Technologies Used:
- Next.js 12
- Tailwind CSS
- Spotify API
- NextAuth
- Recoil
Project Overview:
It is a fully functional and responsive clone of Spotify with features like search, play, pause, and change songs.
It has a complete search functinality with data being fetched from Spotify API.
Added User authentication using NextAuth.js, which provides complete authentication for next.js
Implemented many concepts of react components, hooks, lifecycle methods, props, and added global state management using recoil.
Added a custom player with controls like play, pause, and adjust the volume of songs.
One Limitation of spotify API is that it only works for spotify users having premium memberships.
Project Screenshots:
Imp Links:
Read about dynamic "built-in" routing in next.js
In next.js, any file inside the pages folder is a website page.
In next.js any file inside the api folder is all the back-end code.
Read about "built-in" server in next.js
Image component in next.js
postion: fixed; in css
z-index in css
add icons using heroicons:
add icons using React Icons
Creating your own utility custom class in TailwindCSS
create a folder named "styles" and add a file called "globals.css" to it
import this globals.css file into the _app.js file
create your utility classes in globals.css
Breakpoints in tailwindcss for adding responsiveness:
Always remember, default styling in tailwindcss is always mobile responsive first, and then breakpoints are added to make it responsive for bigger screens. 💥💥💥💥💥
useState() hook in react:
custom google fonts:
Making a grid using tailwindcss
NextAuth authentication:
Getting Started:
NextAuth authentication for spotify api:
We need authentication because we need an access token and also check if the access token has expired
If the access token has expired, then we need to refresh the expired access token with a valid refresh token.
Having a valid access token, authenticates the use login, without a valid access token the user cannot access the website and it will always redirect that un-authenticated user to the login/signin page.
Once the user login/signup using their spotify account, the user is authenitcated and gets a valid access token.
What is .env.local file in react/next.js projects?
useSession() hook in NextAuth:
creating custom login/signin page in NextAuth:
What are callbacks in NextAuth:
JWT Callback:
Session Callback:
Refresh Access Token NextAuth: (💥💥💥💥💥)
useRouter() hook in next.js:
useEffect() hook in react:
Group-hover in tailwind css
If you need to style a child element when hovering over a specific parent element, add the group class to the parent element and add the group-hover: prefix to the utility on the child element.
Recoil --> Global State Management
- https://recoiljs.org/ - Global state management using recoil.js - npm install recoil - https://recoiljs.org/docs/introduction/getting-started/
Recoil Atoms
- https://recoiljs.org/docs/introduction/getting-started#atom - https://recoiljs.org/docs/basic-tutorial/atoms
Headless UI:
SignOut functionality in NextAuth:
adding custom player to the spotify clone