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70 ‐ Differences from egzumer firmware

ErikS-web edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 68 revisions



  • Can also be started from Memory Channel mode.
  • Screen differs in channel mode and in frequency mode
  • Displays recognizes received memory channels op top of screen.
  • Switch active Scanlist with 4 and is presented with letters SL I, SL II, or ALL (left on screen, row 3)


When spectrum analyzer is active, you cannot communicate with Chirp.

Adjustable VOX-delay to use for Digital communication

VOX is split up in 2 menu-items

  1. is renamed VOX menu setting to VOXSen (VOX sensitivity) to better indicate intent 10 value is max sensitivity, 1 is min sensitivity, OFF for off
  2. new VOXDel (VOX delay) menu setting allows to set VOX delay in the range of 0-10 (in increments of 128ms) 0 value is no VOX delay which might be useful for packet radio enthusiasts (APRS etc.)


  • The original VOX-delay was 1280
  • The new (default) value is 4 (x128= 4*128= 512ms)

RxOffs added to use with Upconverter

  1. RxOffs - receiver frequency offset value. Used for external Upconverter.

    • TX is disabled when RX_OFFSET is set to protect the upconverter


F+ MENUactivates Messenger


See Menu-item 48.Passwd.

Squelch Tail tone

  • new SqTone sets the squelch tail tone used for RX/TX when no DCS/CTCSS is used to make radio compatible with more expensive radios
    • default value is 55Hz - compatible with other Quansheng and Baofeng radios
    • the CTCSS scanner can be used to detect the tail tone other radios are using (it might take a while and take multiple transmissions as the tail transmission is very short)
      • once found set the SqTone to found value and enjoy no squelch sound 😄
  • when CTCSS is used 180* phase shift tail is enabled for RX/TX to be compatible with more expensive radios
  • non-standard 55Hz CTCSS code added

Squelch is 20% more sensitive

Note: Squelch also protects the radio form freezing when strong signal is encountered, so if you run into freezes you didn't experience before likely you need to turn up your squelch ⬆️


Power level LOW

Decrease of the LOW value

Freq L M H
145 0,45 3 4,6
430 0,3 3 3,4

Measured on a UVK5(8) with an SX-600

FM broadcast radio receiver - minimum functionality


RX-led turns on/Green in Spectrum only when BlMax > 7 to improve user experience in low light conditions


FM broadcast radio receiver (original version)

With release 18 the FM broadcast radio is inactive due space limitations.

The free space will be used for other features. Perhabs in future the radio will return in stricted functionality.

More info on FM-broadcast-radio-receiver

UNBLOCK ALL (TX on all bands)

  • This (Hidden-menu) option is completely removed, to make radio more safe by default

As an example against using this radio for actual communications, consider the following chart for transmission power for a transmission at 27.254MHz:

Harmonics-in Spectrum

  • 27.254MHz -> 228 microwatts
  • 54 Mhz -> 2.4 milliwatts
  • 81 Mhz -> 230 milliwatts
  • 109 Mhz -> 558 milliwatts
  • 136 Mhz -> 412 milliwatts
  • 163 Mhz -> 122 milliwatts
  • 190 Mhz -> 14.8 milliwatts
  • 218 Mhz -> 2 milliwatts
  • And finally, on 245 Mhz -> 2.6 milliwatts.


DTMF (menu 45- 54)

  1. ANI ID - DTMF communication radio ID
  2. UPCode - DTMF code that is sent at the beginning of transmission
  3. DWCode - DTMF code that is sent at the end of a transmission
  4. PTT ID - sets if UPCode and/or DWCode should be transmitted
  5. D ST - DTMF side tone switch, lets you hear transmitted tones in the radio speaker
  6. D Resp - DTMF decoding response
    • DO NOTHING: do nothing
    • RING - Local ringing
    • REPLY - reply response
    • BOTH - local ringing + reply response
  7. D Hold - DTMF auto reset time
  8. D Prel - DTMF pre-load time
  9. D Decd - enables DTMF decoder
  10. D List - list of DTMF constacts


  • DTMF will not be supported due to limited space.
  • Send DTMF-tones from keyboard are supported.