This is a Homebrew Tap for the GlobalPlatform C library and GPShell command line shell.
Please read also the manual of GPShell if you are interested in the command line
or use the installed man page with man gpshell
under Unix like systems.
There are several script examples available. See the .txt files or look into the local file systems
under (/usr/ | /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/) share/doc/gpshell1/
Consult the API documentation if you are planning to use this as a library.
brew install kaoh/globalplatform/globalplatform
Or brew tap kaoh/globalplatform
and then brew install globalplatform
For Linux also look at the instructions at Homebrew on Linux
homebrew on MacOS has problems when installing the project due to problems of the unsatisfied GHC dependency. This seems to be a requirement of the homebrew build system and as long as no upstream support is available use this workaround:
arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/brew install kaoh/globalplatform/globalplatform
The Homebrew version of pcsc-lite
is not a fully functional version. It is missing the USB drivers and is also not started as a system service.
The distribution's version of pcscd
should be installed:
apt-get install pcscd
sudo dnf install ccid pcsc-lite
sudo systemctl enable pcscd
sudo systemctl start pcscd
yum install pcsc-lite pcsc-lite-ccid pcsc-lite-libs
Arch Linux:
pacman -S ccid
systemctl enable pcsclite
systemctl start pcsclite
Consult your distribution for any other steps, e.g. to enable pcsc-lite
as a service if this was forgotten by the package maintainer and is not included here already.
If the version of pcsc-lite
does not match the version of your system you might
establish_context failed with error 0x8010001D (Service not available.)
In this case the Homebrew's version must be unlinked if there is no chance to upgrade your distribution's version. The background of this error is a change in the internal protocol version e.g. between versions 1.9.0 and 1.8.x.
To check the version compare the versions with:
sudo $(brew --prefix pcsc-lite)/sbin/pcscd --version
sudo pcscd --version
Under Linux the Homebrew version of pcsc-lite
must be unlinked:
brew remove --ignore-dependencies pcsc-lite
NOTE: This will remove the version, in case other package are requiring it they will also fallback to the distribution's version. If pcsc-lite
is reinstalled this step must be repeated if there still is an internal protocol version mismatch.
The formulae is referencing a tag version.
Go to the globalplatform sources and tag it:
git tag 2.4.0
git push origin 2.4.0
It might be necessary to delete and recreate this tag during the release of a new beta version in a beta formulae:
git tag -d 2.4.0
git push --delete origin 2.4.0
At first it is necessary to update the used tagged Globalplatform version in the formula file.
It is also occasionally necessary to update the Ruby code in the formulae and to check if in the meanwhile the brew build system added some breaking changes requiring to update the formulae code. Unfortunately this is happening periodically.
# Deletes the tap to have a clean state
brew remove globalplatform
brew untap kaoh/globalplatform
brew tap kaoh/globalplatform
# MacOS:
cd /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/kaoh/homebrew-globalplatform
# Linux:
cd /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Homebrew/Library/Taps/kaoh/homebrew-globalplatform/
# make your necessary fixes
# update the tag to the required version in the url
brew audit --strict --online globalplatform
Since Homebrew might have used a HTTPs URL or a different git user for the checkout it will be required to use the git
protocol instead to commit any changes:
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin
git commit -a -m ...
git push origin master
The blog on describes how to create bottles for own taps.
Because Bintray has shut down its service, now GitHub is used directly.
A Docker instance can be used for running the bottling command.
docker rm brew
docker pull homebrew/ubuntu18.04
docker run -it --name=brew homebrew/ubuntu18.04
mkdir build
cd build
Homebrew can be directly executed in MacOS.
NOTE: For testing the installation later the Homebrew cellar and tap must be removed again to have a clean environment.
The test-bot
is used for creating the bottle inside the started environment.
# Deletes the tap to have a clean state
brew remove globalplatform
brew untap kaoh/globalplatform
brew test-bot --root-url= --tap=kaoh/globalplatform kaoh/globalplatform/globalplatform
Adjust the release tag at the end of the root-url
NOTE: If the GlobalPlatform tag had been deleted and recreated with the same name the cache of Homebrew must be cleared. A clean docker image can be started or the cache can be deleted with:
rm -rf $(brew --cache)/globalplatform--git
brew remove globalplatform
brew untap kaoh/globalplatform
The updated formulaes from Linux and MacOS must be merged together. The git repository in the
Linux Docker container is /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Homebrew/Library/Taps/kaoh/homebrew-globalplatform
Under MacOS the location is /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/kaoh/homebrew-globalplatform
Extract the sha256
attribute from the globalplatform--2.4.0.x86_64_linux.bottle.json
file and insert it into the formula.
bottle do
root_url ""
sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "23f4a097e12cacbf3a1ecc6de002bb8a6b1965ab9c93702ace2af78270f148d5"
sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "1e3523c6a7bbc4fb9bb64dfe76227a290a6871a33be380f129b128e1a7b2a129"
Check the correctness of the edit:
brew style Formula/globalplatform.rb
Formatting problems can be fixed with:
brew style --fix Formula/globalplatform.rb
The created bottle file (.bottle.tar.gz
) must be collected. If not explicitly intended rename the ending bottle.1.tar.gz
to just bottle.tar.gz
In general the naming ist bottle.<revision>.tar.gz
. For revision 0 <revision>.
is empty. If a previous bottle of the same version exist the name will include a new revision.
Push the updated formula and tag the master or working branch:
git commit -a -m ...
git push origin master
git tag 2.4.0
git push origin 2.4.0
Create now a new release in GitHub for the tag.
Copy the build bottle to the current directory:
docker cp brew:/home/linuxbrew/build/. .
In the release section of this repository upload the tar.gz
files. Replace the double --
by just one -
In case the compilation with brew test-bot
gives errors in can be helpful to get an interactive shell where the
created build directory under /tmp
is not deleted. Use the interactive mode in this case, analyze the error and try to fix the sources or build configuration.
brew install --verbose --build-bottle kaoh/globalplatform/globalplatform --interactive