack traces ([d7c31f9](
* **reporters:**  cannot read property map of undefined  ([305df2c](, closes [#1662](
* **reporters:** Fix results not being reported ([6303566](
* **reporters:** format fix for console log ([d2d1377](, closes [#934](
* **reporter:** show file path correctly when urlRoot specified ([34dc7d3](, closes [#2897](
* **reporter:** sourcemap not working in windows ([a9516af](, closes [#1200](
* **reporters:** Revert the backwards-incompatible log priority order changes ([316b944](, closes [#2582](
* **reporters:** Throwing error without loosing stack trace ([8a515ae](
* **reporter:** strip only hostname/port ([fbbeccf](, closes [#2209](
* **reporter:** warning if stack trace contains generated code invocation ([4f23b14](
* restarted browsers not running tests ([#3233]( ([cc2eff2](
* restartOnFileChange option not restarting the test run ([92ffe60](, closes [#27]( [#3724](
* restore `customFileHandlers` provider ([#3624]( ([25d9abb](
* restore backward compatibility for karma@0.13 ([648b357](
* reuse browser instance when restarting disconnected browser ([1f1a8eb](
* revert source-map update ([#3559]( ([d9ba284](, closes [#3557](
* **runner:** do not confuse client args with the config file ([6f158ab](
* **runner:** Do not persist grep option across runs ([#3121]( ([c91cb81](
* **runner:** Fix typo in CSS class name for .idle ([fc5a7ce](
* **runner:** Karma hangs when file paths have \u in them [#924]( ([1199fc4](
* **runner:** Make exit code configurable when tests are failing ([#3116]( ([74da748](, closes [#1300](
* **runner:** Make process kill timeout configurable ([ffaa054](, closes [#2447](
* **runner:** Make process kill timeout configurable - Fix Build ([a128e5c](, closes [#2447](
* **runner:** Merge config.client.args with client.args provided by run ([91de383](, closes [#1746](
* **runner:** remove explicit error on all tests failed ([#3369]( ([f8005c6](, closes [#3367](…
github-actions bot pushed a commit to Second-Live/karma-up that referenced this issue Sep 19, 2023
# 1.0.0-alpha.1 (2023-09-19)

### Bug Fixes

* a missed argument in a debug message ([#3009]( ([af8c6e4](
* **adapter.requirejs:** do not configure baseUrl automatically ([63f3f40](, closes [#291]( [#292]( [#291](
* **adapter.requirejs:** show error if no timestamp defined for a file ([59dbdbd](
* Add crossorigin attribute to script HTML tags ([5690ffe](
* add emscripten memory image as binary suffix ([f6b2b56](
* add missing dep flatted ([#3223]( ([655d4d2](
* avoid ES6+ syntax in client scripts ([#3629]( ([6629e96](, closes [#3630](
* **BaseReporter:** log message correctly with just one browser ([#3045]( ([c1eb236](
* better error reporting when loading plugins ([d9078a8](
* better serialization in dump/console.log ([fd46365](, closes [#640](
* **browser:** allow updating total specs count ([#3264]( ([d5df723](
* **browser:** don't add already active socket again on reconnect ([37a7958](
* **browser:** emit 'browsers_change' in collection ([#3183]( ([7634e71](
* **browser:** ensure browser state is EXECUTING when tests start ([#3074]( ([dc7265b](, closes [#1640](
* **browser:** filter browser logging by level  ([35965d9](, closes [#2228](
* **browser:** make sure that empty results array is still recognized ([#3486]( ([fa95fa3](
* **browser:** nicer "disconnect" - no more "Disconnectedundefined" ([a987d63](
* **browser:** reply "start" event ([4fde43d](
* **browser:** report errors to console during singleRun=false ([#3209]( ([30ff73b](, closes [#3131](
* browsers_change event always has collection as arg ([42bf787](
* **build:** pin npm version in appveyor to v3, compat with node 4 ([#2983]( ([bc1453e](
* **build:** switch from yarn to package-lock.json ([#3351]( ([6c5add2](
* bump production dependencies within SemVer ranges ([#3682]( ([36467a8](, closes [#3680](
* bump vulnerable ua-parser-js version ([6f2b2ec](, closes [#3713](
* call .resume to prevent browser output streams filling up ([107cd02](
* capturing console.log on IE ([fa4b686](, closes [#329](
* catch exceptions from SourceMapConsumer ([5d42e64](
* Change timing on test ([0cb6204](
* **changelog:** remove release which does not exist ([#3214]( ([4e87902](
* **ci:** abandon browserstack tests for Safari and IE ([#3615]( ([04a811d](
* **ci:** echo travis env that gates release after_success ([#3446]( ([b8b2ed8](
* **ci:** poll every 10s to avoid rate limit. ([#3388]( ([91e7e00](
* **ci:** Repaired AppVeyor for Node.js@0.12 ([cbfd98c](
* **ci:** stop the proxy before killing the child, handle errors ([#3472]( ([abe9af6](, closes [#3464](
* **cli:** Always pass an instance of fs to processArgs. ([06532b7](, closes [#677](
* **client.html:** always open debug.html in a new browser process ([d176bcf](
* **client:** add ES5 shim ([14c30b7](, closes [#1529](
* **client:** add proxy support to stringify ([be10116](
* **client:** avoid race between execute and clearContext ([#3452]( ([8bc5b46](, closes [#3424](
* **client:** check in bundled client code into version control ([#3524]( ([6cd5a3b](, closes [/](
* **client:** clearContext after complete sent ([#3657]( ([c0962e3](
* **client:** do not reset karmaNavigating in unload handler ([#3591]( ([4a8178f](, closes [#3482](
* **client:** does not throws an error for non DOM object that has `tagName` property ([ba55afb](, closes [#2139](
* **client:** don't crash if receive array-like results ([e095411](, closes [#2061](
* **client:** dynamic protocol for ([c986eef](, closes [#1400](
* **client:** Enable loading different file types when running in parent mode without iframe ([#3289]( ([7968db6](
* **client:** error out when opening a new tab fails ([099b85e](
* **client:** fix a false positive page reload error in Safari ([#3643]( ([2a57b23](
* **client:** fix issue with loaded on safari 10 ([#3252]( ([571191c](, closes [#3198](
* **client:** Fix stringify serializing objects ([0d0972a](
* **client:** flush resultsBuffer on engine upgrade ([#3212]( ([e44ca94](, closes [#3211](
* **client:** Only create the funky object if message is not a string ([#3298]( ([ce6825f](, closes [#3296](
* **client:** prevent from hanging due to mocked clocks ([#3695]( ([105da90](
* **client:** redirect to redirect_url after all messages are sent ([4d05602](
* **client:** Revert back to old reloading detection ([f1c22d6](, closes [#1656](
* **client:** serialise DOM objects ([1f73be4](, closes [#1106](
* **client:** show error if an adapter is removed ([a8b250c](
* **client:** Update location detection for ([7a23fa5](
* **client:** Use supported shim path. ([184f12e](
* **client:** Wait for childwindow to load ([c1bb15a](
* **client:** Wait for iframe to be loaded ([1631474](, closes [#1652](
* **cli:** override if an arg is defined multiple times ([31eb2c2](, closes [#1192](
* **cli:** print UserAgent string verbatim if from an unknown browser ([9d97226](
* **cli:** restore command line help contents ([#3502]( ([e99da31](, closes [#3474](
* **cli:** restore shell completion in the npm package ([f56b5a5](, closes [#2351](
* **cli:** temporarily disable strict parameters validation ([#3641]( ([9c755e0](, closes [#3625](
* **cli:** Use `bin` field in package.json ([6823926](, closes [#1351](
* **commitlint:** skip task on master ([#3650]( ([3fc6fda](
* **common:** fix AppVeyor build ([6c5e7d0](
* **common:** more detailed info about error ([424aacc](
* **common:** Proxy function toString does not contain Proxy. ([4fb3484](
* **common:** stringify error on 'Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string' ([#2990]( ([65b658a](, closes [#2856](
* **completion:** add missin --log-level for karma init ([1e79eb5](
* **config:** [#1113]( Watching is not working properly on linux ([c91ffbc](
* **config:** add crossOriginAttribute config option ([1e465b1](
* **config:** add test:unit npm script ([#3242]( ([02f071d](
* **config:** allow CoffeeScript 1.7 to be used ([a1583de](
* **config:** allow parsing the config multiple times ([78a7094](
* **config:** apply CLI logger options as soon as we can ([16179b0](
* **config:** better errors if file invalid or does not exist ([74b533b](
* **config:** Call debug log methods after setting the loglevel based upon config/cli-options. ([99fd3f0](
* **config:** Call debug log methods after setting the loglevel based upon config/cli-options. ([a340dae](
* **config:** check extension before ts-node register ([#3651]( ([474f4e1](, closes [#3329](
* **config:** Check if configFilePath is a string. ([98724b6](, closes [#447](
* **config:** corrects spelling in example config template ([9fafc60](
* **config:** Default remaining client options if any are set ([632dd5e](, closes [#961](
* **config:** do not change urlRoot even if proxied ([8c138b5](
* **config:** ensure basePath is always resolved ([2e5c5aa](
* **config:** Error when browers option isn't array ([b695460](
* **config:** fail if client.args is set to a non array ([fe4eaec](
* **config:** fix the warning when using old syntax ([5e55d79](
* **config:** frameworks spelling ([9259740](
* **config:** ignore empty string patterns ([66c86a6](
* **config:** Log the final config just before use. ([#3041]( ([05dd09a](
* **config:** make the config changes backwards compatible ([593ad85](
* **config:** move puppeteer from dependency to dev-dependency ([#3193]( ([f0d52ad](, closes [#3191](
* **config:** not append empty module if no custom launcher/rep/prep ([ee15a4e](
* **config:** remove phantomjs in favor of chrome headless ([#3175]( ([0f8b2b1](
* **config:** Retry install with appveyor-retry.   ([17d5791](
* **config:** Separate ENOENT error handler from others ([e49dabe](
* **config:** Simpilfy error proceesing. ([#3345]( ([582a406](, closes [#3339](
* **config:** use polling by default ([53978c4](
* **config:** wait 20s for browser activity. ([#3087]( ([88b977f](
* **config:** Wait 30s for browser activity per Travis. ([#3091]( ([f6d2f0e](
* **config:** Workaround npm 5.4 windows bug ([ec47d81](
* **context:** do not error when karma is navigating ([#3565]( ([05dc288](, closes [#3560](
* **context:** Updated postMessage listener to stop validating non-Karma messages ([306e565](
* **coverage:** always send a result object ([62c3c67](, closes [#365](
* **cve:** update ua-parser-js to 0.7.23 to fix CVE-2020-7793 ([#3584]( ([f819fa8](
* **cve:** update yargs to 16.1.1 to fix cve-2020-7774 in y18n ([#3578]( ([3fed0bc](, closes [#3577](
* **debug-runner:** support asynchronous tests in the debug runner ([a36f3eb](, closes [#2811](
* **debug.html:** Added whitespace after 'SKIPPED' ([218ee85](
* **dep:** Bump useragent to fix HeadlessChrome version ([#3201]( ([240209f](, closes [#2762](
* **dependencies:** update and unlock dependency ([#3513]( ([b60391f](
* **dependencies:** update dependencies ([#3543]( ([5db46b7](
* **dependencies:** update production dependencies ([#3512]( ([0cd696f](
* **dependencies:** update to latest log4js major ([#3514]( ([47f1cb2](
* **dependencies:** update to safe version of http-proxy ([#3519]( ([00347bb](, closes [#3510](
* **deps:** back to karma-browserstack-launcher 1.4 ([#3361]( ([1cd87ad](
* **deps:** bump log4js to resolve security issue ([5bf2df3](, closes [#3751](
* **deps:** bump socket-io to v3 ([#3586]( ([1b9e1de](, closes [#3569](
* **deps:** freeze version ([73e300d](
* **deps:** freeze useragent version ([a8c8530](
* **deps:** lodash update. ([#3341]( ([5614c04](
* **deps:** pin colors package to 1.4.0 due to security vulnerability ([a5219c5](
* **deps:** remove babel-core and babel call in wallaby. ([#3044]( ([7da8ca0](
* **deps:** update colors to maintained version ([#3763]( ([fca1884](
* **deps:** Update dependencies ([b9a4ce9](, closes [#1410](
* **deps:** Update log4js in package.json ([#2996]( ([667b47e](
* **deps:** update to version 2.0.3. ([3b7b019](, closes [#2821]( [#2777](
* **deps:** Upgrade connect 3. ([b490985](, closes [#1410](
* **deps:** upgrade sinon-chai 2.x -> 3.x ([#3207]( ([dc5f5de](
* **deps:** upgrade to v4.4.1 ([52a30bb](
* detect a full page reload, show error and recover ([15d80f4](, closes [#27](
* detect type for URLs with query parameter or fragment identifier ([#3509]( ([f399063](, closes [#3497](
* do not execute already executing browsers ([00136cf](
* **doc:** Document release steps for admins ([#3063]( ([a701732](
* **docs:** fix stopper.stop wrong variable name. closes [#2244]( ([0745a00](
* **docs:** Remove mention of pre 1.0.0 version ([#3010]( ([6847ca0](
* **docs:** Update ([#3539]( ([e7cf7b1](
* don't crash/terminate upon errors within chokidar ([2c38931](, closes [#959](
* don't mark a browser captured if already being killed/timeouted ([2123097](, closes [#88](
* ensure that Karma supports running tests on IE 11 ([#3642]( ([dbd1943](
* eslint rules ([afb466d](
* **eslint:** Fix formatting for the new ESLint 1.8.0 ([dc1bbab](
* **events:** bind emitters with ([#3059]( ([b99f03f](, closes [#3057](
* **events:** resolve async events without any listener ([4e4bba8](
* **executor:** ensure run_complete is emitted last ([9c894f9](, closes [#2210](
* few typos ([c6a4271](
* **file_list:** follow symlinks ([ee26748](
* **file_list:** Incorrect response after remove and add file ([0dbc020](
* **file-list:** always use file from first matcher ([74bfdf3](
* **file-list:** do not define fs.statAsync ([#3467]( ([55a59e7](
* **file-list:** do not preprocess up-to-date files ([#3196]( ([5334d1a](, closes [#2829](
* **file-list:** Ensure autowatchDelay is working. ([655599a](, closes [#1520](
* **file-list:** Ensure files are sorted and unique ([9dc5f8b](, closes [#1498]( [#1499](
* **file-list:** ensure patterns are comparable ([4d1bf3e](, closes [#2194](
* **file-list:** Normalize glob patterns ([fb841a7](, closes [#1494](
* **file-list:** refresh resolves before 'file_list_modified' event ([65f1eca](, closes [#1550](
* **file-list:** revert "do not preprocess up-to-date files" ([#3226]( ([#3230]( ([bb022a7](
* **file-list:** Stop polluting global environment with core-js ([0988022](
* **file-list:** Use correct find function ([4cfaae9](
* **file-list:** use lodash find() ([3bd15a7](, closes [#1533](
* **file-list:** Use modified throttle instead of debounce ([cb2aafb](, closes [#1545](
* **filelist:** correct logger name. ([#3262]( ([375bb5e](
* **files:** Ignore included:false pattern ([db42a7f](, closes [#1530](
* filter browser logging by level of LOG ([89a7a1c](, closes [#2228](
* fix running tests in IE9 ([#3668]( ([0055bc5](, closes [/]( [#3665](
* **flaky-test:** Add time to beforeEach() to allow plugins to load on first pass. ([#3025]( ([31d9a08](
* global error handler should propagate errors ([dec0c19](, closes [#368](
* **helper:** Ensure browser detection is handled in the unkown case ([9328f67](
* **helper:** make mkdirIfNotExists helper resilient to concurrent calls ([d9dade2](, closes [/](
* **helper:** Patched replaceWinPath from choking on `null` values ([caa4d21](
* if preprocessor is async function and doesn't return a content then await donePromise ([#3387]( ([f91be24](
* ignore jsVersion configuration property in Firefox 59+  ([2694d54](, closes [#2957](
* improve error msg when bin is a directory ([#3231]( ([584dddc](
* **init:** add "ChromeHeadless" to the browsers' options ([#3096]( ([56fda53](
* **init:** add missing browsers (Opera, IE) ([f39e564](
* **init:** clean the terminal if killed ([e2aa749](
* **init:** fix for failing "testacular init" on Windows ([0b5b385](
* **init:** fix logger configuration ([557922d](
* **init:** fix test-main.(js/coffee) generation ([d8521ef](, closes [#1120]( [#896](
* **init:** fix the logger configuration ([481dc3f](, closes [#340](
* **init:** Fix type in init text ([e34465b](, closes [#954](
* **init:** generate config with the new syntax ([6b27fee](
* **init:** generate correct indentation ([5fc1795](
* **init:** generate plugins and frameworks config ([17798d5](
* **init:** install plugin as dev dependency ([46b7a40](
* **init:** Make the requirejs config template normalize paths ([54dcce3](, closes [/](
* **init:** set default filename ([34d49b1](, closes [#680]( [#681](
* **init:** Support ChromeHeadless in `validateBrowser` ([#3110]( ([eeadcf2](
* **init:** to not give false warning about missing requirejs ([562607a](
* **init:** trim the inputs ([b72355c](, closes [#663](
* install semantic-release as a regular dev dependency ([#3455]( ([1eaf35e](
* invalid characters in the headers on Node 5.6.0 ([152337d](
* **karma:** Escape quotes for file names. This fixes issue [#1876]( ([9dff3f3](
* keep all sockets in the case an old socket will survive ([a5945eb](
* launcher kill method which was throwing an error if no callback was specified ([5439f1c](
* **launcher:** Allow dynamic browser launches ([2b7d703](
* **launcher:** better errors when loading launchers ([504e848](
* **launcher:** cancel kill timeout when process exits cleanly ([bd66274](, closes [#946](
* **launcher:** compatibility with Node v0.8 ([6a46be9](
* **launcher:** compatibility with old launchers ([df557ce](
* **launcher:** compatibility with old launchers ([ffb7480](
* **launcher:** Continue with exit when SIGKILL fails ([1eaccb4](
* **launcher:** Debug Child Processes exit signal ([#3259]( ([c277a6b](
* **launcher:** exclude concurrent browser on launcher restart ([96f8f14](, closes [#2280](
* **launcher:** handle ENOENT error, do not retry ([7d790b2](, closes [#452](
* **launcher:** ignore exit code when killing/timeouting ([1029bf2](, closes [#444](
* **launcher:** Log state transitions in debug ([#3294]( ([6556ab4](, closes [#3290](
* **launcher:** Only markCaptured browsers that are launched. ([#3047]( ([f8f3ebc](
* **launcher:** send sigkill on timeout when force killing ([c615c1f](
* **launchers:** Listen to the correct error event. ([45a6922](
* **lint:** exempt built files ([#3024]( ([bc9acd3](
* **logger:** configure the logger as soon as possible ([0607d67](
* **logger:** create parent folders if they are missing ([0d24bd9](, closes [#3734](
* **logging:** Summarize SKIPPED tests in debug.html. ([a01100f](, closes [#1111](
* **logging:** Upgrade to log4js 2.x API. ([#2868]( ([f6f8707](, closes [#2858](
* **logging:** Util inspect for logging the config. ([#3332]( ([70b72a9](
* make window.parent.karma available in debugged context ([3e7eaeb](
* Merge config child nodes on config.set() ([65b688a](, closes [karma-runner/grunt-karma#165]( [karma-runner/grunt-karma#166](
* **middleware/runner:** handle file list rejections ([#3400]( ([80febfb](, closes [#3396]( [#3396](
* **middleware:** Actually serve the favicon. ([f12db63](
* **middleware:** add file type to absolute urls ([bd1f799](
* **middleware:** avoid using deprecated Buffer API ([018e6be](, closes [/](
* **middleware:** catch errors when loading a module ([#3605]( ([fec972f](, closes [#3572](
* **middleware:** change to use vanilla for loop ([ac62cc0](, closes [#2671](
* **middleware:** Correct spelling of middleware logger name ([9e9e7e6](
* **middleware:** does not work with mootools ([#2591]( ([2685e13](
* **middleware:** ensure Range headers adhere more closely to RFC 2616 ([8b1b4b1](, closes [#2310](
* **middleware:** fix WARN log when passing undefined error handler to promise.then ([20b87de](, closes [#2227](
* **middleware:** Inject `config.urlRoot`. ([569ca0e](, closes [#1516](
* **middleware:** log invalid filetype ([#3292]( ([7eb48c5](, closes [#3291](
* **middleware:** Obey the Promise API. ([93ba05a](
* **middleware:** replace %X_UA_COMPATIBLE% marker anywhere in the file ([f1aeaec](, closes [#3711](
* **middleware:** simplify stripHost. ([#3115]( ([d65e911](
* **middleware:** update `Buffer` usage ([3d94b8c](
* **package.json:** sinon-chai 2.13 is not compatible with sinon 4.x ([#2977]( ([e095b05](
* **package:** bump lodash version ([#3203]( ([d38f344](, closes [#3177](
* pass integrity value ([63d86be](
* patch karma to allow loading virtual packages ([#3663]( ([5bfcf5f](
* **plugins:** refactor instantiatePlugin from preproprocessor ([#3628]( ([e02858a](
* prefer IPv4 addresses when resolving domains ([e17698f](, closes [#3730](
* **preprocessor:** better errors when loading preprocessors ([3390a00](
* **preprocessor:** calculate sha1 on content returned from a preprocessor ([6cf7955](, closes [#1204](
* **preprocessor:** consider SVG files as text files, not binary files ([ff28803](, closes [#1026](
* **preprocessor:** Directory names with dots ([4b5e094](
* **preprocessor:** do not show duplicate warnings ([47c641f](
* **preprocessor:** Improve handling of failed preprocessors ([e726d1c](, closes [#1521](
* **preprocessor:** Lookup patterns once invoked ([00a2781](, closes [#1340](
* **preprocessor:** remove ts from binary extensions ([8269852](
* **preprocessor:** renamed handeFile to readFileCallback ([92a8c81](
* **preprocessor:** resolve relative patterns to basePath ([c608a9e](, closes [#382](
* **preprocessor:** retry if fs.readFile fails ([4b60513](
* **preprocessor:** serve NaCl binaries ([1cc6a1e](
* **preprocessor:** Throw error if can't open file ([bb4edde](
* **preprocessor:** throw if retry fails ([2789bf5](
* **preprocessor:** treat *.gz files as binary ([1b56932](
* **preprocessor:** treat *.swf files as binary ([62d7d38](
* **preprocessor:** treat *.tgz, *.tbz2, *.txz & *.xz as binary ([7b64244](
* **preprocessor:** use graceful-fs to prevent EACCESS errors ([279bcab](, closes [#566](
* **preprocess:** set correct extension for the preprocessed path ([c9a64d2](, closes [#843](
* **proxy:** fix crashing proxy when browser hangs connection ([1c78a01](
* **proxy:** handle proxied websocket transport upgrade ([fcc2a98](
* **proxy:** More useful proxyError log message ([96640a7](
* **proxy:** Pass protocol in target object to enable https requests ([142db90](
* **proxy:** Port mixup and infinite loop ([05616a2](, closes [#1987](
* **proxy:** proxy to correct port ([a483636](
* remove broken link from docs - ([#3555]( ([da2f307](
* remove circular reference in Browser ([518cb11](, closes [#3075](
* remove depreciation warning from log4js ([41bed33](
* Remove inadvertently added dependency to mock-fs ([ad5f6b5](
* remove string template from client code ([91d5acd](
* remove support of jsVersion configuration property ([#3002]( ([2bb4e36](, closes [#2911](
* remove unused JSON utilities and flatted dependency ([#3550]( ([beed255](
* remove vulnerable dependency combine-lists ([#3273]( ([c43f584](, closes [#3265](
* remove vulnerable dependency expand-braces ([#3270]( ([4ec4f6f](, closes [#3268]( [#3269](
* report launcher process error when exit event is not emitted ([#3647]( ([7ab86be](
* **reporter.junit:** Add browser log output to JUnit.xml ([f108799](, closes [#302](
* **reporter:** better errors when loading reporters ([c645c06](
* **reporter:** Better handling of non string error ([82f1c12](, closes [#1969]( [#1988](
* **reporter:** Disable source maps for URLs without line number ([2080221](, closes [#1274](
* **reporter:** do not allow URL domains to span new lines ([2c13404](
* **reporter:** Enable sourcemaps for errors that without column # ([086a542](
* **reporter:** Ensure errors use the source map. ([0407a22](, closes [#1495](
* **reporter:** Fix issue causing error stack not to be parsed correctly ([ac4e1a9](, closes [#2930](
* **reporter:** format stack with 1-based column ([#3325]( ([182c04d](, closes [#3324](
* **reporter:** inject correct config option ([80bd726](
* **reporter:** keep users exact formatError result ([17c2c43](
* **reporter:** preserve base/absolute word in error ([b3798df](
* **reporter:** prevent throwing exception when null is sent to formatter ([3b49c38](
* **reporter:** print browser stats immediately after it finishes ([65202d8](
* **reporter:** remove console.log ([b4e3694](
* **reporter:** remove newline from base reporter browser dump ([dfae18b](, closes [#297](
* **reporter:** remove SHAs from stack traces ([d7c31f9](
* **reporters:**  cannot read property map of undefined  ([305df2c](, closes [#1662](
* **reporters:** Fix results not being reported ([6303566](
* **reporters:** format fix for console log ([d2d1377](, closes [#934](
* **reporter:** show file path correctly when urlRoot specified ([34dc7d3](, closes [#2897](
* **reporter:** sourcemap not working in windows ([a9516af](, closes [#1200](
* **reporters:** Revert the backwards-incompatible log priority order changes ([316b944](, closes [#2582](
* **reporters:** Throwing error without loosing stack trace ([8a515ae](
* **reporter:** strip only hostname/port ([fbbeccf](, closes [#2209](
* **reporter:** warning if stack trace contains generated code invocation ([4f23b14](
* restarted browsers not running tests ([#3233]( ([cc2eff2](
* restartOnFileChange option not restarting the test run ([92ffe60](, closes [#27]( [#3724](
* restore `customFileHandlers` provider ([#3624]( ([25d9abb](
* restore backward compatibility for karma@0.13 ([648b357](
* reuse browser instance when restarting disconnected browser ([1f1a8eb](
* revert source-map update ([#3559]( ([d9ba284](, closes [#3557](
* **runner:** do not confuse client args with the config file ([6f158ab](
* **runner:** Do not persist grep option across runs ([#3121]( ([c91cb81](
* **runner:** Fix typo in CSS class name for .idle ([fc5a7ce](
* **runner:** Karma hangs when file paths have \u in them [#924]( ([1199fc4](
* **runner:** Make exit code configurable when tests are failing ([#3116]( ([74da748](, closes [#1300](
* **runner:** Make process kill timeout configurable ([ffaa054](, closes [#2447](
* **runner:** Make process kill timeout configurable - Fix Build ([a128e5c](, closes [#2447](
* **runner:** Merge config.client.args with client.args provided by run ([91de383](, closes [#1746](
* **runner:** remove explicit error on all tests failed ([#3369]( ([f8005c6](, closes [#3367](…
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