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Kanopi Components Library

PHP library to provide common model and service patterns for building other applications

Documentation Reference


  • Entity - Any structured model, class, interface, etc representing data flowing through the system. The model contains sets of data fields with free-form and indexed content. For instance, a Post Type or Node which represents a Location with a free-form Address and an indexed Region or State.
  • Entity Iterator - PHP Iterator which takes a Class, Interface or Scalar type and validates each member entity is of the requested type
  • Indexed Entity - Any entity which uses a numerical index, for instance, a Post Type in WordPress uses a Post ID, its index.
  • Indexed Group Entity - Perhaps written in a grammatically incorrect way, this is a Group associated with an indexed entity, for instance a City/Region taxonomy associated with a Location
  • Reader - Data repository which only allows reading
  • Repository - Generic name for a place to store data, could be a CSV file, HTTP/S Endpoint, Database, etc.
  • Set - A grouping of similar data, generally expected to be of the same entity in this system, enforced using Entity Iterators
  • Stream - Flow of data between repositories, this system implements streams to read from source repositories and write to target repositories
  • Writer - Data repository which allows reading/writing


All structures are stored under the PSR-4 namespace Kanopi\Components.


Namespace: Kanopi\Components\Commands

Group of commonly used CLI Commands available to register and use on WordPress, and in the future Drupal.

For WordPress, all commands are for WPCLI, and can be registered from this library by calling Kanopi\Components\Commands\Registration::WPCLICommands().


Namespace: Kanopi\Components\Logger

ILogger is the interface to wrap and proxy different logging methods. Use a Multiplex to log to more than one Logger target at once.


Namespace: Kanopi\Components\Model

Data structures used by functional components, like Repositories and Services, provide patterns for Collections/Iterators with validity, Data Transformation, and Exceptions.

Provides a set of Exception classes for standard interactions, please add custom exceptions or use this depending on your use case.


Namespace: Kanopi\Components\Processor

Direct component to model an entire Import, Export, or other process. This exists to coordinate the efforts of multiple Repositories, Services, and Transformers. It will contain the business rules to govern how, when, and why data is transformed and stored in each Service or Repository component.


Namespace: Kanopi\Components\Repositories

Interfaces in front of direct I/O operations in the concrete classes. This namespace is intended to pattern interactions with direct sources like databases, files, etc.

This, along with Dependency Injection, allows mocking other tests, for instance of services, by providing a mock data repository backed by an array/iterator to the other service.

There are concrete implementations of WP_Query and the WP Post Meta for ISetReader. Other interfaces, like ISetStream and IStreamReader are intended to wrap the data interface with external sources like CSV or JSON files.


Namespace: Kanopi\Components\Services

Interfaces to coordinate data processing from external sources into an local system resource.


Namespace: Kanopi\Components\Transformers

Components which consolidate and simplify the transformation of standard/scalar data types into coordinated structures of data for more readable and concise functionality. For instance, string utilities which sanitize or convert delimiters.

Code Quality


This project offers a PHPCS ruleset extended form rules made for Automattic's WordPress hosting services, including WPCS. A Makefile coordinates execution of these tests. Results of each test are piped into files labeled with the version in the format phpcs-{version}.txt.

Run all production level tests (PHP 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2):

make test

Run a specific language versions tests:

make {version}

where {version} is php80, php81, or php82


PHPUnit is implemented to run a suite of test across some current and future components. A Makefile coordinates execution of these tests. Results of each test are piped into files labeled with the version in the format phpunit-{version}.txt.

Run all production level tests (PHP 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2):

make unit

Run a specific language versions tests:

make {version}

where {version} is unitphp80, unitphp81, or unitphp82

Quality Notes

Both tests suites can be run using the shell command make.

Testing without Make

If you are testing without Make available, you can run the tests directly with Composer installed with the target version of PHP.


composer -n phpcs -- --standard="{STANDARDS_FILE}" ./
composer -n phpcbf -- --standard="{STANDARDS_FILE}" ./

This runs using the version of PHP used by the CLI (outside of scope for these instructions)

Substitute the appropriate file name, from the project root directory for {STANDARDS_FILE}, for instance --standard="./.phpcs-8.2.xml.dist" for PHP 8.2.

Composer PHPUnit

composer -n phpunit

This runs using the version of PHP used by the CLI (outside of scope for these instructions).

How To

WordPress: Use the Base Post Type Entity Model

The Kanopi\Components\Model\Data\WordPress\BasePostType abstract class is a consolidated helper class for many common WordPress import situations. It will NOT support every use case, though is useful if your data follows the following requirements:

  • Uses one or more scalar/simple meta fields
  • Uses one or more non-hierarchical taxonomies
  • Uses a cross-system Identifier which can be constructed/retrieved from any source/target repositories to match data for updates

Implementation can follow this pattern, for instance a Location of post type location. The model has the following fields:

Property Type Field Name
Address Meta Field address
City Taxonomy Term city
Cross-system Identifier Meta Field id
Modified Date Meta Field modifiedDate
Post Type Post Type location

The model can be implemented using the following criteria:

  • Add scalar types of type string to your class for address and city
  • Extend the class and implement extraInsertFieldMapping, metaFieldMapping, and taxonomyTermMapping, which map the Meta and Taxonomy field names to the entity attributes. For instance, a Location with Address and City/Region:
    class Location extends BasePostType implements IIndexedEntity {
         * @var string
        public string $address = '';
         * @var string
        public string $city = '';
         * @var string
        public string $id = '';
         * @var string
        public string $modifiedDate = '';
         * {@inheritDoc}
        function entityName(): string {
            return 'location';
         * {@inheritDoc}
        function uniqueIdentifier(): string {
            return $this->id;
         * {@inheritDoc}
        function version(): string {
            return $this->modifiedDate;
         * {@inheritDoc}
         function extraInsertFieldMapping(): array {
            return [];
          * {@inheritDoc}
         function metaFieldMapping(): array {
            return [
                'address' => $this->address,
                'id' => $this->id,
                'modifiedDate' => $this->modifiedDate,
          * {@inheritDoc}
         function taxonomyTermMapping(): array {
            return [
                'city' => $this->city,
  • Now, when using a service, like BasePostTypeWriter, the built-in implementation of systemTransform returns an appropriate format for wp_insert_post