This repo is a fork of, which is a monorepo that contains a variety of Ghost themes. The themes that we use are Headline (for company blog and resources) and Ease (for company help center).
This fork is preserved so that it is easy to update changes from the original monorepo when themes update. The original readme is copied below which contains the way to test this theme out locally.
To run a theme locally, you need to symlink a theme to your local Ghost site. On my local machine, I've started a ghost deployment in the test-ghost
directory, so I use the symlink command to copy this theme into there:
Sometimes for reasons unclear to me, the themes built by gulp in this repo don't match what they should be when built for the marketplace. So the easier way to update themes is sometimes to download the version available from your local ghost deployment (from ghost -> settings -> design) and then edit that open and just copy it into this repo. Make sure to check for dropdown menus and title link colors.
# run a theme locally
yarn install
yarn symlink --theme headline --site ~/sites/test-ghost
// or
yarn symlink --theme ease --site ~/sites/test-ghost
To create a local ghost instance for testing, follow the instructions here: On my machine, I created a new directory called test-ghost
, and this is where I created the local ghost instance that I use for testing theme development.
To create an installable theme zip file in packages/headline/dist/:
yarn zip --theme headline
To manage the blog Ghost deployment, you must access the machine where it is hosted on google cloud. You can read the full instructions here:
Key parts copied below:
First ssh into the machine:
gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-central1-a" "company-blog-ssl" --tunnel-through-iap --project "kapwing-181323"
Then switch user to the ghost user:
sudo su - ghostuser
with password ghostuser
Now run ghost ls
to see the running ghost instances.
Follow the guide here to update ghost:
Sometimes the logs files get out of hand and eat up all the space on the device.
You have to remove them from the directory:
cd /var/www/ghost/content/logs
sudo rm https___www_kapwing_com_blog_production.error.log https___www_kapwing_com_blog_production.log
sudo touch https___www_kapwing_com_blog_production.error.log https___www_kapwing_com_blog_production.log
You may want to update ghost periodically to make sure it works with newer themes.
You can follow the instructions here: The basic commands are:
sudo npm install -g ghost-cli@latest
ghost update
Sometimes this doesn't work if the machine has not enough free space. I usually run this command to try to figure out what might the largest directories are:
ghostuser@company-blog-ssl:/var/www/ghost$ du -ah . | sort -rh | head -20
If the machine itself is out of space, you can increase the disk size from Google Cloud. Go to the disks page on Google Cloud and find the relevant machine.
You can click edit to increase the disk size to a larger size.
Once the disk itself has been increased, you have to repartition your VM to recognize the larger disk. I followed this stackoverflow question to solve this problem.
- Increase disk size from console first
- SSH inside VM :
sudo growpart /dev/sda 1
- Resize your file system :
sudo resize2fs /dev/sda1
- Verify :
df -h
To configure ghost mysql (oftentimes because a migration fails), you may need to login directly to the database and run some commands.
The mysql database for the blog and help sites is hosted on Google Cloud. You can find them in Google Cloud Console in the sql instances page.
To manage the database connection user and password, you can check the Ghost config file, located at /var/www/ghost/config.production.json
To update the database, I had to follow the instructions on this page:
To manage the help center Ghost deployment, you must access the machine where it is hosted on google cloud. You can read the full instructions here:
Key parts copied below:
First ssh into the machine:
gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-central1-a" "help-center-image-aug-1" --project "kapwing-181323"
Then switch user to the ghost user:
sudo su - ghostuser
with password ghostuser
Now run ghost ls
to see the running ghost instances.
Follow the guide here to update ghost:
Sometimes the logs files get out of hand and eat up all the space on the device.
You have to remove them from the directory:
cd /var/www/ghost/content/logs
sudo rm https___www_kapwing_com_help_production.error.log https___www_kapwing_com_help_production.log
sudo touch https___www_kapwing_com_help_production.error.log https___www_kapwing_com_help_production.log
A monorepo for Ghost official themes.
You'll need Node, Yarn and Gulp installed globally. After that, from the project's root directory:
# install dependencies
# run development server
yarn dev
Now you can edit files in packages/<theme-name>/assets/css/
or packages/<theme-name>/assets/js/
, which will be compiled to packages/<theme-name>/assets/built/
To run a theme locally, you need to symlink a theme to your local Ghost site.
# run a theme locally
yarn symlink --theme <theme-name> --site /dir/to/your/ghost-site
Restart your Ghost instance and the theme will be listed in the Design
To create an installable theme zip file in packages/<theme-name>/dist/
# create .zip file
yarn zip --theme <theme-name>
Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Ghost Foundation - Released under the MIT license.